When I entered the world of Internet King

Chapter 60 National Competition

After waiting for another 3 minutes, the announcement from the tennis court sounded: "The finals of the XXth National Competition are about to begin, between Kanagawa Tatekai University High School and Hyogo Makinofuji Middle School. Players from both sides are invited to enter!"

After finishing speaking, the originally noisy auditorium fell into silence, and all eyes turned to the tennis court in the center.

"Come on Makinoto! Come on Makinoto!"

"Li Hai Da! Li Hai Da! Let\u0027go! Let\u0027go! Li Hai Da!"

Accompanied by the cheering cheers of the cheerleading teams of both schools, the players from Lihai University High School and Makizhidou Middle School walked to the net and looked at each other across the net.

When Yukimura Seiichi and others shook hands with the players from Makinofuji Middle School, Captain Kitahiro on the opposite side looked at Yukimura Seiichi up and down with contempt in his eyes, and said with disdain in his tone: "Kid, even if you fight It’s great to reach the finals, but it can only stop here today.”

Hearing Captain Kitahiro say this, Yukimura Seiichi responded with a smile: "You can only know if you can win the championship by playing."

After hearing Yukimura Seiichi's answer, Captain Kitahiro showed a sarcastic smile, and then said aloud: "I hope you won't cry too much when you lose."

Vice-captain Ino, who was opposite Genichiro Sanada, asked in a frivolous tone: "Your Echizen Jinshu from Kanto looked pretty in photos from a few years ago. Why didn't you come to cheer you up today? I still want to see it. Beautiful face~"

Echizen Jinshu was suddenly cueed: "???"

Genichiro Sanada frowned after listening to what Vice Captain Ino said, and then said in a serious tone: "She is not a student of our Rikkai University, why is she cheering for us."

After hearing Genichiro Sanada's answer, Vice Captain Ino said: "Oh~ That's right~ I saw Echizen Jinshu in Professional Tennis Monthly and she was pretty good. I didn't expect that she didn't even come to see the finals of the national competition. It's quite disappointing~" After a pause, he continued to add: "But it doesn't matter, she's not here, but she can let you see her skill of making tennis balls disappear."

Yukimura Seiichi's smile faded slightly after Vice Captain Ino said the first sentence. After hearing what Vice Captain Ino said, he spoke before Genichiro Sanada could speak: "That's really exciting to watch. ."


In the audience, many spectators from Kanto came to watch the game and started talking after hearing what Vice Captain Ino said.

"Why is this person so unpleasant to listen to?"

"Echizen Jinshu should be in the U17 training camp at this time, right? Doesn't he know?"

"What does he mean by that, that he or his players also know the skill that can make tennis balls disappear?"

"It's normal. After all, Echizen Jinshu is not the only one who knows this."

"If Echizen Jinshu comes, wouldn't she steal the spotlight from the champion?"

"Maybe Echizen Jinshu is here, but she didn't show her face."


Youth school.

After hearing what Vice Captain Ino said, Kikumaru Eiji frowned and said, "How can this person still have something to say?!"

After hearing what Eiji Kikumaru said, Shusuke Fuji said: "Yes~ Not only did he say that Echizen Jinshu doesn't care about tennis, but he also insinuated that Echizen Jinshu only has looks but no strength. But..."

After listening to Fuji Shusuke's words, Kikumaru Eiji asked aloud: "But what?"

After hearing Kikumaru Eiji's question, Fuji Shusuke continued with a smile: "But Echizen Jinshu seems to be a student of our Seigaku."

After hearing the conversation between Kikumaru Eiji and Fuji Shusuke, Inui Sadaharu said: "There is a 90.00% probability, otherwise Coach Ryuzaki would not be familiar with Echizen Jinshu."

After hearing what Inui Sadaharu said, Kikumaru Eiji said aloud: "I really want to know what Echizen Jinshu thinks of what this person said~"

Tezuka Kunimitsu, who said nothing while listening to what several people around him said, looked towards the direction where Echizen Jinshu was sitting.

ice King.

After listening to what Vice Captain Ino said, Yushi Ninzu said: "This person is really good at telling lies."

After hearing what Ninzu Yushi said, Atobe Keigo stroked the tear stain under his eyes and said confidently: "Echizen Jinshu's skills are not so easy to learn. Isn't it, Kachi."

After hearing what Atobe Keigo said, Kachi Sahiro responded: "Yes."

After hearing Kaji Songhiro's reply, Atobe Keigo looked up and looked in the direction where Echizen Jinshu was sitting, and thought to himself: 'I really want to know how Echizen Jinshu would react when he heard these words. ’

After seeing Keigo Atobe finish speaking, Yushi Ninzu looked towards the direction of the auditorium diagonally above, followed Keigo Atobe's line of sight, and then saw Echizen Jinshu with outstanding temperament, but he was in the middle of the competition. I paid attention before starting and found nothing special.

Just as Yushi Ninzu was about to retract his gaze, he caught Echizen Jinshu's sky-blue hair from the corner of his eye. He was stunned for two seconds and looked at it carefully again. It was indeed sky blue. His pupils shrank, and then he had a bold idea in his heart: 'This person Couldn't it be Echizen Jinshu? ! ! ’ Yushi Ninzu withdrew his gaze and saw Atobe Keigo looking at him.

Atobe Keigo looked at Echizen Jinshu twice and then withdrew his gaze. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ninzu Yushi looking in the direction he just looked at. After a few seconds, his pupils shrank slightly, and he thought in his heart that Ninzu Yushi knew. Who is she?

Atobe Keigo looked at Ninzu Yushi and asked aloud: "You know?"

Hearing Atobe Keigo's question, Yushi Ninzu knew that he knew that the person sitting in the auditorium was Echizen Jinshu, so he nodded and said, "I know." After a pause, he spoke with curiosity. Asked: "Do you know her?"

After hearing the question asked by Ninzu Yushi, Atobe Keigo shook his head and replied: "I've seen it before, when I was in England." After saying that, he had no intention of going on.

Yushi Ninzu raised his eyebrows after hearing what Atobe Keigo said, and then sighed with emotion: "I really didn't expect that she has been to England."

After hearing Ninzu Yushi's emotion, Atobe Keigo just smiled and said nothing.

In the audience, Echizen Ryuya's smile faded a bit after hearing what Vice Captain Ino said, and the smile disappeared from his eyes, revealing only a chill.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that his sister seemed not to have heard these words, so he asked in a low voice: "Sister, he said this to you, don't you give any reaction?"

After hearing Echizen Ryuya's question, Echizen Jinshu replied: "The reaction was after the game was over. Now they have to compete." After a pause, he continued to add: "But his words also gave me something Enlightenment.”

After hearing what Echizen Jinshu said, Echizen Ryuya asked with great interest: "What revelation?"

After hearing Echizen Ryuya's question, Echizen Jinshu replied loudly: "I should participate in some events that I can participate in now to increase my popularity, otherwise some people will always think that I am weak."

After hearing what his sister said, Echizen Ryuya laughed, and then said, "That's true. It's time for you to participate in some competitions, sister."

Echizen Haru was listening to the conversation between her daughter and Echizen Ryuya and had a bad feeling in her heart. After Echizen Ryuya finished speaking, Echizen Haru quickly asked: "Shu Shu, where is the event you are talking about? Competition?”

After Echizen Jinshu heard her mother's question, she turned to look at her and answered, "From abroad."

When Echizen Haru saw her daughter looking at her and answering, she knew that her daughter had already thought about it, but then she remembered that the training camp didn't know her daughter's decision yet, so she said with some luck: "The training camp doesn't know yet that you want to go abroad to participate in competitions, right? Let's wait until the training camp agrees."

Echizen Jinshu nodded after listening to what her mother said, and then said aloud: "Okay, I understand."


On the tennis court, after both sides finished speaking, they returned to the preparation area to prepare.

A few minutes later, the broadcast rang again: "The following is the doubles match for No. [-]. Renji Yanagi and Masaharu Nio from Rikkai University High School will play against Ishisuke XX and Harada XX from Makinofuji Middle School."

After hearing the announcement, both sides took to the court with tennis rackets. After deciding which side had the right to serve, the referee on the court said: "Ishisuke XX and Harada XX from Makinofuji Junior High School will serve first."

After listening to what the referee said, both parties turned around and walked towards where they wanted to stand.

Ishisuke XX walked to the serving point, took out a tennis ball from his pocket, patted it on the ground and threw it into the air. When the tennis ball was about to fall to the right place, he jumped up on his knees and swung the tennis racket with his right arm to hit the tennis ball, sending the tennis ball into the air. Toward the center of Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu.


"call out."

The tennis ball quickly flew to the court where Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu were playing. Seeing Ishisuke XX sending the tennis ball to the center of his own court, Nioh Masaharu held the tennis racket and raised his eyebrows without moving, letting Yanagi Renji behind him hit the ball back. .



Because Nioh Masaharu did not move, he blocked the flight path of the tennis ball. Before Ishisuke XX and Harada XX could react, the tennis ball fell to the left baseline of their court.

Seeing this, the referee loudly said: "15:0, Lihai University High School scores!"

Seeing this situation, XX Shisuke and XX Harada knew that they had underestimated the enemy, so they both took it seriously.

Ishisuke XX repeated the serving action just now, and increased the strength of his right arm to hit the tennis ball towards the court of Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu.



Liu Renji from behind looked at the flying ball and ran toward the falling ball. He ran to the landing point before the tennis ball flew to the baseline, and hit the tennis ball back with his right arm.



When XX Harada saw the flying ball, he directly held the tennis racket and hit the tennis ball hard, hitting the uninhabited half of the area.



Nioh Masaharu moved quickly and hit the tennis ball that flew to his own court hard towards the back of Ishisuke XX and Harada XX in the same way.



Shi Jie XX saw the flying tennis ball and ran quickly towards the landing point, but the tennis racket did not stop the tennis ball. The tennis ball and the tennis racket fell on the court with a gap of five centimeters and bounced out of the court.

Seeing this, the referee loudly said: "30:0, Lihai University High School scores!"

In the audience, Ryuya Echizen looked at the defense and offense of Rikkai University High School and Makinofuji Middle School and said to Echizen Jinshu: "Makinofuji played so poorly~"

Echizen Jinshu yawned after hearing what Echizen Ryuya said, and then responded loudly: "It's really bad, but the first round is a testing stage for both sides. I don't know if there will be anything exciting later. Ball skills.”

After listening to what his sister said, Echizen Ryuya nodded in agreement and continued to watch the game.

On the court, Ishisuke XX repeated the previous serving action and sent the third ball, and the tennis ball flew towards the court of Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu.



Seeing this, Liu Renji obviously didn't want to waste time and ran quickly to the spot where he predicted the tennis ball would fall. His body was straight and his hands were crossed across his chest.


When the tennis ball arrives, he opens his arms and hits the tennis ball with such force that an X-shaped wind appears in the air.


"call out!!"


The ball was so fast that it fell to the ground before Ishisuke XX and Harada XX saw the tennis ball. The strong force caused a black tennis mark to be drawn on the ground.

The referee was stunned for a few seconds when he saw this scene, then came to his senses and announced loudly: "40:0, Lihai University Affiliated High School scores!"

In the audience, Echizen Ryuya watched the ball with interest, and then said to his sister: "This ball is not bad~"

After hearing what Echizen Ryuya said, Echizen Jinshu responded loudly: "It's really good. It's incomprehensible for some people who play doubles."

Echizen Ryuya smiled and nodded after hearing what his sister said, and then said: "Indeed, but for the doubles between the two of us, there is no problem in returning this ball."

Echizen Jinshu nodded in agreement after hearing what Echizen Ryuya said, and then continued to watch the game on the court.

On the field, Ishisuke XX and Harada XX from Makinofuji Middle School couldn't help but swallow their saliva after seeing the traces left by Yanagi Renji's return shot, and couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

Ishisuke XX breathed out, took out the tennis ball from his pocket and patted it on the ground, then threw it slightly into the air. He swung the tennis racket hard with his right arm and hit the tennis ball. The tennis ball turned into an oval due to the strong impact of the tennis racket. Flying towards the field of Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu at a speed that was unprecedented before.


"call out!"

The tennis ball flew past Nioh Masaharu and flew to the empty area behind him. Yanagi Renji predicted the landing point of the tennis ball and stood in front of the tennis ball, with his body straight and his hands crossed across his chest.


When the tennis ball arrives, he opens his arms and hits the tennis ball with such force that an X-shaped wind appears in the air.


"call out!!"


The tennis ball was still played back to the court of Ishisuke XX and Harada XX. When the two did not see the tennis ball, the strong force of the tennis ball caused a black tennis mark on the ground.

The referee, who had already seen the power once, was no longer stunned. He said loudly: "Game, the score is 1:0, Lihai High School Affiliated is in the lead!"

Nioh Masaharu looked at Ishisuke XX and Harada XX opposite and said: "There is no pressure~puli~"

Yanagi Renji walked up to Niou Masaharu and said, "That's true."

The two changed positions, and Ishisuke XX and Harada XX opposite them became so angry that they looked much better after hearing what Nioh Masaharu and Yanagi Renji said.

The next game was basically one-sided, and the referee finally announced: "The game is over! The score is 6:0, Rikkai High School Affiliated High School Yanagi Renji and Nioh Masaharu won!"

After hearing the result announced by the referee, the cheerleading team from the High School Affiliated to Lihai University began to shout loudly: "Da Lihai! Da Lihai! Let\u0027go! Let\u0027go! Da Lihai!"

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