Ersha Empire, Lanwu region.

This is the most prosperous area in the entire Ersha Empire.

The predecessor of the Lanwu Kingdom was the first country that Prince Ersha conquered with his territorial army, and it was also the first area to build various infrastructure and industrial foundations. Coupled with the advantage of being close to the sea and a relatively good geographical environment, various developments are excellent.

"Going further northeast is the imperial capital of Wauchikam." Imiha said while looking at the map.

He didn't quite understand. Bailong must be rich, but since the floods, he has stopped taking cars, trains, and airplanes. Instead, he bought a traditional horse-drawn carriage to enjoy himself. On the way.

The reason is actually very simple.

Bailong didn't know where his goal was, so he hoped to take a long journey to see if the environment he passed was familiar from his original memory.

With luck, you might be able to find the direction.

And big cities and stuff like that.

He had also heard that, for example, Wauchikam, the imperial capital of the Ersha Empire, was a small ruined town ravaged by war decades ago, with only ruins and walls.

But now it is full of high-rise buildings and busy with traffic. It is no longer what it used to be. Can you really recall anything?



The sudden roar of the monster startled Immiha and the horse pulling the cart.

It was a third-level tiger monster, but the target of the monster was not them, but an old man riding a donkey cart not far away.

Just when the monster was about to attack, Bailong killed him with a spiritual magic, and absorbed the complete corpse with magic power from the air. After entering the city, this was money.

"Why are there magical beasts here?" Immiha was a little confused.

The old man, who had just recovered from the shock, also thanked Bailong and his carriage for their carriage. However, he was obviously worried that he was a high-ranking person and did not dare to rush forward and express too much.

“It’s not that it ‘also exists’ but that it already existed. It’s just that these alchemical sandstone (concrete) roads were built into their territory.”

"The construction team is basically followed by earth magicians to help open roads. The cars that follow will be more or less equipped with micro-magic cores. It will be no problem to withstand one or two impacts. After that, they will not be able to catch up if they increase their speed. On."

"So if this guy hadn't been a great mage (sixth level), I wouldn't have been able to take this job."

The coachman replied simply.

"When gods and mortals become stronger, will they erode the territory of monsters?" Bailong seemed to have thought of something.

An inexplicable, long-lasting memory.

"Ah? How dangerous it is for the old man to transport things like this." Immiha was also a little worried.

"For living." The coachman replied calmly.

Immiha suddenly stopped talking.


Also at this time.

"There are strong magic waves over there. Is it some large military facility?" Bailong suddenly sensed something.

"Over there? Oh, it's a hydraulic magic pumping station. The magic power pumped out is mainly supplied to nearby cities and factories. It's also something that the Warcraft hate because it will cause the surrounding elements to continue to be in a thin state." The carriage. The husband seemed to know a lot.

"Speaking of which, I have always been confused. If the magic pump station continues to pump out magic power, won't it drain out the magic power?" Immiha asked in confusion.

"The little guy never went to school, right?"

"For example, the water-driven machinery here extracts the surrounding free magic elements through the device to burst out magic power, and then the magic power is transported to other places for consumption and release. The end may also be driven machinery, such as the operation of machine tools in a factory."

"The whole is still conserved, and free elements will continue to flow to thin places as replenishment, just like air."

The coachman explained simply.

"Oh..." Immiha nodded as if he understood.

"Can you go around and have a look?" Bailong asked.

"There should be no problem. This is a magic pump station for civilian use. The technology has basically been made public. It's just that whether it can be built smoothly depends on the country's overall technical strength." The coachman said.

There was a trail just ahead, so we drove the carriage and turned into it.

There were also some signs along the way, indicating that they had entered the Magic Pump Station area, which was a dangerous area for ordinary people.

As a place where a large amount of magic power is pumped out, the Magic Pumping Station does have a certain amount of elemental dilution in the surrounding environment, but the closer it gets to the Magic Pumping Station itself, the thinner elements will slowly turn into more chaotic magic power.

Being in that kind of environment for a long time is basically bad for ordinary people.

Even a magician would not like this environment.

That is to say, within the magic pump station, only when various protection devices are complete can there be a stable working environment.


After ten minutes.

"Wow, this is the legendary magic pump station? Why does it feel like an ordinary dam?" Imha asked.

A dam built on a small river intercepts a large amount of river water. On top of the dam, there were various buildings that they didn't recognize, and there were also many machines that they didn't know what they did.

"If you don't intercept the water flow and create a height difference to drive the machine efficiently, why not wait for a long time to turn around like a waterwheel?" said the coachman.

"Ah? Then why not build it under the waterfall?" Imiha asked curiously.

"Because it is unstable, there may even be no water in winter and it will be washed away in summer." said the coachman.

"Uh... okay." Immiha suddenly felt that the question he asked was so stupid.

"Uncle, were you a soldier before?" Bai Long had already noticed it.

"He was at the level of a centurion in the Imperial Army, but he didn't like the Empire's style, so he retired voluntarily. Especially 15 years ago, when the generals of Peter's Holy Circle and the New Generation, with His Highness Liandel integrated into Kelian, the entire empire The army will completely serve the royal family and nobles." The coachman responded indifferently.

"I have heard that His Highness Liandel was the former secondary crown prince of the empire, right? The only son of the former Prince Poli." Yimiha said with a little excitement.

Because among the various stories his father told him, His Highness Lian Del was second only to the pioneer Ke Lian.


"Many honorary nobles say that His Highness Liandel is a traitor who betrayed the empire. In fact, in the eyes of those of us, the current empire is the evil party that betrayed its original intention and forced His Highness to leave."

"Including His Majesty the Emperor."

The coachman said without hesitation.

"Can this kind of thing be said directly?" Bai Long was a little surprised.

"Haha, there shouldn't be many commoners of several eras who wouldn't secretly scold the king, right?" the coachman sneered.

Immiha nodded in approval.

Anyway, as a member of the lower class who grew up in the environment of the Ersha Empire, he does not feel that the empire is good at all.


"By the way, does this little brother continue to watch? I don't feel very comfortable staying here." asked the coachman.

The closer you get to the magic pumping station, which is the source of magic pumping and transmission, there will be more chaotic magic that makes ordinary people uncomfortable.

"Well, let's go. There is a strong defense detection magic circle here. I can't use my mental power to sense anything. Just take a look." Bailong nodded.

"Uncomfortable? What discomfort?" Immiha was confused.

The coachman looked at Imiha with a little surprise, which made the latter even more confused.

"Because you have the talent to practice magic, but you just don't know it." Bailong explained.

"Ah? Me? Magic talent?" Immiha was a little confused.

"Otherwise, do you really think I would randomly choose you to accompany me?" Bai Long also chuckled.

"Uh..." Immiha felt completely stunned.

Bailong could guess what was going on.

As a liberated slave child, he is still a hybrid of the beast race, so the various policies of the empire obviously do not fall on him. For example, he helped children test their magic and fighting spirit talents for free, but he had no chance to try it.

However, when Bailong saw him for the first time, he had already vaguely sensed with his mental power that Imiha might be a person with talents in magic and fighting spirit.

After close contact, he was even more convinced.

I have secretly tried it with relevant test magic, and I can probably confirm that it is not bad. After that, I only need to go to an academy or the like, where there are special testing magic circles and magic props, and I can basically determine the strength of the talent.


Without some magic talent, how could he be a candidate for a magic apprentice in the White Dragon Project?


"It's not too late to learn magic at the age of twelve or thirteen." The coachman nodded lightly, and it seemed that he had seriously thought about helping.

At this time, Imiha unexpectedly woke up quickly.

"Master White Dragon, can I really become a magician like you?" Immiha asked seriously, with a hint of pleading.

"There is nothing I can't do. I can directly perceive the magic talent. As long as you study hard, you will definitely be a third-level senior magician. As for how strong you will be in the future, it depends on your talent and hard work." Bai Long Rough estimate.

"Looks like you're lucky, little guy." The coachman also smiled, feeling a little relieved.

"Then what? If you really learn magic and become a great mage like me, what will you do?" Bai Long also asked curiously.

"Of course, go to Kelian immediately, and then, like Kelian, help liberate the oppressed and discriminated slaves in the world!" Imiha said excitedly.

He still considers himself a citizen of Ke Lian, not a pariah in the empire.

"Then let's find an academy to show you first." Bai Long.

"Isn't it okay if it's not the enrollment period now?" Immiha thought quickly.

"The magic arrays and magic props used for testing are not disposable. If you borrow them, you can only pay for them." Bai Long.

"Uh... it won't be deducted from my remuneration, right? It seems to be fine, though." Imiha was a little worried at first, but after thinking about it, it seemed to be nothing.

That's a test of your magic talent, so you should spend your own money.

Bailong was a little speechless, but it was not impossible to understand that children like Yimiha, who grew up in a difficult environment, naturally valued money.

"There is no great magician who can't even afford the money for the test. Don't worry." Bailong said with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you first, Lord Bailong." Yimiha.

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