You can evolve by surviving in the Ark

Chapter 2 Lost in the Sea of ​​Blood (2)

The fire is burning, and the white smoke is lingering.

Qiao Liang repeatedly sank his consciousness into the implant and carefully compared the object in his hand with the blueprint.

This is the sword he promised to forge for Li Hongying. Now, it only needs the final sharpening.

It is said to be a sword, but this straight-edged weapon only has one edge. Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as a knife. However, looking at the ancient and modern world, only certain cultural circles will count it as a sword.

The blueprint says it's a sword, so just take it as a sword.

There is no so-called folding, forging, or tempering into steel. This is just a sword-shaped iron block. This kind of craftsmanship is not to mention modern. Even in ancient times, any swordsmith would shake his head and ask him, "Master, what do you do?"

But even so, Qiao Liang still forged for two and a half days.

There is no one-click generation, and there is no space backpack. This blueprint is not just a drawing, but knowledge, including detailed production methods of all processes, techniques and measurements.

These blueprints hidden in the implants and unlocked as the level increases, run through the history of mankind, from the slash-and-burn farming of the primitive wilderness, to the future technology that transcends the 21st century.

As for leveling up. No matter you are eating, sleeping, running, hunting or crafting, you can gain varying experience at all times. Summed up in four words: keep breathing.

In the game, you can infinitely resurrect and inherit levels. But here, Qiao Liang has never seen the dead come back.

There is no so-called bonus point for level improvement. However, Qiao Liang could feel that his strength was increasing significantly every day from spending all day at the blacksmith forging items.

If he had been placed before time travel, with his social physique sitting in the office every day, he would have been unable to catch the spear of a big-muscled tyrant like Di Lunbu.

Survive and evolve in the Ark. If you survive in the Ark, you can evolve.

The dull iron sword gradually showed a cold glow under Qiao Liang's polishing. As the implant vibrated slightly, Qiao Liang knew that he had upgraded again.

He sank his consciousness into the implant, looked at his level 32, then looked at the Pteranodon saddle that could only be unlocked at level 38, and sighed silently.

Not long after, someone pushed in the door and it was Li Hongying. She didn't say anything, just looked at Qiao Liang with a smile.

Qiao Liang smiled, of course he knew why she came. He had finished opening the sword, picked up the sword and handed it to her.

Li Hongying glanced at Tie Jian.

She is someone who knows swords, and she can see the quality of the weapon at a glance. But under such conditions, what else could you ask for? Kaifeng's iron tools were ultimately more lethal than sharpened flints.

She held a beautiful sword flower on her arm, feeling that she had taken advantage of it, and smiled with satisfaction. In the simple room, the smile adds a little more color.

"Choose a name?" Li Hongying looked at Qiao Liang, "To commemorate the first sword you fought in this world."

"It's called...the original intention, how about it?" Qiao Liang said, "Don't forget the original intention."

"The original good."

Li Hongying took a piece of animal skin and wrapped the iron sword as a simple scabbard.

"Oh yes, this is for you."

Qiao Liang took an animal skin package from Li Hongying, which contained a piece of barbecue.

"Well, I'm lucky, I caught a lone Compsognathus. But this thing has too little meat, so you can just rest on it."

Compsognathus is a kind of dinosaur that is only the size of pet cats and dogs. Their whole body and tail are only less than one meter, and they are also slender and thin.

Qiao Liang was slightly moved. Near the human camp, no weak herbivores have dared to approach. If you want to hunt, you have to go to the dense forest hills a little further away.

There are velociraptors in this area. Even if Li Hongying's skills are far superior to ordinary people, if she encounters one, she may not have a way to survive.

"Thank you." Qiao Liang thanked him sincerely. He really needed it.

"It's okay, it should be." Li Hongying waved her hand calmly, "You can finish your meal here, so as not to be discovered when you go out, and Di Lunbu will cause trouble for you again."

"Tch, he's going to sea tomorrow. He might be wandering around somewhere, so he won't have time to look at me." Qiao Liang said disdainfully.

Li Hongying looked at Qiao Liang and hesitated to speak.

The two looked at each other in silence for a while. Qiao Liang thought about it and took the initiative to break the silence.

"Take care tomorrow."

"You really don't want to go with us?" Li Hongying asked.

"Yes." Qiao Liang nodded, thought for a while and added, "If you encounter danger, hold on for a while."

"it is good."

Li Hongying took a deep look at Qiao Liang, turned around and left.

It is normal not to believe. Adults' trust often requires a long period of contact and testing to slowly build up, and cracks can occur due to a simple misunderstanding of even a misunderstanding.

What's more, what he said was really unbelievable.

After Li Hongying left, Qiao Liang slowly walked towards the blacksmith's bench.

The matter of forging a sword for Li Hongying was actually a pretense, so that the metal could be used openly.

He slowly pulled out the two fish-dragon saddles hidden inside.

This was his original intention for forging swords.


Before Qiao Liang arrived, the tribe was vaguely divided into two factions.

One night, three men wanted to go straight into the woman's room, but they were discovered by Li Hongying. The three of them couldn't hold it together and were knocked down in an instant.

Since then, the tribe has split into two factions. However, all men supported Di Lunbu, but not all women followed Li Hongying.

In the primitive life far away from civilization, women who throw themselves into the arms of men for larger residences, better food, lighter jobs, and higher status are not worthy of condemnation. This is not a mistake.

But unfortunately, if someone falls into the mud, he will not be able to see others clean. On the surface, everyone respects Li Hongying's strength, but secretly, rumors, evil spirits, oppression and exclusion have never stopped.

They don't understand that they are not completely reduced to slave playthings and can still enjoy relatively generous treatment. They are just serving as role models. They did not lose their dignity because someone was holding on for them.

As for men, their demands have always been clear and simple.

The two sides did not completely break their skin, just because everyone still harbored the hope of returning to civilization.


"Tuofu Tuoye, this is fresh freshwater carbon turtle meat, come on, try it! I specially left a piece for you."

When Qiao Liang came back, it was already evening. As soon as he entered the house, he saw a white man holding a piece of barbecue and showing great courtesy to the blonde girl.

This man's name is Runevat, and he is a member of the hunting team. Only the hunting team that knows the source of food is qualified to send out barbecue.

In the world of Ark, the freshwater carbon turtle is a giant amphibious turtle that is nearly two meters tall and more than three meters long.

Because the neck of this creature is too long, it cannot shrink into its hard shell to avoid damage, and its full forward speed is only slightly faster than normal human walking. Therefore, as long as you have a crossbow, you can easily hunt them by kiting.

This girl named Tuofu Tuoye seems to be from the north. Her blue eyes were like a clear lake, and her fair skin was as bright as jade, with a hint of pink. The long golden hair was messy and scattered on her shoulders due to lack of care, but it added a bit of charm.

Her delicate and elegant appearance matches her usual taciturnity. When she is quiet, she looks like a porcelain doll carved from pink and jade.

On weekdays, there is an endless stream of men trying to woo her in different ways, and the harassment is even more continuous. These methods are not coercive, and Li Hongying, who is not excessive, is not easy to interfere, and everyone is used to it.

Qiao Liang didn't communicate much with her, but her beauty really impressed Qiao Liang.

Her name in Chinese was too long, so both Qiao Liang and Li Hongying called her Tuotuo.

The girl clasped her hands on her chest and huddled in the corner, her expression full of vigilance and she said nothing.

Lunevat was not ashamed, left the barbecue with a smile, and left happily.

The aroma of barbecue penetrated Qiao Liang's nostrils. Qiao Liang gritted his teeth and reached out to wipe away the drool that was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

The little barbecue Li Hongying gave him was only three-thirds full. After an afternoon of forging and polishing, he was really hungry at this moment.

But when the dinner was distributed, Di Lunbu reprimanded him in public for wasting food, and only gave him some blue berries - which of course was not enough to eat, and was more insulting than symbolic.

I'm really hungry. But what can I do? It’s getting late, and now I go out hunting alone. I really don’t know who is the hunter and who is the prey, or in other words, door-to-door takeaway.

Qiao Liang felt aggrieved and angry.

Near this camp, all the dinosaurs that could be tamed at this stage were expelled or shot by the hunting team. He didn't even have a chance to prove himself by taming a dinosaur.

He knows the rules of the world, but he really has nowhere to apply them. He has no voice, no resources, and no power.

It even caused him to starve.

"Give you."

Qiao Liang looked up, and it was Tuotuo who placed the roasted freshwater charcoal turtle meat in front of him.

This steak was really big and plump. It was obvious that Lunewat had carefully selected it.

There were only 26 people in the camp, so Qiao Liang's plight was no secret, and Tuo Tuo naturally knew about it. As if worried that Qiao Liang would misunderstand, Tuotuo added: "I'm losing weight."

Cutting down trees, digging stones, transporting resources, skinning and peeling meat, gathering berries, making tools... In this era of primitive productivity, everyone's work is manual labor.

Under the heavy physical exertion, except for the members of the hunting team, each person only eats four pieces of barbecue every day. If they are not hungry, how can they lose weight?

Qiao Liang didn't expose it, he solemnly thanked and accepted, he really needed it.

In this tribe, everyone is afraid of offending Di Lunbu. Except for Li Hongying, no one has ever said a word for him. Tuo Tuo's kindness was extremely precious to Qiao Liang at this time.


In the dead of night, Qiao Liang quietly got up and left the room quietly.

He did not eat the barbecue Tuo Tuo gave him, but held it tightly in his arms.

When he was about to leave the camp, Qiao Liang heard the women's night whispers through the window above his head.

"It's great to be able to go back to sea tomorrow!"

"My child is just one month old. I haven't seen him for almost a month. I don't know if my husband can take care of him."

"My mother is still lying in the hospital with brain cancer. She only has me as a relative who can take care of her. I don't know her now..."

"Oh, I might have to float on the sea for a long time."

"I want to go home quickly and have surgery to remove the implant. I hope there won't be any scars."

"The blueprint here seems to be real. If you give it to the country for research, you will definitely be rewarded with a lot of money!"


Human beings have always been willing to believe what they want to believe. When everyone believes that going to sea can return to civilization, then the truth doesn't matter.

Otherwise, the obelisk in the sky, the implant in the hand, the blueprint technology throughout history, the living prehistoric could no one have doubted it?

It is human nature not to give up until we reach the Yellow River. Qiao Liang sighed silently, as long as he didn't hit the wall, his truth would not wake anyone up.


Qiao Liang came to the beach alone and listened to the waves crashing against the rocks. He looked at the sky and saw a bright moon, as round as his hometown.

"Mom and Dad." Qiao Liang murmured to himself, "Are you...still there?"

A big fish emerged from the dark sea. It was an ichthyosaur that felt his breath and swam towards him quickly.

Qiao Liang took out the roasted meat Tuo Tuo gave him and was about to feed it. But he paused suddenly, took two big bites of the barbecue, and then reluctantly stuffed it into the ichthyosaur's mouth.

Anyway, just one more bite will be enough, Qiao Liang thought. He was really hungry.

He stroked the ichthyosaur's head and watched it swallow the roasted meat, and a smile appeared on his face.

He stretched out his left hand and swiped the implant on his wrist towards the fish dragon.

"Tameness: 99.9%."

Qiao Liang's expression froze.

The ichthyosaur looked very happy and splashed away in the water, leaving Qiao Liang alone in the sea breeze.

He fell down on the beach and thought for a long time.

Forget it, they will set sail tomorrow, and now not a single fish or dragon has been tamed, who can be saved?

Let's think of another way. Di Lunbu and the others are having a party tonight. There should be no one guarding the warehouse. Why don't we try to steal some meat?

Or, think about it later. After tomorrow, he will probably have to survive and evolve alone.

But...just watch them die and do nothing? Qiao Liang thought.

Helping others within his ability comes from the kindness of his heart, but aside from this, he also really needs his teammates. Even though he knows everything about the survival and evolution of Ark, it is really difficult for one person to survive. Having one more teammate always gives him more strength.

However, if there is really no other way, then we can only forget it.

Qiao Liang stood up and was about to give up. After all, in such a world, it is difficult for him to survive. If he wants to take care of others, he has done his best.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of splashing water, which was a little dense. Qiao Liang looked up at the sea, but the ichthyosaur swam back again.

Behind it, more ichthyosaurs of similar size followed closely. These ichthyosaurs swim in the shallow sea area and make noisy sounds. But to Qiao Liang's ears, it was like the sound of nature.

It was a piece of music called Hope.

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