You can evolve by surviving in the Ark

Chapter 39 Old Friends and Mangroves (2)

"How many times did you chop him just now?"

The girl spoke, her voice soft and cute, but what she said made Lu Qian feel like he had fallen into an ice cave. He subconsciously recalled the scene not long ago when he "peeled off" Qiao Liang's armor with a sword and chopped him to pieces with a face full of jest.

"Because I rushed here in a hurry, I didn't have time to count. Moreover, I couldn't take off his clothes and count them one by one. That would be too embarrassing. I'm not very good at math."

The girl was talking to herself, and in Lu Qian's frightened eyes, the iron ax was lifted up.

"How about... let's count it as a thousand blows?"

"No ah!!!"

Lu Qian wanted to defend himself, but before he could finish his words, he turned into a scream because of the falling of the axe. The severe pain almost made him pass out. A large and deep wound appeared on his chest, almost cutting him open. He didn't know how many ribs were broken inside, and then there was huge bleeding. The amount was sprayed out directly.

Lu Qian couldn't withstand even ten such attacks, let alone a thousand.

"Hey, I can't control my strength in this state..."

Tuotuo obviously realized that she couldn't cut a thousand times like this, so she took out the medicinal wine and poured it on Lu Qian's wound.

An itchy feeling came from the wound, broken bones were connected, and granulations were growing. Lu Qian was horrified to find that after being washed away by the bright red blood-like liquid poured from the bottle in the girl's hand, the heavy injury on his chest became like this Healed!

He stretched out his hand and touched it. The traces of the injury were still there, very obvious, because the new skin was still extremely pink and tender, and the heartbreaking pain that just came from the wound seemed to be... hallucination.

"The living dead, flesh and bones..."

Lu Qian murmured. He remembered that when he first met Tuotuo, she was obviously seriously injured and dying. Now, she was able to kill several people in a row. It was obvious that her injuries had healed... Yes, this must be the case. He felt that he had understood it. .

"What is your relationship with that immortal man in the north?" Lu Qian looked at Tuotuo with burning eyes and said through gritted teeth, "We have clearly settled our grudges and have agreed not to invade each other..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Tuotuo had raised the ax again.

"What about the undead?" In Lu Qian's extremely frightened eyes, the girl looked at him expressionlessly and said, "What about non-aggression? Didn't you instigate all of this in the first place?"

Lu Qian saw that the sharp ax was about to fall. Recalling the pain just now, his eyes were splitting. He reached out and grabbed Tuotuo's wrist, trying to stop the blow.

Then, his right hand flew out.

"Don't move. I told you that I can't control my strength in this state."

The girl's sweet voice came, with a hint of blame in her tone.

Lu Qian stared blankly at his right hand being chopped off, feeling as if he had fallen into a deep nightmare. His martial arts skills were useless, and the swordsmanship he was most proud of could no longer be used. When he turned to look at Tuotuo, in addition to fear, there was pure despair in his eyes. This woman's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, as cold as ice. What happened to her? How could she chop off one of his hands with such a blank expression! ! !

"Don't cry."

Lu Qian didn't notice it at first, but he realized it when he heard the Tuo Tuo sound. His face was covered with water at the moment, but the water droplets rolled into his mouth and touched his tongue, which tasted salty and tasted like tears.

After realizing this, the tears burst out and Lu Qian burst into tears in an instant.

"You act like I'm bullying you. Can you restore that unruly look to me at the beginning, and then that kind of perverted smile on your face?"

Seeing Lu Qian's appearance, Tuotuo felt as if he had become a very bad person and had done something very, very excessive. However, he also broke one of Qiao Liang's hands. Now, she just wanted him to experience Qiao Liang's pain at that time.

"Obviously you are the bad guy!" Tuotuo said, raising the ax again. She was already a little reluctant to do anything, but decided to suppress her softness. This person must not be let go!

The heavy rain became heavier and heavier, and the dark sky seemed to collapse, with countless holes torn apart by the wandering thunder. The sound of continuous rain stacked together to form a roar, and the rain poured down to the earth like a waterfall.

Long-lasting memories were opened, and Lu Qian remembered that night that was also a thunderstorm, when he was tied to a pillar in the bandit's den. He could only cry helplessly and desperately in front of the other party. What were you thinking at that time? Those bandits said they wanted to sell him, yes, but what he thought at that time was that his life was over.

Even now, Lu Qian felt his empty right hand and thought, his life is over.

After thinking about it and seeing that the ax was about to fall, Lu Qian finally collapsed completely.

"Senior sister! Senior sister!! Senior sister, please save me!!!"

He yelled in a broken voice, as loud as he could, calling for the person who saved him many years ago, the person he would always think of every time he encountered danger.

The shrill voice echoed in the dark woods and spread far and wide.

"You, don't shout! You are not allowed to shout!"

Tuotuo was stunned for a moment and became a little panicked. But even if she put an ax on Lu Qian's neck and threatened him, it would be of no avail.


A familiar voice came from behind, making Tuotuo's whole body stiffen. But she didn't look back. This time she didn't hesitate anymore. She raised her ax and was about to strike at Lu Qian. This blow was completely different from before. It wanted to kill him.

But the hand stretched out from behind caught the ax handle in time and stopped the ax from falling. Tuotuo had no choice but to turn around and look directly at Li Hongying who stopped her.

"You, you can't..." Tuotuo's eyes turned red, "You can't let him go! You can't let him go!"

She repeated it twice, amplifying her tone, but Li Hongying just remained silent and did not let go. There was no wrestling between the two, they just stared at each other, deadlocked, both expressing their determination with their actions.

No matter in the past or now, Tuotuo has never faced anyone so directly. When faced with interpersonal conflicts, she always subconsciously chooses to give in.

But this time is different!

Tuotuo has decided that this person must not be let go! He is Sister Hongying's junior brother. If Sister Hongying must protect him, even if she is Sister Hongying, then, Tuotuo me...

"Ouch, what are you doing? Ouch...let me go!"

Tuotuo felt another person standing beside her, putting one hand on her shoulder and the other around her legs, and hugged her sideways.

She let go of the iron ax and waved her limbs wildly in Qiao Liang's arms, looking very hard. But even if Qiao Liang has recovered from serious injuries through the recovery of medicinal wine, based on her current state, it is clear that she can knock Qiao Liang over with one punch, so how could she be unable to escape.

"I'll leave him to you." Qiao Liang took Tuotuo away and turned back to Li Hongying and said, "By the way, I want to ask about the immortal."

"Yeah." Li Hongying responded. She lowered her eyes, and in the darkness, no one could see her expression clearly.

"Senior sister...Senior sister, I was wrong."

Seeing Li Hongying, Lu Qian's mood obviously stabilized.

"Sister, I know I was wrong. I don't dare to do it anymore. I will go back with you..."

Lu Qian said, with tears in his eyes, as he recounted his confession. But as time went by, he had already told half of his long speech, and saw that Li Hongying still did not raise her eyes, and she had no intention of putting away the sharp ax in her hand.

He stopped because he knew there was no need to say anything more.

The silence lasted for a while, and Lu Qian saw Li Hongying reach out to wipe her face, and heard the faint sound of sniffing. After that, she looked up at him, her eyes as moist as autumn water.

"Junior brother..." Li Hongying spoke, her voice a little hoarse, but she didn't seem to know what to say, so she fell silent again. After a few seconds, she continued, "Tell me about the immortal."

Lu Qian shook his head sadly, but still spoke.

"That was, I forgot how long ago it was, we met two survivors near the mangrove forest."

"As usual, we wanted to take both of them back to the tribe, but one of them resisted without fear of death. We killed him and took away his companions."

"But then... he came back."

Having said this, Lu Qian was silent for a while before continuing to speak.

"We killed him many times, and every time we killed him, we would hang the body high, all over the wall...and then the next time, he would come back. I still can't understand this, He was obviously killed and his body was there, but it would pop up from somewhere else soon."

"And they don't just look the same, but they retain memories including death. It's just like... every time they die, they will be resurrected somewhere."

"In the end, we let his friend go and agreed on non-aggression."


After Lu Qian finished speaking, there was only silence between the two of them. The sound of wind, rain and thunder filled this dark world.

"Senior's better to go back early to avoid catching the cold." Lu Qian broke the silence. He looked at Li Hongying and tried hard to smile.

Li Hongying also looked at Lu Qian, her eyes full of sadness. The memories of the two having known each other for more than ten years and playing together from childhood to adulthood are like silent movies playing in their minds, bit by bit, leaving traces of time.

"Okay...I'll send you on your way."

Li Hongying raised the ax and asked the final question. .

"Junior brother, do you have any last words?"

It's the end, Lu Qian thought.

"Sister, I..."

He wanted to say those few words, but in the end, he recalled what happened today, looked at the spear that nailed him, his chopped off right hand, and his twisted broken leg, and shook his head.

"No more, senior sister, let's do it."


In the dark night, the heavy rain gradually stopped and the dark clouds dispersed, but the sunshine that it blocked when it came also passed away.

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