Magical Civilization and the War of the Gods

Chapter 4 First Arrival at the Ersha Empire

On the merchant ship heading to the Ersha Empire.

This is a relatively traditional wooden merchant ship, but it is equipped with a "magic element power core" that can be used by the knight mecha, so there is no problem with its speed.

Together with the magic circle engraved on the special wooden hull, it can also protect against sea monsters and storms. It is the most cost-effective configuration for ocean-going merchant ships. The overall materials are cheap, and when the ship is small, the cargo capacity is larger than that of steel merchant ships.

However, if the merchant ship is larger, the wooden structure cannot withstand pressure such as water pressure. It can only pile up materials and increase the design structure. It is difficult to say that the carrying capacity is compared to that of iron.

The merchant ship Bailong boarded was about 60 meters long and 18 meters wide.

It is considered a relatively large wooden merchant ship.


"What are you doing?"

Bailong was bored at the moment. While wandering on the deck, he watched the sailors changing something on the mast.

"The beacon made by Ke Lian can be connected to their satellite system for positioning. However, because it is Ke Lian's thing, it cannot be used freely in the gods' territory, so it can only be used after leaving the port." The sailor who was pretending was a little proud. said.

"Hehe, even though this thing is small, the positioning and storm warning at critical times saved our lives."

"You kid, didn't you complain that the captain spent a lot of money to buy this thing?"

"Bah! God can't save me at all. This thing has to be reliable."

Others also joked a few words casually.

"Is this your first time seeing this thing?" the first mate of the merchant ship came over and said.

"Yeah." Bailong nodded.

"It's normal. Ke Lian's satellite systems are basically military. In conjunction with their regional magic array on land, the 'area array system' can achieve all-round surveillance of land and air. It is said that even gods cannot easily sneak into Ke Lian. Union."

"It can be used for commercial purposes, but only a few parts of it are used by foreign ships like us. Many steel merchant ships cannot afford this thing."

"With it, warnings of major sea storms, disorientation and interference caused by chaotic sea elements, leading to straying into the territory of sea beasts, etc., can be avoided to the greatest extent."

The first mate of the merchant ship also said simply.

As long as someone asks, they will basically explain.

Because the most important thing for merchant ships is to be safe and reliable in order to have a supply of goods, and the expensive "sea shipping beacon" manufactured by Ke Lian is the best proof of their safety.


"Is it so powerful? It feels like a magician equivalent to the Holy Wizard (eighth level) is guiding and guarding the ship." Bai Long was also a little surprised.

How strong is the rumored Ke Lian country in these magical technologies?

"Hahaha, it seems that you haven't been to Kelian yet. If you have the chance, you can go and see it. It will definitely give you an unexpected shock. When I save enough money, I plan to take my family to Kelian. "The merchant ship's first mate laughed.

"Well, go if you have the chance." Bai Long also made a decision in his heart.

And I always feel that there seems to be a reason to go to the country of Ke Lian.

But now it’s better to go to the Ersha Empire first.

"By the way, this beacon is very expensive. How much does it cost? Even a large merchant ship may not buy it at a price." Bailong asked curiously.

"You may have no idea how much 'Ke Yuan' you can buy. To put it simply, the price of three wooden merchant ships like ours that can be purchased in full may not be enough." The first mate of the merchant ship gave a rough estimate.

"Three ships..." Bailong was also surprised.

I more or less understand the sailors' complaints, it is indeed ridiculously expensive.

According to conventional understanding, if they have so much money to buy this crap that they have no idea what it is, it is better to just exchange it for a steel merchant ship.

Although in the face of powerful sea monsters, both steel hulls and wooden hulls will be shattered after the magic protection provided by the magic core is exhausted, but at least the safety performance in other aspects is still better than that of wooden hulls.


And just when Bailong had already embarked on his journey.

Comey United Kingdom.

There are many tall buildings, surrounded by various magic circles, various flying machines are constantly patrolling in the sky, and there are many weapons similar to airships suspended in the sky, maintaining the safety of the entire huge city.

On some high-rise buildings, some exposed gun barrels can be clearly seen, and the surging magic power connected can give a rough idea of ​​their terrifying power.

Here is the capital of Ke Lian - Baimu City.

Baimu City Administrative Center, Wolf Cave Building.


One of the most powerful people in Kelian, Prime Minister: Yashai Bell Da.

A long-lived hybrid, he always looks like he is about 15 years old, and his actual age is unknown.

The light blond hair is smooth and straight, tied at the hip-length end, and there are also small braids on both sides of the back of the head. The complexion is as white and tender as a child, with a slightly rosy appearance, blue eyes, white teeth, soft eyebrows and a raised nose.

But such a fairy-looking girl holds the power of the most powerful country in the world.

"Come in."

After receiving the permission, the beautiful secretary of the Rabbit Tribe entered the office with some excitement.

"I'm reporting to you, Prime Minister, the Witch Clan seems to have detected the latest news of the resurrection of gods, and the fluctuations are those of hybrid gods!" the beautiful secretary of the Rabbit Clan said with excitement.

"Are you sure it's him?" Yashayi stood up immediately and asked.

"I'm not very sure, because it's in the direction of Asilio Continent, and it seems to be very close to the location of the Earth Dragon God we just hunted." The beautiful woman secretary of the Rabbit Tribe said quickly.

"That's it..." Yasha Yi was a little disappointed.

There are mixed-blood gods in the era of theocracy, but their power is limited.

"Do we need to send a team to confirm secretly?" asked the secretary, a beautiful woman from the rabbit tribe.

"There are still free aces... No, are there any free aces in the God Killing Team?" Yashayi asked.

"I've checked. The Seventh God-Slaying Team has no missions in the near future. They can sneak in to investigate."

"Okay, go and report to Jieka (Empress) at the military headquarters and mobilize the seventh God-killing team. If you don't find any useful clues, you can also carry out the recovery dragon god hunting mission to the dragon god's territory."

"Yes, I'll arrange it now!"

If the dragon gods knew this arrangement, they would definitely be very angry.

What does it have to do with me that you are looking for someone?


Bai Long didn't know what was going on with Ke Lian.

At this moment, he had just left the Asilio continent.

And soon, more than ten days of long wandering passed.


During this period, he stopped in some island countries, which also allowed Bailong to further feel some changes in the world today, which are different from the changes in common sense memory.

The number of steel ships has increased, which proves that the world's steel production and related production capacity have begun to increase. To use a word that can be recalled in my mind, it is the enhancement of "industrial capabilities."

I also learned more about it through chatting with the crew and fellow guests.

The improvement of overall production capacity began more than 30 years ago.

That is, the year 3252 of the Valerian calendar when the Ersha Empire was founded as a principality, is now the year 36, 3288 years later.

However, the improvement at that time mainly relied on the "magic element power core" that had been accumulated and reused since 400 years ago. After repairing the old and obsolete ones, it continued to provide magical power to mines and factories for improvement. production capacity, and develop related auxiliary operating machinery equipped with magic core to improve efficiency.

What can truly achieve a substantial leap is the "magic pump station" technology that represents the most efficient conversion and utilization of magic energy.

Water magic pumping station, wind magic pumping station, fire magic pumping station...

Many models of magic pumping stations have been built and put into use on a large scale by Ke Lian and the Ersha Empire. The related magic transportation network allows all factories in the entire country to obtain a steady stream of magic power.

Especially in terms of planning and construction capabilities of the Magic Pump Station, there is a huge gap between Ke Lian and the Ersha Empire.

At the beginning of the mass investment, it is said that Ke Lian's actual "magic pump volume" was already three times that of the Ersha Empire.

If we explain it according to the special term "industrial production capacity" proposed by Ke Lian.

More than 20 years ago, Ke Lian, with its relatively complete infrastructure and efficient magic utilization, had about "[-]%" of the world's total industrial production capacity at that time.


Even though Ke Lian has highly developed magic technology, he still has this ability.


"It seems that if I have a chance, I really need to go to Ke Lian."

Bailong looked at the commercial port that was about to dock and made a decision in his heart.

Ersha Empire, Lere region (former Lere Kingdom).

Commercial port, Kodart.

Unlike the Xucia region of the Asilio continent, which are basically buildings made of ordinary rocks and wooden houses, transportation and acquisition in the commercial port are basically manpower, and there is no assistance from large equipment.

This commercial port is equipped with elevated racks to assist in cargo transportation, large loading machinery, and even highly flexible industrial mechas.

The tallest building complex near the commercial port is almost [-] meters tall, and they are all made of "rocks". At least it looks like a rock on the outside, but even if you don’t use mental power to perceive it, you know that it is difficult for ordinary rock piles to reach that high level of endurance.

and this.

It's just the Ersha Empire, which is second only to Ke Lian in magic technology, and the remote commercial port in Leary area.


Enter the commercial port.

Then Bailong encountered a new problem.

"Should I find a temporary job first to understand the current situation? Or should I go find an academy to study?" Bailong hesitated.

You can't really be an adventurer and wander around like a vagabond, right?

"As for adventurers, it is estimated that only those who are very strong will have the opportunity to contact high-level people, and then they can slowly find out the truth about who I am."

"In terms of work, the only people who can come into contact with big people are those related to the military, right? Or the top big chambers of commerce or something like that?"

"Otherwise, only the colleges will be faster, especially those deans of universities with relatively wide connections."

Bailong was confused.

It's not that I came here without thinking about it at all, but I didn't know the situation of the Ersha Empire before, so I wanted to come here to understand the basic situation before thinking about it.

At least the language here is smooth, and the Ersha Empire is also very powerful, so it's a good choice.

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