Lu Shaohan Chen Yucheng

Chapter 95 Farewell to the Children

Qu Yi suddenly realized that this little girl Chen Yucheng was playing tricks on her again! So he put down the Arctic Ocean and walked towards Chen Yucheng aggressively. There was a table between them. Chen Yucheng quickly stood up and circled around the table, and Qu Yi followed suit, but there was no way he could catch anyone with such a flexible turning method. The bell rang before he had even circled a few times.

Chen Yucheng held the table, holding back a smile and said, "How about we have a truce first? I'll take a rest and you go to class?" Qu Yi looked outside the door. The children all ran back to the classroom in a hurry, and she couldn't stay in the office all the time. Not good, so he glared at Chen Yucheng and walked away with the book. Chen Yucheng remembered something and quickly shouted to Qu Yi's back: "Hey, don't let the children go after class later, I want to talk to them about something!"

Qu Yi's back showed coldness, and Chen Yucheng could only repeat it a few times. Qu Yi did not look back, but just waved her hand to express her knowledge, and Chen Yucheng was relieved. She just said, Qu Yi is not someone who only cares about being angry without caring about the overall situation. So Chen Yucheng also sat down and took a breath. It was quite exciting and tiring to hide in circles with Qu Yi.

After taking a break, Chen Yucheng continued to work. She wanted to divide the recruitment process into two parts. The first part is an interview, where he introduces himself and then shares his teaching philosophy; the second part is a simulated class. Chen Yucheng will also invite several available teachers of special subjects to give ratings, and the candidates will be decided based on the comprehensive score ranking of the two parts.

Lu Shaohan has started to publish recruitment information. Chen Yucheng now needs to write a recruitment process, and then show it to Lu Shaohan, and ask Lu Shaohan to pass the process on. After the process is passed, the recruitment can begin. Chen Yucheng was at his desk writing down his recruitment ideas in a notebook, scribbling and revising them from time to time, focusing on his own affairs, and the time passed quickly.

After the bell rang for a while, Chen Yucheng looked up from his notebook in confusion, patted his head before remembering to tell the children about not being able to go to class. He quickly put down his pen and rushed to the classroom. When Chen Yucheng arrived in the classroom, he saw Qu Yi talking to the children, soothing the children's restless hearts because school was over.

When Chen Yucheng stepped onto the podium, he received an angry look from Qu Yi. Chen Yucheng quickly smiled begging for mercy. Qu Yi didn't hesitate when she saw Chen Yucheng coming. She packed her things and said, "Your teacher Chen is here, Teacher Qu will leave first." After saying that, she winked at Chen Yucheng, who also winked back. , this is what Qu Yi meant when he said he would wait for her in the office.

After Qu Yi left, the children didn't make any noise and just looked at Chen Yucheng eagerly. Chen Yucheng looked around and had been with the children for almost two months. It was really cruel and reluctant to suddenly announce the separation. Chen Yuqing coughed twice before speaking: "Children, I have some good news to tell you."

The children below were all excited and were discussing among themselves. Chen Yucheng didn't stop it this time. He just smiled and watched the children making trouble. After all, it was not class time, and this scene might be the last time he watched this month. In the end, the children didn't hear Chen Yucheng's stop. They looked at Chen Yucheng on the stage. Chen Yucheng still looked at them with a smile, with a gentle light in his eyes.

The children looked at me and I looked at you. They felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and finally they all calmed down in tacit agreement. Chen Yucheng smiled before speaking: "Why are there such a tacit understanding this time? Let me tell you the good news first. You won't have to go to class starting tomorrow. It's a small holiday before the new semester starts." The children cheered after hearing this. stand up.

The little adult Wei Xuan also slightly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, then frowned and thought of something before asking: "Is there some bad news that you haven't told yet?" Chen Yucheng looked at Wei Xuan, thinking about Wei Xuan and the children in the class. They are not much different in age, but their minds are much more mature than other children, and they focus on the right points every time.

Chen Yucheng pretended to be distressed, "It shouldn't be bad news for you. The courses you are taking are also summer interest courses, and I am also your temporary teacher. Now that the summer vacation is almost over, I have to return to my hometown to work. "The children quickly retorted, "This is obviously bad news!" "Although you always give a lot of homework, Teacher Chen, and are sometimes very strict, you are still our favorite teacher in our hearts!" "Ah! Chen! Teacher, can you stay?"

The children were talking all over the place, and some of the thin-skinned girls even cried sadly. Chen Yucheng's forehead was twitching, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. This scene was a bit difficult to control.


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