Lu Shaohan Chen Yucheng

Chapter 89 2 painting

Chen Yucheng picked up the drawing book, hummed a song and walked to the sofa to sit down. He picked up the pen on the table and continued to draw pictures. There are still two matching pictures to be finished, which should be completed soon, but Chen Yucheng seems to have "exhausted his talent". Chen Yucheng took a pen and scribbled on the drawing book, and a large gray shadow suddenly appeared in the drawing book, but Chen Yucheng's mind was not on it, but blankly letting himself go.

Chen Yucheng suddenly thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up. When he saw the gray shadows painted on his drawing book, he quickly picked up the eraser and erased them. Chen Yucheng moved quickly, and the prototype of a big tree appeared. This tree looked full of branches and leaves. Following Chen Yucheng's movements, many small flower buds sprouted out of them.

Chen Yucheng picked up the drawing book and looked at it, nodded with satisfaction, then changed to a black pen and continued the tracing work. The flower buds are small and the leaves come in many shapes, so it is difficult to draw. Chen Yucheng spent a lot of time tracing the edges. But Chen Yucheng didn't feel tired at all. Looking at the jasmine tree in the painting book, this was already the best painting that Chen Yucheng had devoted all his energy to.

But Chen Yucheng still felt that it was not good enough, not vivid enough, not bright enough, not fragrant enough, and something was missing. So Chen Yucheng closed her eyes, as if she had returned to that day again. She stood under the lush jasmine tree and raised her head slightly, so that her hair was gently spread over her beautiful shoulders, and the lines of her entire face became more three-dimensional and clear. .

She stood under the tree, gently twitching the tip of her small nose, her eyes closed, and her long eyelashes fluttering, like a fragile butterfly about to fly. Her red lips were slightly raised, making her face look plump. The wind also slightly blew the hem of her skirt. The light green skirt complemented the man's olive green military trousers. The man beside her did not lower his head to see this scene, but stared silently at Chen Yucheng's side face.

Chen Yucheng didn't know what Lu Shaohan was thinking in his heart. But she was not ignorant. Lu Shaohan's hot eyes heated up Chen Yucheng's heart. At this moment, Chen Yucheng suddenly knew that Lu Shaohan wanted him. Chen Yucheng opened his eyes, looked at the jasmine tree painted in his hand and smiled. Fortunately, Lu Shaohan seemed to have got what he wanted.

There is one last painting left, and Chen Yucheng seems to have the answer in his heart. She has never painted people yet, only trees, flowers, cats, and dogs, but she is very confident because she is full of emotions for the people she is about to paint. 33?0?5qxs.?0?4m

Chen Yucheng recalled Qu Yijiao's method of painting characters. First, draw a circle to represent the character's head, and then draw a cross under the circle to represent the character's torso...Chen Yucheng held up the pen and didn't know how to make the next stroke. After hesitating for a long time, Chen Yucheng put down his pen in frustration and rubbed his hair in frustration to vent his anger.

Why do you think so much? Do you have to follow the method when painting? Not necessarily. Chen Yucheng picked up the pen and put it down again because she wanted to use an eraser to erase the stupid-looking circles and crosses. After wiping it off, Chen Yucheng exhaled, picked up the pen and applied the shadow diagonally.

Then Chen Yucheng sketched the man's back. The man was wearing a military uniform, standing tall and straight, with his right hand raised, his fingers together and straightened naturally, and his middle finger slightly touching the right corner of the hat about 2 centimeters. There is no doubt that what this man is doing is saluting. The left side of his body was immersed in darkness, while the right side of his body was exposed to the sun. Only his smooth jawline and military rank that seemed to be shining were visible. He just looked in front of him and followed his line of sight. It turned out to be a five-star red flag.

The man only showed his jawline, and his military rank was not detailed, because Chen Yucheng only painted his military rank with a ball of light. It looked like he had a military rank, and it seemed that it was just reflected by the sun. The person in the painting didn't care, just staring ahead. He is neither like Chen Yucheng nor Lu Shaohan.

Chen Yucheng just wanted to paint this picture to express what she saw in the military zone. The soldiers train every day and occasionally go out for training. When she walks on the road, she can see soldiers standing guard and patrolling, as well as Qu Yi's lover, her brother and her lover. They are too busy to see anyone and have no time to eat. They are always there. Meeting for the security of the military area. Even on a hot summer day, when their faces were covered with sweat and their shirts on the back were soaked into another color with sweat, they still stuck to their posts.

Therefore, they deserve to be recorded and drawn in Chen Yucheng's painting book, because they deserve to be admired.

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