Stepping on the mesh-like ground, at the end of the road with blue light, a platform with red light was quietly waiting for their arrival. The sphere above the head emits unpredictable light and shadow, just like the fluctuations of the artifact.

Everyone stood still and Qiao Liang activated the central console. The teleportation light closed, and after the fleeting feeling of weightlessness, everyone suddenly realized that they had left the underground and successfully reached the supervisor's room above the sky.

On the sides and behind are three [-]-inch displays. The dark and deep Pansi Cave, the mountain temple with howling wind and snow, the smoke-filled Flame Mountain - what is shown on the screen is the nest of the ultimate life form in the three-color obelisk, and in front of every screen, there is A holographic projection corresponding to the creature.

"Let's go."

Qiao Liang said, leading the queue forward. In the low temperature of minus [-] degrees, the icy air filled the air. Even if he could use the elements to regulate his body temperature, the consumption would be too great.

He gave the fur clothes to Adam and simply put on the Tek armor himself. The built-in thermostatic module was turned on, which reduced his burden.

The huge queue moved forward, and everyone looked curiously at the things around them as they walked.

Along the way, they saw the holographic projections of three planets, suspended in the air and rotating slowly. They respectively correspond to the three stages of Aquamarine Star from ancient times to the present. In the final holographic projection, large patches of red like herpes grew on the desolate dark yellow, which was corruption.

On the right side, the ring-shaped Tektronix alloy layers are inward, and the biological delivery device and the survivor cloning device continue to operate. Their DNA chains and delivery locations are displayed on the screen of the console. In front of these two installations, metal boxes containing notes are placed respectively, which are the last stories of those survivors on the isolated island (see the end for the content).

The footsteps of the Tyrannosaurus rex were heavy, while the humans were silent. Even though they already knew this through Adam and Qiao Liang, they were still in a low mood after seeing the evidence that they were clones.

In the final device, what was suspended was not a hologram, but a bright blue human figure. Qiao Liang knew that this was the projection of a god.

The God-Man Project is the product of the technological revolution brought about by energy elements. The so-called god-man, that is, puts human consciousness into the elemental dimension, abandons his own physical body, becomes a pure energy body in the elemental dimension, and reaches a state of immortal energy and immortal consciousness - even if he is not immortal in the true sense. , but it is also countless times longer than the ordinary human life span of a hundred years.

Therefore, this plan has become one of mankind's plans to fight against elemental disasters. When all human beings lose their bodies, even if Planet Aquamarine is destroyed, human civilization can survive forever in the elemental dimension - similar to the digital life plan in the movie "The Wandering Earth".

But behind the seemingly beautiful things, there are actually inevitable disadvantages. Although the gods have a long lifespan that is almost eternal, as time goes by, the gods will gradually lose their memory, humanity and self, and become an existence like a machine program. Moreover, gods have almost no way of reproducing offspring. In the background story of the Ark, the piece of crystal that allowed the survivor Helena to eventually become a god was also the collective crystallization of the first generation of gods.

Following this path, the continuation of human civilization will be nothing more than a lingering existence. In the end, only a group of energy bodies that have lost themselves will be left, gradually dying out in the long river of time.

Eventually, the God-Man Project was also merged into the Ark Project. Those gods who voluntarily gave up everything for the continuation of mankind became supervisors in countless arks around Aquamarine Star.

Ahead, the road suddenly opened up, and the hollow bridge led directly to the final gate. In the doorway on the left is the last note box (contents at the end).

Qiao Liang led everyone to continue walking forward. Every hollow on the beehive-shaped bridge was actually filled with a barrier. The Tyrannosaurus Rex's wide feet stepped on it, and there was no danger of falling.

The survivors who passed by looked down one after another, and they had a panoramic view of the island. All around, beams of light of various colors flickered, and the supply box suddenly fell towards the beacon point on the ground.

The team slowly entered the final door and lined up to the left and right. In the center facing the alloy door, a red island projection slowly rotated in front of everyone. The other three sides of the room were no longer wrapped in Tektronix alloy, and everyone could see the vast universe directly.

Outside the portholes, countless arks are like stars, surrounding the legendary indigo and beautiful aquamarine star - it has completely stopped rotating, revealing a desolate and dead brown star, and on its left side, the broken star The stars are the moon.

Qiao Liang secretly clenched his fists.

There is no longer any luck in my heart, and the destruction of my home is right in front of me.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, and Tuotuo, who was at the end, arrived late riding the Fierce-toothed Tutu. As soon as she entered, the door behind her suddenly closed.

The light flickered, and the projection of the isolated island in the center turned into a red energy light group, lighting up the huge prism directly in front. The particles of metal flew over the heads of the survivors, spinning around the prism like flowing water, until Become one.

That is the nature of the supervisor.

His appearance is like an implant enlarged to 20 meters.

The circular base suddenly grew into a complete spiral column, towering in all directions of the hall. The Supervisor levitated, and the red circular energy barrier opened. He emitted shining light from the spire, and countless white metal balls with a diameter of six meters rolled over from all directions.


At the command, Yurex roared, and the 43 Tyrannosaurus rex group lined up roared and charged.

Until they got closer, these spheres called defense units suddenly split their arms and legs, unfolded their sharp mechanical limbs and slashed at them. Their flesh and blood fangs and steel alloys collided with each other in the most violent way.

There was a buzz in the sky, and white enemy drones flew in. They were as big as modern human small cars. They hung thickly above their heads and fired electromagnetic artillery shells at the humans below. .

Humans quickly counterattacked with firearms. In an instant, fierce gunfire and bullets intertwined, and gunpowder smoke filled the cold air.


Note content (in order of position):

Rockwell Notes #29: Never in my life have I seen anything so majestic. Mr. Nerva may lament the loss of his men, but I would sacrifice them a thousand times to witness something like this. Majestic! I promise, I have never seen such a beautiful night sky and this place is made of exquisite metal! It reminded me of the material on the obelisk, but somehow more... alive. The walls of this place seem filled with power and possibility. I wish if I could find a loose tile to use as a sample, but the entire complex has been professionally maintained. I have to find more information about this material. Maybe one of the consoles will have something I can use. I'm not familiar with this technology, but I'm sure a scientist of my caliber, with a little educated skill, can get something out of them.

Li Meiying's Note #30: The New Army opened the Gate of Light Pillar, and we entered with it. I released Helena from the cage before, but I regretted it at a young age. His mind is focused on the magic around him. All the members of the new army are dead, and I am about to kill their leader, but Helena wants to stop me. Knock it out. I hope it will be fine, and don't let it interfere with my important affairs. The first name Helena told her was Nerva. I will kill this wonderful place. I understand, this place is very beautiful. The stars shine. There is no place like revenge. Here, the fate of heaven, awaits me for the final battle.

Helena Note #30: Well, I'm not dead, and actually, neither is Li Meiying. To be precise, she saved me by insisting that we follow Nerva through the cave entrance. A terrible scene awaits us. All of Nerva's men died together with a huge, strange creature, but Nerva's body was not here. Forget what I'm thinking right now, if we encounter him, I suggest a peaceful approach. This dealt me ​​a fatal blow. When I came to, I searched the entire station, but the only sign of Lee and Nerva were a few ounces of dried blood. There are no bodies and no victors. However, I discovered something fascinating. It was obvious that I was on a space station somewhere, but when I looked out the window, I realized something even more surprising, which was that I had been on a space station all along. Lo and behold, floating outside the window, surrounded by machines, is the island I've been living on, also orbiting on the surface of some unknown planet. The island's ecosystem isn't just curated, it's entirely man-made. What the heck is going on and why would anyone build it? I don't have the slightest clue yet, but somehow I want to figure it out. No matter what method I use, I will find the truth.

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