“Those who say they will win are either deceiving themselves or others.”

Bai Ning's response was concise and clear, and the connotation was even richer. Risk and death were accompanied, and wanting a certain result was just deceiving oneself and others.

"So, do you think you will always be the lucky one?"

Bai Ning's response made the smile on Jiang Yingxue's face grow wider, but she was not ready to end the topic here.

Excessive confidence will always make participants like Jiang Yingxue feel like a naive fool, singing and dancing on the blade with a silly smile. This is not the result she wants.

"Confidence is indeed a good thing. It can at least allow people to gain a glimmer of hope in desperate situations."

Regarding Jiang Yingxue's nonsense, Bai Ning's attitude remained unchanged, his tone was indifferent, and he looked completely uninterested.

It's boring to talk about death too much. A true explorer always takes life and death lightly.

"You are quite reasonable.

This notebook is really worth studying in depth, maybe you can find more secrets in it.

Now that we are completely exposed to the wilderness, and the group of wild boars have been dormant for so many days, do you think they will attack again tonight? "

Through Bai Ning's overall attitude, Jiang Yingxue suddenly felt a little bored, and the topic instantly changed to talk about the long-dormant herd offensive.

"According to Gogol's point of view, this place already belongs to the sphere of influence of scavengers. Even if the Wild Boar King is eager for revenge, it still has to weigh it carefully.

After so many days, the horses we placed outside the outpost research base are still safe and sound, which already explains a lot.

A bold guess is that as long as our situation is not too embarrassing, it is basically impossible to be attacked by the herd again. "

The wild boar herd had already lost a female leader in the previous offensive, which was a huge blow to the wild boar king.

When the topic reaches this point, the atmosphere in the venue becomes silent again, which will not affect the execution of subsequent plans.

Bai Ning then asked translator Bo Xinshan to participate in the interpretation of the contents of the notes, hoping to better discover some important clues.

Just as Bai Ning predicted, the camp was safe and sound for the next few days, and the desperadoes lived a happy life, but Bai Ning and the other three lived an extremely troubled life.

I originally thought that after translator Bo Xinshan joined the translation team, Grandpa Gogol's notes would be translated more smoothly, but it turned out to be more complicated.

The reason is also very simple, because everything in the notes that points to the core of the illusion is extremely obscure.

"What exactly is the core of the illusion?

If we are all immersed in the illusion, and you continue to enter the illusion in the illusion, is the core of the illusion just a generation mechanism of a dream within a dream? "

Jiang Yingxue has limited experience with the fantasy maze, and is very interested in Bai Ning's ability to finally escape from the fantasy maze.

“There is nothing wrong with interpreting the maze of illusions as a dream within a dream.

However, in my understanding, the core of the fantasy world should also have certain AI attributes.

The so-called artificial intelligence is not uncommon in various myths and legends. The most basic one is the legend of the creation of humans by gods in the East and West.

It is said that the Atlantean civilization was good at creating genetic organisms, so it is not surprising that they were able to develop certain artificial intelligence technology. "

Regarding Jiang Yingxue's curiosity, Bai Ning only talked in general terms. It was basically a summary of some common sense without anything novel.

"Boss, there is a very strange mark here. It seems to be a description of an experimental scene, lamenting that his good friend eventually fell into a state of brain death due to too radical actions."

Bo Xinshan is a professional translator. His reading comprehension ability is definitely the strongest among the three, and his sensitivity to some details is also the highest.

His excavation of this detail immediately attracted the attention of Bai Ning and Jiang Yingxue.

"Brain dead?

Could it be that he is talking about the experimental accident when the fantasy core was opened? "

Jiang Yingxue's summary of opinions was very instinctive, basically forcing the content related to the core of the illusion.

The so-called brain death has four criteria: irreversible deep coma, no spontaneous breathing, loss of brainstem reflexes, and loss of brain electrical activity.

At this time, the brain cells and tissues are degenerated, necrotic and liquefied, but the body can still maintain physical activity through the ventilator, and the digestive system can even digest food on its own.

However, this concept was only proposed in 1968, and the Soviets began investigating the Tunguska region in 1927. Bai Ning felt that the description of "brain death" was probably a vegetative state.

"Is it brain death or cessation of brain activity?"

Bai Ning asked aloud, which forced Debo Xinshan to read it carefully again.

"It means deep sleep and brain damage. The overall feeling is similar to brain death."

The scientific descriptions are very rigorous, and the scientific testing of comatose people must also be very complete. I think the scientists at that time must have been breathing spontaneously, but the overall physical reaction was like a coma caused by a certain degree of brain damage.

This is likely to be the overall appearance of the relevant scientists after they fell into the maze of illusions. It is just due to lack of experience that the comatose fell into a state of irreversible brain damage.

This phenomenon also seems to indicate that the functionality of the illusion core is extremely weak when it is first awakened, and it is unable to cover the entire outpost research base, let alone turn the entire research base into an illusion labyrinth of uncertainty.

In other words, after awakening, the core of the illusion goes through a process of growth and expansion.

This growth is obviously not a further improvement in functionality, but a crazy expansion of energy levels.

So, what is the energy source used in the core of the illusion?

Even though the outpost research base has been abandoned for so many years, the core of the illusion is still so powerful. It is obvious that its energy source cannot be fossil energy or electrical energy.

This sudden realization reminded Bai Ning of a previous research result obtained in a secret sleep deprivation laboratory.

The process of spontaneous combustion of the human body is too rapid, and such a huge energy burst is completely abnormal. Therefore, relevant scientists believe that it is likely that the annihilation of the soul will also release a certain amount of energy.

Since the soul is also an aggregated form of energy, could the energy source at the core of the illusion be the human soul?

If the human soul can be regarded as a source of energy, then would the big explosion in the Tunguska region also be a concentrated explosion of soul energy? !

This kind of weird speculation is as if the ancient ruins in the Tunguska region are the legendary hell infested with evil spirits.

It was precisely due to the catalysis of certain unstable factors in 1908 that a big explosion occurred in the soul storage warehouse in the ancient ruins of Tunguska, which ultimately caused the Tunguska explosion that shocked the world.

Continuing to run wildly on this line of reasoning, this technology that can cause a spiritual explosion is the Wardenclyffe Tower invented by Tesla.

This kind of bold speculation with unclear theory made Bai Ning feel a little incredible.

However, on second thought, the cause of spontaneous combustion of the human body is unknown, and the cause of the sudden collapse of the human soul is even more unknown. The only thing that can be known is that the spontaneous combustion of the human body will cause violent fluctuations in the nearby magnetic field.

So, is there a special mechanism in Wardenclyffe Tower that can further catalyze the process of soul disintegration? Just like the fission reaction caused by the impact of neutrons on atomic nuclei, this special mechanism will also cause the collapse of a large number of spiritual bodies. Collapse quickly.

If further reasoning is based on this assumption, the ancient ruins in the Tunguska area may have been razed to the ground in the original big explosion.

However, according to later simulated explosions, the Tunguska explosion was an airburst butterfly-shaped explosion trace, and the carbonized trees still standing at the center of the explosion also support this verification result.

Could it be that the violent disintegration process of the spirit bodies caused the self-protection emergency mechanism of the ancient ruins to be activated, and the vessels containing a large number of spirit bodies were thrown into the air, abandoning the vehicle to protect the commander.

In the face of this small piece of information that he accidentally learned, Bai Ning's thoughts were in confusion, and he was completely afraid to determine whether his crazy guess was correct or not.

Such inexplicable fluctuations in his thoughts made Bai Ning wonder if the influence of the core of the illusion still existed on him.

Thinking about the weird self-destruction behavior of the fantasy core after Skinny Gogol successfully escaped from the fantasy maze through a bug, Bai Ning began to have some doubts about whether the fantasy core really self-destructed.

If Atlantis' research on consciousness and soul has reached this level, the human body is nothing more than a carrier carrying consciousness and soul, similar to a piece of computer hardware.

It is difficult for you to confirm that the main program at the core of the illusion will not be attached to whose body in order to achieve a certain degree of freedom.

For example, Gogol's temperament changed drastically after he woke up. You can understand this as the influence of Skinny Gogol on him, or you can think of Skinny Gogol as the ontology of consciousness at the core of the illusion.

The core of the illusion wants to occupy Gogol's body. This is the conclusion Bai Ning deduced in the maze of illusion. Now that the core of the illusion has successfully occupied Gogol's body, isn't it possible that this is a factual result?

Thinking of this step, Bai Ning began to sweat on his forehead, and he also had some doubts about the inexplicable self-destruction of the core of the illusion.

Seeing Bai Ning's reaction in Jiang Yingxue's eyes, the expression on her face became more solemn.

It's just a case of brain death that may be misinterpreted. What kind of uproar can such a small detail cause in Bai Ning's cognitive system? !

Perhaps, there really is some special reaction mechanism in this lucky gambler, which enables him to discover some secrets that ordinary people cannot discover.

Therefore, Bai Ning was able to blaze a trail in places where ordinary people dare not tread.

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