Lu Shaohan Chen Yucheng

Chapter 64 Umbrella tearing behavior

Chen Yucheng thought about it in his mind and decided to draw flowers, which he was best at. After all, this was something even Qu Yi had praised!

Chen Yucheng made the snowflake cakes into square shapes. The snowflake cakes were wrapped in thick kraft paper. However, because the snowflake cakes were placed flat, the kraft paper was also very flat, making it easy to draw. Chen Yucheng first used a pencil to draw the approximate size and shape of the flower on kraft paper, and then traced it with a pen.

It is easy to make a rough draft, but it is very difficult to draw the outline the second time, which is equivalent to tracing the second draft. But be careful not to trace the original edges, and don't start too hard, because the pen is easy to smudge, and once it smudges, the original shape of the flower will become smaller, and it will also affect the subsequent coloring.

It took Chen Yucheng more than an hour just to outline the entire kraft paper. It was already past four o'clock when Chen Yucheng raised his tired eyes to look at the clock. After thinking for a while, Chen Yucheng put down his pen and walked to the balcony. Although he was eager to express his feelings, he could not ignore his physical condition.

Chen Yucheng picked up the water at hand and drank it, looking towards the direction of the auditorium in the distance. The lush, white tree must be the jasmine tree. Chen Yucheng closed his eyes, opened his arms, and raised the corners of his lips slightly, as if he was under the jasmine tree, smelling the fragrant jasmine fragrance, with the man's silent gaze beside him.

When his eyes felt better, Chen Yucheng picked up the water glass and went back to the house, sat down, relaxed his muscles and bones, and continued working. Now it was time to color the kraft paper. Chen Yucheng only painted the entire kraft paper with four colors, one white, one pink, one dark green, and one light green.

The white ones are jasmine flowers, with a large area, and the pink ones are unknown wild flowers. Coordinate the colors so that the entire kraft paper does not look so cold and solemn with only white and green. Chen Yucheng still painted very carefully to prevent the paint from covering the traced edges.

When Chen Yucheng got horny and it was past six o'clock, Chen Yucheng found a piece of hemp rope and tied the kraft paper containing the snowflake cake tightly. Chen Yucheng picked up the kraft paper and looked at it. The kraft paper was brown and so was the hemp rope. The entire outer piece of kraft paper is covered with flowers and leaves. The flowers are very delicate and the vines are swaying in the wind. The leaves on the vines have different colors and are swaying in the wind. The whole kraft paper is full of savagery. of vitality.

Chen Yucheng was very satisfied with the finished product. He didn't want to cook alone tonight, so he changed his clothes and set off to the canteen to find food. It was past six o'clock at this time, and there were many soldiers leaving for evening training. Chen Yucheng was wondering if he could meet Lu Shaohan?

It would be best if you could eat at the same table with him, feel the body heat coming from his shirt, look at his sharp jawline, and see his cheeks chewing food. With such beauty, she will definitely be able to eat two more bowls of rice!

Chen Yucheng stood in line with a dinner plate, his eyes wandering uncertainly, and he didn't see anyone yet. I scanned the entire canteen and saw that there were quite a few empty seats, but I still didn't see anyone. Chen Yucheng slowly picked up the rice in his bowl. Until he finished eating, he still didn't see anyone.

Chen Yucheng walked out of the cafeteria stroking his bulging belly, feeling lost. It turns out that waiting for someone and expecting someone to appear is so sad. Chen Yucheng encouraged herself. It was August 20rd, and there were still more than [-] days before she returned to the county. Besides, the camp was so big, she was really not afraid of not meeting Lu Shaohan.

I have been busy all day today, making snowflake cakes, drafting, and tracing. I also worked hard and sat quietly for a long time, and my shoulders are still sore. You must do yoga tonight, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable when you wake up tomorrow.

After doing yoga, Chen Yucheng took a rest. After washing, he waited for his hair to dry and went to bed immediately. Today's workload was heavy, so he had to go to bed early, otherwise he would not be able to get up for tomorrow's morning class.

The next day, Chen Yucheng got up like a zombie, struggling to even raise his hands to brush his teeth. Yesterday, I worked very hard on frying marshmallows, tracing and coloring, etc. All my arms were used. Today, my arms are very sore. Today we won’t teach the children new words. Let’s take a random test.

Chen Yucheng walked and ate breakfast and arrived at school. He got up a little late today and the bell rang as soon as he arrived at the office. Chen Yucheng took his books and went to the classroom. Chen Yucheng stood on the podium with his arms folded, "Today we will play driving a train. Let's start with the word train. Yuqi, use dictionaries to compose words."

Yuqi, who was called, stood up, "Dictionary, Dictionary." Chen Yucheng nodded, "Very good, please sit down. Next, Ran Ran, use Ming to compose words." Ran Ran stood up slowly, "Ming, Ming ..." I said several inscriptions, but I just couldn't form the words and still didn't remember them. Chen Yucheng waved his hand, "Please sit down, please go back and write a page of the phrase "memorize" and give it to me." Ranran nodded and sat down.

Combining words is really a nightmare for children. There are many words and they will often be forgotten if they are not reviewed. Therefore, Chen Yucheng’s spot checks are crucial, as they can help children find and fill in gaps and deepen their memory.

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