Magical Civilization and the War of the Gods

Chapter 58 The changes that are about to sweep the world

Red rebel forces.

This is the collective name for this type of force by the imperial forces.

As long as two main conditions are met, it can be called this.

which is:

Ideological arming based on Ke Lian's "co-advantage system";

The belief is to overthrow the old monarchy and create a people-centered country;

The reason why they are called "red" rebel forces is because the Kelian flag is mainly red, and all imitators will adopt various flags with red as the base. Therefore, no matter where the rebel force rises, it will set off a bright red.


Ke Lian, Wolf's Den Building.

Prime Minister's Office.

Magic space secret room, a secret space for strategic deployment in the world.


"Reporting to the Prime Minister, according to your instructions, we have successfully set off a resistance from all the red reform forces except the Ersha Empire."

"Dwarves, Mokoner Empire."

"Goblin tribe, Siyori Empire."

"Orcs, the Aegean Empire."

"Human race, West Sea Empire."

"Wars of different scales have broken out in local areas, and the most powerful forces have completed the transformation of the main city-level areas. The fastest-moving force has completed beheadings and genocide of regional dignitaries, and completely wiped out the areas where they were located. The old powerful forces in the region.”

"The transformation of the world has begun!"

A petite catwoman, who was actually in her late 40s or [-]s, said excitedly in a military civilian uniform.

Cat tribe, Elia Einkett.

The former 23-seat Central Assembly, the ninth of the seven central seats, is also the youngest of the [-] seats currently held. He was only [-] years old when he took office, and has completed re-election.

During the world war, at the age of 16, he was a political genius who overcame all opinions to persuade the senior officials of his country and actively integrated into Ke Lian. After Ke Lian completed the unification of the Holy Continent, he made outstanding achievements in various orc-related political achievements, and was successfully elected as the thirteenth representative of the orc tribe.

Now he is temporarily behind the scenes, following the instructions of Prime Minister Yasayi, secretly guiding the red reform forces of the Orc Aeg Empire.


"Sure enough, as long as there is news of his return, these reform forces will be completely awakened." Yashayi smiled and nodded, very satisfied with this result.

"Of course! The Head of State is a true pioneer who will never be a slave, and the true leader of our system of mutual progress. In the words of many extreme people, Ke Lian without the Head of State is even incomplete." Catwoman Yelia said while waving her little fist.

"Although many of them do have this idea and it is very real, there are still residual old ideas at play."

"We have always changed from the original feudal monarchy, the world of royal families and powerful people. Some of the older generation, and a small number of the younger generation of people, still have the idea that men are superior to women in the patriarchal society. After the death of the head of state, the military and political affairs There is dissatisfaction and suspicion about the situation being taken over by two of us girls.”

"So in their eyes."

"The man who can personally lead them out of the decadent monarchy with iron-blooded means from the chaotic world war period is the leader they support most."

"We are barely qualified successors at best."

Yashayi knows this very well.

Just like the red reform organization of the "Ten Nations" in the Ten Nations Alliance area of ​​the Ersha Empire.

Their attitude is very clear and they will not follow any instructions from Ke Lian. They have their own wishes. Unless the former head of state Ke Lian returns, they will ignore even the "United Flowers", a chamber of commerce force that was once directly under the control of head of state Ke Lian.

among them.

Some indeed believe in and imitate Ke Lian;

Some believe in Ke Lian’s thoughts and that red flag;

Some even directly believe in the person who brought all this, namely Head of State Ke Lian;

Because of this, although they are all "red revolution" forces, not many can really obey Ke Lian's arrangements. Most of them have their own ideas and are taking actions that they think are beneficial to the people in their respective regions.

But now...


"The power of magic and technology currently displayed by Ke Lian clearly has a way for ordinary people to resist the gods, which will further increase their faith."

"Coupled with his secret guidance before, we have successfully secretly assisted the Sea Clan, and now we have been recognized by the Titan Gods. It has also greatly increased the trust of other reform forces in our Ke Lian."

"Finally, and most importantly."

"He chose to appear in the most eye-catching way during the battle between the gods on Torobwan Island, and clearly informed the time of his return, which will surely further ignite the enthusiasm of the reform forces."

"Not even the gods can kill him, even the gods can hunt him, so there is no longer any fear!"

Yashayi looked at the world strategic deployment map that appeared on the wall. The red flags had been erected in various continental empire-level territory areas.

His words were as calm as ever, but there was also a hint of excitement.


Will take the whole world by storm!

Even the resurrection of the gods cannot prevent the awakening of the common people of the world.

"This world no longer needs any oppressors. The torrent of 'Destiny for Change' will eventually sweep everything away."

"The royal monarchy and theocratic rule will be completely ended."

"The changed world will also give birth to a new magical technological civilization, 'guiding and developing' an unprecedented future for all mortals!"

Yashayi seems to have felt that the new future has emerged in the power of prophecy that she can feel.

With the transformative destiny of the King of the Ninth Prophecy.

With the guidance and development of the King of the Sixth Prophecy.

They will eventually create it.

That country that exists only in ambition and unrealistic delusions!


While all races, empires, and gods were still thinking about how to deal with Ke Lian.

Ke Lian has taken the lead in attacking.

Due to many factors such as trust, timing, and ability, they have been unable to attempt large-scale changes. Just like the Hai Clan's Hai Communist Society, they can only carry out demonstrations or processions in small areas and on a small scale, which are of little use. .

Now that it is clear that Head of State Ke Lian has returned from recovery, the trust problem has been greatly alleviated, and it is clear that he can obtain additional armed support.

They will have the confidence and ability to resist!

among them.

The power of the gods behind them is relatively dispersed. The red reform forces of the two races, which have been most severely poisoned by the "Carol System" of the Goblin Empire and the "surname system" of the Dwarf Empire, are the strongest and fastest to break out this time.

Almost immediately, the Earth Abyss gods counterattacked.

The two most powerful high-level gods in Diyuan personally took action to suppress it!

The sacrifice is huge.

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