I have found out your real name

Chapter 92 Soaring Under the Night Sky

Chapter 92 Soaring under the night sky

The ground was shaking, and the sand on the beach began to vibrate as if a giant had put it in a can and fiddled with it up and down, turning the invisible tremors into a visible phenomenon that extended into the ocean under the night sky, creating unquiet ripples.

"That's... what dad became?!"

Airisa raised her head and stared at the giant beast floating in the air.

A layer of pale scales covered the dragon's body like thick armor. The long curved horns tilted towards the night sky. The ferocious thorns that started from the dragon's head spread all the way down the back until the slender dragon tail was completely transformed. weapon.

The dragon wings spread out from its back stirred up turbulent airflow with just a slight beat. The ends of the giant beast's thick four legs spread out sharp claws, bathing in the moonlight and casting a terrifying shadow on the ground.

Abu Khattak seemed not to have expected this, but he had recovered from his shock.

He raised his hands as if to show off his achievements, looked at Li Wu and said: "Look! The white dragon scales excavated by King Vortigern were implanted into the descendants of Dragon Blood Duke, and finally such a miracle was achieved. "

"Shut up." Li Wu threw a fireball at the dwarf vampire's face.

"Dad? Can you see us?"

Airisa called out to the dragon.

The giant dragon, which has been quietly staying under the night since the beginning, lowered its head, turned its amber eyes, and looked down at the small thing standing on the ground. Just this observation can arouse human beings' desire for giant things. Instinct fear.

Bailong did not respond, but Li Wu clearly felt the intelligence of an intelligent creature from its vertical pupils.

Its eyes focused on the Celtic vampire who had just been hit by a fireball and was now complaining and slapping the flames on his face, and then opened its crocodile-like jaws.

At this moment, the sense of danger brought by [Pure Eyes] reached its peak.

Li Wu instantly activated the state of Dharma manifestation, picked up Airisa beside him with one hand, and rushed towards Xingchuan.

He roughly grabbed the magical girl by the collar and used his momentum to throw her into the sky.

In a world that seems to have pressed the slow play button, the tacit understanding cultivated by the two people worked.

The girl's skirt fluttered slightly, and after a moment of surprise, she spread her wings of light and flew to a higher position.

At the same time, Bailong took a deep breath.

It was like a brief hurricane blew up, and the surrounding airflow turned into a substantial form, and was swallowed into the dragon's mouth like a black hole.

Even the trees growing on the beach were uprooted by the strong wind, and were broken by the violent eddies before they flew very far.

A scene like a natural disaster was easily created by the dragon, but this was just a prelude to the attack. If we want to use an analogy, it was just like a gunner reloading ammunition.

The atmosphere is collected into the dragon's throat, compressed and recompressed under supernatural pressure.

The storm under extreme pressure gave birth to blue sparks representing destructive power, just like the dazzling light blooming from the front of the welding gun.

The strong wind gathered to one point in a very short period of time and stopped, so that the outside world fell into terrible silence.

Then the dragon opened its mouth again.

A small dim light flickered slightly, ending the silence that could only last for a moment.

The moment it came into contact with the air, it suddenly expanded into a sphere with a diameter of 20 meters, turning into a cone-shaped shock wave and rushing forward.

The temperature exceeded [-] degrees Celsius, and the blue turbulent flow called plasma gently swept through all materials in its path. Several boats, which were either abandoned or moored here, burned within a few microseconds, and then melted as a whole. Metal juice.

The dragon's breath extends all the way into the sea. The water surface evaporates due to high heat without even boiling time, and white steam rises, as if the natural sea has turned into a man-made hot water bath.

After the destructive light dimmed, the short vacuum created by swallowing a large amount of gas was quickly filled by the returning atmosphere, triggering a second explosion.

The beach glowed red like magma as if it was suddenly ignited. Where the four people were just now, there were glass-like crystals and a pool of flesh and blood that were still preserved under the high temperature.

The unlucky Abu Khattak turned into Abu Khattak sauce in one encounter.

Li Wu protected Airisa's head and flew directly under the dragon, just in time to avoid the sweep of the dragon's breath.

Arisa turned her head in disbelief and looked at the dragon with its wings spread out.

"how come……"

After destroying the body of the dwarf vampire, the white dragon seemed to have little interest in the remaining people. It raised its head and roared to the sky, mouthing words as if expressing joy.

"Breath, flight, dragon's body! Nothing can surpass me now!"

The dragon's roar rolled out like thunder, and it flapped its wings again and flew towards the sky.

Hoshikawa Aoi, who was flying high in the sky, tried to block the dragon, but she fell down as if she suddenly encountered some invisible pressure as she got close.

She knelt on the ground and made a small crater, trying to condense the light wings again, but only tiny sparks flew out from behind as if she was being interfered by electromagnetic interference.

"It's a storm. The dragon is surrounded by storms that interfere with magic."

Xingchuan was a little anxious, "The air combat mode cannot be turned on for the time being. If an attack like that just happened in the city..."

"Does the so-called dragon have magic resistance? Let's go overland to chase it." Li Wu pulled Airisa up from the ground, "Can Airisa find a place to hide first?"

The vampire girl was still a little lost: "He can still speak, but he still launched an attack on us..."

"Oh, that probably wasn't his intention."

Another sharp voice suddenly broke in.

A head rolled over on the ground, revealing the face of Abu Khattak.

"When I helped old Zepesh awaken the genetic factors of the dragon, I adopted a method to avoid the conflict between the Celtic dragon species and the bloodline to which he belongs."

He blinked, "That involves a kind of good material from outside the world that the United Society is studying... It may affect sanity, probably."

It's a negative realm monster.

Similar descriptions stimulated memories of his first encounter with Xingchuan.

The magical girl took a deep breath and was about to raise the giant ax to crush the head into ketchup.

"Wait a minute, don't kill me! I still have value!"

The head bounced hard: "I can provide information from the side!"

The ax blade stopped at his forehead.

Li Wu picked up his head with one hand and looked at Xingchuan Aoi, who nodded: "Shall we go?"

Airisa grabbed him.

"Don't worry." Li Wu smiled at her, "In the end, you really have to knock down your father this time."

"Not... worried."

A weak but determined voice flowed from the vampire girl's lips, and Aoi Hoshikawa listened to her words in surprise.

"If you run over, you won't be able to catch up with dad, right?"

She raised her head, her blood-red eyes sparkling: "After seeing the dragon, I remembered where I had seen the scenery of this beach."

"Please do to me again what made me faint that night."

Airisa held his hand gently and said, "We can definitely do it this time, and then we can catch up with that stupid dad together."

Li Wu didn't expect that she, who had nothing to do with toughness, would put forward a plan so firmly. He stared at the vampire in front of him and nodded.

"Just try it once. If you fail, you will fall here."

In the murmur of the heads and magical girls nearby saying "Don't waste time, you guys shouldn't be playing house here now" and "What did you do that night?! Do you want to do it now, here?!", he First, Stonehenge was summoned.

Arches and stone pillars full of ancient atmosphere rose from the ground to build temporary temples.

Then he stretched out his right hand and pointed it at Airisa.

"Although he is not Arthur, he still leads the black crow to the cliff of the fortified city!"

Drawing out the power of legend, the ability of [Reciting Glory] was activated on the same person for the second time.

Airisa opened her eyes.

She stepped on the fine and soft white sand, and the scene she had seen in her dream appeared before the girl's eyes again.

But this time, a huge palm tree grew on the beach, standing almost like an Optimus pillar.

Among the leaves was a familiar red dragon. This time it did not bite her with a fierce look, but looked like a big cat, lying lazily on the giant tree and basking in the sun.

Airisa walked to the shade of the tree and sat down with her back against the tree.

She said to herself: "I know why you bit me last time."

"Because Airisa is a person who is good at feeling sorry for herself and deflecting stress."

She raised her head and looked at Wanli's clear sky: "Using the fact that I hurt my friends in the past is an excuse to stay alone with peace of mind. I only want abilities because of my father's request and because I am envious of Xingchuan-san."

"And you can still take advantage of it and stay at his house."

Airisa smiled slyly, and the red dragon on the tree shook its trunk as if in agreement.

"But that attitude, or awareness, is not enough."

She stood up: "This school trip made me understand that power itself has nothing to do with feelings or one's own value, but the desire to worry about friends and the desire to help need it to be realized."

The red dragon landed from the tree and enveloped the petite girl with its wings.

"And dad was wrong about something else. It's not shameful to rely on others."

The feeling of being trusted filled my whole body.

"With his help, please lend me your power!"

The illusory world suddenly shattered.

The same power rooted in the blood was awakened at this moment, giving birth to a new existence.

The red scales are like beating flames, covering the streamlined and magnificent body.

Unlike the white dragon's thorns that extend from the dragon's head to its tail, only the end of her tail has a sword-like blade, which rubs orange sparks on the ground as it swings slightly from side to side.

The flowing red light gathered between the opposite corners, which was younger and more immature than his father, illuminating the whole body of the creature in front of him.

Although it is smaller in size, the one that announces its presence with a roar that is more cute than majestic is undoubtedly a red dragon.

The red dragon spread its wings and soared under the night sky.

Li Wu looked up at the corner opposite her:

[Vampire·Dragon Son].

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