Magical Civilization and the War of the Gods

Chapter 84 Do you have the qualifications?

"The gods pride themselves on being rational, keen, and possessing far-sightedness that far exceeds that of ordinary people."

"That's actually true."

"When they think there is a threat, even races that are in conflict with each other can temporarily put aside their grudges and join forces."

"As long as the price is paid."

"Within what they think is affordable."

"The Gods were destroyed like this, you were sealed like this, and the head of state Ke Lian was surrounded and killed like this."

"What's more, the direction of interest itself is constantly changing."

Bailong paced back and forth on the spot, speaking in a calm tone.

"We acknowledge that our choice is risky, but overall it is still the safest choice."

The female Titan God Sitai took the initiative to speak at this time.


"The threat that each race prioritizes must be the Protoss, and then Ke Lian."

"Secondly, it could be all the Titan Gods."

Bailong did not deny this, but admitted it frankly.

This is indeed the attitude of all ethnic groups now.

The signs of the revival of the gods are not yet clear, and Ke Lian's overall development is not enough to shake the entire era of the revival of the gods.

Even so, all ethnic groups have not taken any obvious action and are still waiting to see the situation. By the way, each of them secretly accumulates strength, accelerates the recovery of the power of their respective super-level and high-level gods, and strives to gain an advantage in the future battles between gods.

Anyone who attacks Ke Lian at this time is giving other races a chance.

So they will let it go and continue to ignore Ke Lian's behavior.

The previous siege of Head of State Ke Lian.

That's because Head of State Ke Lian holds the "key" to resurrecting the gods, and he is the absolute leader of the United Kingdom of Ke Mi, with unparalleled cohesion.

It is a target that must be dealt with, and must be dealt with forcefully.


"So, my second question."

"Lords of the Titan Gods, how long will you be prepared to protect the Sea Tribe like raising little pets?"

"In the wars of the gods over and over again, each time only the small fire of the Sea Clan was retained, re-reproduced and reborn after experiencing the destruction of the war. It maintained the survival of the Sea Clan over and over again, and it was hard to watch that The Sea Clan is still fragile, but is vaguely proud of the results of its protection."

"We are still prepared to find ways to cultivate the Sea Clan's own intermediate, high-level, and even new super-level gods."

"So that they can still have enough ability to protect themselves without your protection?"

Bailong continued to ask the second question.

"We naturally hope that the Hai Clan will have the ability to protect themselves. The originally unified Hai Clan will also be prepared in this regard."

"Your existence has broken the current unity of the Sea Clan. If it weren't for the internal changes that are essentially the Sea Clan itself, you who disrupted all this would not be able to stand here."

"When the Sea Clan is stabilized again, the original plan can still continue. The number of Sea Clan people today is far greater than before."

The three Titan gods, Snashenou, Onriposhu and Smyte, also said one after another.

The attitude they expressed was enough to show how much they valued the Sea Clan.

"Is it?"

Bailong asked with a slight smile.

"what do you want to say?"

asked the Titan Snowlok, although he probably already knew what he wanted to say.


"The racial base of the Sea Clan has increased more than ten times compared to the era of divine rule and the era of ancient clan chaos."

"But similarly, the number of ethnic groups on land has increased more than ten times, or even nearly twenty times!"

"Is the increase in the Sea Clan really enough?"

Bailong simply asked with data.

Before the Titan God could say anything, he continued.

"You should also have seen the current civil war in the Sea Clan."

"Just a simple intervention by foreign tribes in the form of cooperation will cause the entire Sea Clan to fall into endless civil strife, and the low-level weapons and equipment that will be freed up to help develop will be enough to drive the Sea Clan army crazy and hope for more funding."

"In the future, this gap will only grow wider."

"Especially when you choose shelter and choose to keep only the most basic contacts."

"The Sea Clan will lose the opportunity to develop magic technology."

Hakuryuu made his assertion without mercy.

"Do you still want to say it?"

"As long as you stand from the perspective of a god and extend the time span to hundreds, thousands, or even ten thousand years! Is the gap in magic technology of only a few decades not worth mentioning at all?"

"If you are still here, the Sea Clan will have a future that can be developed at any time?"

"Then I can only say..."

"Your ideas are more pedantic than those dragons."

Bailong's words gradually became colder, and he no longer showed a trace of awe towards the gods in front of him.


The Titan Snorrok was silent.

The other Titan gods were lost in thought and did not rush to refute.


They actually understand.

They just believe that the development of magic technology is replicable and is more likely to be divided again in future wars. Based on the future development of magic technology, the land race is not necessarily more cohesive and long-term than the sea race with Poseidon belief. stability.

Bailong also understands.

What he has to do is to break the Titan God's stubbornness towards the Sea Tribe and his deep-seated arrogance towards his own ancient power.


"The power of ordinary people has the potential to threaten low-level gods when the magic core is born."

"When the rise of the Ersha Empire and the establishment of the United Kingdom of Komi bring about new changes in magic technology, the power derived from the weak ordinary people will also stubbornly breed the power to destroy the gods in their weakness. .”

"End of World War."

"Ke Lian's aerospace aircraft carrier and tenth-level divine machine are already an intermediate-level divine power that surpasses all other countries."

"Now Ke Lian, what kind of power do you think he has?"


"Do you still arrogantly believe that the fall of Head of State Ke Lian 18 years ago was just because he had the authority to revive the Gods?"

Bailong pressed further, wanting a definite answer from the Titan God.

"We don't think that ordinary people can really rely on magic technology to have the power to fight against high-level gods alone in just a hundred years."

"As far as we know, Ke Lian 20 years ago, whether it was an aerospace aircraft carrier or a tenth-level divine machine. Its magical cores were based on the intermediate-level divine and demonic cores left over from the ancient tribe's troubled times. The tenth-level magic core produced is not pure magic technology power."

"Even now, Ke Lian's magic technology can only reach the ninth level of a low-level god without the help of a god-level magic core, right? This is only the most ideal possibility."

Several Titans admitted frankly, but with rebuttal answers.

"What if they have already done it?"

Bai Long asked back.

If you do.

Then it proves that a ninth-level low-level god-demon core can be created simply by relying on raw materials that can be synthesized by ordinary people's alchemy.

You can create gods.

The next step in manufacturing is to try mass production.

One, two, or even hundreds of low-level gods using core weapons are not enough to threaten the status of super-level gods.


Mass production of gods.


Tens of thousands! ?


"Now that you cannot represent Ke Lian, why do you make such a prediction? And what guarantee can you give?"

asked the Titan Snowlock.

Bai Longcai admitted that he could not represent Ke Lian.

"The Gods themselves have not yet recovered. Even if you can represent them, why do you believe that Ke Lian can use the power of ordinary people to create a future against the gods in a short period of time?"

"the you now……"

"We can't give us a convincing reason."

Titan God Snowlock asked rhetorically, and further exerted the pressure of the super god.

However, Bailong still maintained his straight posture amidst the pressure that even the mid-level gods could not bear.

He looked calm and had a slight smile.

"If so, what can I do?"

Bai Long asked back.

"you can not."

"At least now, you are not qualified to talk to us about this matter. What you represent is just the attitude of the gods that has not yet recovered."

"You cannot represent the ordinary people of Ke Lian."

Titan God Snowlock looked down, stared at the white dragon and said calmly.




At this moment, Bai Long raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.


An aura that made the Titans feel faintly uneasy was rapidly changing from the white dragon.

That breath.

It is not a terrifying power, nor does it possess extreme negative emotions such as extreme killing and bloodshed.

But an unparalleled...

unique charm.

"Sure enough, this little trick can't be hidden from... the oldest super-level god."

Bailong smiled slightly and raised his head, looking at the twelve Titan gods.

His eyes were no longer light golden, and his white hair was also faintly changing.

Gradually evolved into...

Blue eyes with a light golden halo, and pure silver-white hair.

That was once a unique combination of appearance for one person.


star prophecy;

Omen of Holy Fire;

stamen foresight;

The devil's eyes look into the distance;

blood sense;

That is……

Has disappeared for nearly 20 years.

The breath of the ninth prophecy king!

Amid the shocked expressions of the monitors of all races, the man who once shone brightly in the world.

Appeared! ?


White Dragon.

Under the halo of holy magic and fighting spirit.

The body began to change extremely quickly. In addition to developing bright red eyes, the originally regular human figure quickly became much taller at this moment. The height of nearly two meters showed that he was burly, and his handsome appearance was not like that of ordinary races.

Wearing a white cloth robe transformed by magic power, and wearing a magic transformation crown on his head.

In front of him, a phantom of a holy scepter appeared, and it was being released while gazing rapidly. It was stronger than any current Titan god who had not fully recovered.

The power of ice and snow suddenly surged!

Under his body, a large amount of ice suddenly condensed, supporting his body to break through the heavy pressure of the Titan gods.

Keep going up, keep going higher.


Eye level with the Titans.

Even in this Poseidon Palace, there is no need to look up to the Titans.


The ice solidified, and a large seat slowly formed behind him.

He leisurely stretched out his right hand and grasped the scepter, gently leaned back on the ice-covered seat behind him, and propped up his head with his left hand to lean on it.

Eye level, Titans.


"The one who speaks for the gods;"

"Head of the United Kingdom Comey;"

"The only and existing leader of unified forces in the Holy Continent from ancient times to the present."

"The name of Komi Nistic Balti."


"Do you have the qualifications to discuss it with your little guardian of the sea clan?"


He asked back, looking at her with level eyes, but whispering in a condescending tone.

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