Lu Shaohan Chen Yucheng

Chapter 247 Minced meat and water eggs

So after receiving the award, the three adults and a group of children left the County Education Bureau in a grand manner.

This time the school was also very generous and allocated funds to rent a minivan to pick up and drop off students.

It is convenient to have a car. After telling the address of the state-owned hotel, sixteen people took a car for more than 20 minutes and arrived.

It's dinner time now, and there are a lot of people coming and going in the state-owned hotel, and the aroma of the food inside is also constantly coming out, which is particularly tempting in this cold early winter season.

A group of children, most of whom had never been to a state-owned hotel, raised their heads in unison to look at the plaque of the state-owned hotel. They thought it was so grand and twitched their red noses. The food was so delicious! The hotel is so grand and the food is so tempting. Will it be expensive?

A group of children felt novel and expectant at first, but now they were just worried. Chen Yucheng naturally paid attention to the children's emotions at all times. He also felt the children's worried mood, and felt sour in his heart.

The children's shiny black eyes all looked at the vice-principal. What a shrewd person the vice-principal was, he didn't explain anything, but asked. "Isn't it cold standing here at the door? Come in quickly, drink hot tea and order food!"

The children immediately became happy again. The vice-principal was not lying and actually took them to a restaurant! But think carefully about what to eat!

The waiter at the door was very discerning. Seeing the group of people standing at the door, he didn't rush them away. The group of people walked towards the hotel and hurriedly greeted them. "There are many of us, how about we go upstairs to the private room?"

The vice principal nodded, and a group of people went upstairs. The children also knew the rules and did not run around when there were many people. They just walked obediently behind the vice principal.

The current private rooms can seat as many people as possible, and there is no need to pay for additional private room fees, tea fees, etc., and there are no minimum consumption restrictions.

A group of people arrived at the side room. The waiter first added stools, then quickly brought tea and several menu cards.

The most junior adult here is Chen Yucheng, so Chen Yucheng is busy arranging seats and pouring tea, and Qiu Wenjing also helps.

When a group of people were seated, the grade director and vice-principal did not take the cake. The protagonists were the children who had just won the prize, so they showed the menu cards to the children.

The children also understand the importance of seniority and inferiority. At first, they did not dare to take the menu and look at it. Instead, they were overwhelmed with tea and looked at the vice principal and then at Chen Yucheng.

It was the vice-principal who pushed the menu in the direction of the children again, "You are the protagonists, you order!" The children still did not dare to move, but Chen Yucheng picked up the menu and handed it to the hands of several children, and the children Dare to look at the menu.

The children were a little frightened, but mostly in disbelief. There really were adults who kept their word, even though the food in the restaurant seemed expensive; there were really adults who would respect the children's wishes and let them order their favorite dishes.

Chen Yucheng and Qiu Wenjing looked at a menu together. Qiu Wenjing didn't know what to order, so she just followed it.

Chen Yucheng knew that Qiu Wenjing couldn't eat meat, so he pointed to a dish of minced meat and steamed eggs and asked softly, "Is this dish okay?" Qiu Wenjing couldn't understand Chen Yucheng's meaning yet, so she thought it was Chen Yucheng who wanted to eat it, so she nodded. I asked the waiter to order this steamed egg with minced meat dish. 33?0?5qxs.?0?4m

Seeing that people of the same age as Qiu Wenjing were ordering dishes, several children also ordered several dishes, all of which were small meat dishes. In the end, the vice-principal waved his hand and ordered some braised pork and braised bone sticks. Otherwise, with just these meat dishes, not only would it be a shame to treat guests, but he would also not be full.

The food came quickly, and the basins and plates were filled to the brim with rich oil and red sauce. They looked appetizing, and the thirteen children swallowed secretly.

At the vice-principal's order, all sixteen people, large and small, started using their chopsticks. Chen Yucheng was soaked in rain and dew, and after serving rice and vegetables for all thirteen children, he could not think about himself.

After eating half full in a hurry, Chen Yucheng gave Qiu Wenjing a spoonful of watery eggs without minced meat. Qiu Wenjing also knew that there was minced meat on this spoonful of eggs. Although the minced meat was cleaned by Chen Yuqing, Qiu Wenjing still felt disgusted with the eggs that smelled like minced meat.

Chen Yucheng knew that the cycle must be gradual, so he scooped half a spoonful of eggs into his own bowl, and the remaining half spoonful into Qiu Wenjing's bowl.

Chen Yucheng persuaded Qiu Wenjing in a low voice, "This egg has no meat, do you want to eat it? If it doesn't taste good, spit it out."

Qiu Wenjing took a few glances at the yellow, soft-boiled eggs. Oil and soy sauce had been poured on the soft-boiled eggs. They were shiny and looked very tempting, and there was no nauseating minced meat.

Qiu Wenjing looked at Chen Yucheng who had a questioning face again. After struggling for a long time, she put the half spoon of water egg into her mouth. The water egg was smooth and tender, and she swallowed it without chewing. The aftertaste was only slightly sweet. The smell of meat and the strong aroma of eggs don’t feel so nauseating?

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