Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 35 Save Private Tony! (Please collect and read the new book!

Chapter 35 Saving Private Tony! (Please collect and read the new book!)

Somewhere in the Middle East, outside the lair of terrorists.

Li Yun looked at the small village where countless ammunition was piled up, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally found this familiar place.

In order to find this place, Li Yun used the power of the rabbit spell to travel almost throughout the Middle East.

"Very good, just rescue Tony Stark and Dr. Ethan."

Li Yun glanced at his cell phone and received a text message about the mission to find Tony, and immediately activated the rabbit charm and snake charm to sneak into the cave dug by the terrorists.

"found it."

In less than a minute, Li Yun visited the entire cave and found Tony and Ethan.

However, Tony was still in a coma at this time, and even the wound on his chest was only protected by a magnet.

Li Yun hid himself and touched his chin, feeling a little embarrassed.

It seems that you came early?

If Tony Stark was rescued like this, could he still create a miniaturized nuclear reactor?Will Mark Armor still appear?

Li Yun was a little entangled. It would go against his heart to wait for Tony Stark to complete his transformation without saving his life.

But if we rescue him now, will Iron Man still be born?

Forget it, human lives matter!

When the terrorists came to serve the meal, Li Yun stopped worrying and decided to rescue Tony and Ethan now.

If the world needs it, Iron Man will appear again.

Li Yun, who has experienced two Spider-Men, firmly believes in this.

After the Middle Eastern terrorists left, Li Yun immediately appeared. At the same time, the power of the monkey charm was activated, and his face instantly changed into that of a Middle Eastern terrorist.

Turning the corner, Li Yun went straight to the door where Tony Stark and Ethan were imprisoned.

Li Yun glanced at the camera casually, then secretly threw a note in his hand into the cell and turned around to leave.

Ethan was eating and was stunned for a moment when he saw the small note appearing at his feet. Then he immediately reacted, stepped on it with his feet, and continued eating.

After being held captive by terrorists for so long, he became calm and relaxed.

Late at night, Ethan pretended to be asleep with his back to the monitor and opened the note.

"It's three o'clock in the morning, get ready to escape from here!"

Ethan was a little confused when he saw the brief sentence on the note.

His first reaction was that terrorists were fishing, but on second thought, these terrorists probably didn't have such smart ideas.

Involuntarily, a glimmer of hope arose in Ethan's heart. What if it was true?

What if the person who rescued Tony found out that Tony was here?

But this is the lair of terrorists, and there are many enemies. If we come to rescue them, can we really break in and take them out safely?

Looking at Tony who was still unconscious, Ethan's expression was gloomy.

But for the glimmer of hope of escape, Ethan decided to be prepared.

After thinking about it, he immediately stood up, came to the unconscious Tony, and firmly fixed the magnet on Tony's chest to prevent the magnet from falling and causing Tony's death when he was about to move it later.

With a worried heart, Ethan tossed and turned, unable to sleep at all. He glanced at the clock outside the door from time to time, counting the time.

"It's already three o'clock in the morning, why is there still no movement?" Looking at the clock again, Ethan saw that it was already three o'clock in the morning and saw no response from the entire cave, and he was filled with disappointment.

"Sure enough, how could anyone come to save them!"

Ethan sighed and was about to close his eyes and sleep when there was a sound of opening the door.

"Huh?" Ethan opened his eyes immediately, showing a look of surprise.

Then he turned his head and saw a Middle Eastern terrorist with thick eyebrows and a big beard opening the door, and his surprise disappeared instantly.

The man with thick eyebrows and big beard walked up to Ethan and looked at him condescendingly.

<divclass="contentadv">"What's the matter?" Ethan asked in Arabic while lying down.

"Get up and get ready to leave."

The man with thick eyebrows and big beard immediately spoke fluent English, and Ethan became excited instantly.

"You are???"

Ethan looked surprised. He didn't expect that the people who came to rescue them turned out to be terrorists in the cave.

Could it be a spy from the beautiful country?

Ethan flashed this idea and immediately got up. He looked at the dark passage and the camera that was still flashing red light. He whispered worriedly: "There is surveillance. Once we leave, they will find out."

"No." Li Yun, who was pretending to have thick eyebrows and a big beard, thought of the people who had died in the monitoring room and shook his head slightly.

"We've taken care of it. Just follow me when you put Tony Stark on your back."

After saying that, Li Yun immediately came to the door and looked at Ethan.

Although Ethan was very scared, in order to escape from this devil's cave, he gritted his teeth, directly carried Tony on his back and followed him out.

Die or die!

With the heart of being discovered at all times, Ethan followed Li Yun and kept moving.

Soon, Ethan showed a surprised look.

Not a single terrorist appeared along the way. It seemed as if all the terrorists had gone to pray. The entire cave was extremely quiet, which was a little scary.

But Ethan had no time to think too much and followed Li Yun step by step. Soon they left the cave and appeared on a platform.

Looking at the bonfires dotted under the platform, Ethan's eyes were dazed for a moment.

He hasn't seen the outside world for a long time.

"Go on, don't stop!"

Li Yun turned his head and whispered.


Ethan came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and weighed Tony on his back, and continued to follow Li Yun.

Soon, they passed through the terrorist village and came to a wilderness of Gobi.

At this time, Li Yun walked in front, pretending to tear off the disguise, throwing the wig aside, then turned around to reveal his Chinese face, which opened a store in New York, and smiled at Ethan.

"Congratulations, Dr. Ethan, you escaped."

With that said, Li Yun came to an open space and gently pulled off a piece of yellow canvas, revealing the convertible off-road vehicle inside.

"Escape now?"

Ethan put Tony in the back seat with a dazed look on his face, then got into the passenger seat and looked at Li Yun driving, hesitant to speak.

Li Yun caught a glimpse of Ethan's appearance and couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

In order for them to come out successfully, Li Yun did not rest this night. He used the power of the Rabbit Talisman and the Sheep Talisman to put everyone into a deep sleep, and no matter how loud the movement was, they would not be awakened.

Casting the power of the Sheep Talisman can make a person's soul fall into peace. This kind of soul peace will make the person's body naturally enter a deep sleep.

It was precisely based on this that Li Yun was able to rescue the two of them quietly without revealing his special superpower.

As for when the American military asked him later how he rescued people from countless terrorists, he could have said that he had put sweat medicine in those people's food. Although the statement was a bit outrageous, it could still stand up to a certain amount of scrutiny.

After all, those people really just slept all night.


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