I have found out your real name

Chapter 85 Killing Pumpkin

Chapter 85 Murderous Pumpkin

"Halloween is still more than five months away. Don't you think you came out too early, Pumpkinhead?"

Li Wu bent his knees slightly and stared at the attacker in front of him.

"What does that holiday have to do with me, sir?"

Although his expression could not be seen at all, Jack Pumpkin spread his hands and said in an innocent tone: "Those Irish people initially said that what I was carrying was a carrot lantern."

Without giving him time to continue talking, Jack Pumpkin picked up the lantern in his left hand.

The fire wire that was originally a trap was bent and absorbed into it, making the flickering lights even more dazzling.

Li Wu opened his palm and pointed it at the enemy. The red fire was like a bullet being loaded into the barrel of a gun, ready to go.

No matter what the other party wants to do, it is always right to interrupt first.

You must consider trying not to accidentally injure the two corpses lying behind the pumpkin head, and adjust the accuracy of the output.

Finally, pull the trigger that exists in your imagination.

In a calmer form than the flames he had unleashed in the past, the "bullet" left a flash of red light in the air and fired towards the funny-looking pumpkin head.

The air expanded by heat along the way produced a small shock wave, but before the scream could reach his ears, the linear flames made to imitate the enemy's trap had bitten into Jack Pumpkin's empty eye sockets.

It just raised the lantern in its hand, and then its huge head shrank down out of thin air, leaving a blue windbreaker in place like a magic show of a golden cicada escaping its shell.

The lantern abandoned by it floated where the head originally was, with a laser-like blazing red line of fire penetrating through the center that had turned into a faint blue light.

The fire that lights up on the edge of the swamp at night is said to be the lantern held by the wandering Jack Pumpkin - this is considered to be the Irish explanation of will-o'-the-wisps.

Now, the blue will-o'-the-wisp suddenly expanded under the impact of the heterogeneous flames.

After reaching the limit, it seemed like a three-dimensional pinball that was hit with all its strength, flowing back in the opposite direction of the hit!

With the help of Li Wu's attack, the lights split into hundreds of will-o'-the-wisp bombs, covering him and Zashiki Warashi who was blown away by the explosion like a small fire cover within the attack range.

However, this exquisitely designed counterattack only fell on the open space. The blue flames fell on the lawn and the woods, causing a silent explosion. The soil and trees were dissolved in silence. The terrain in a corner of the park was only dominated by two extraordinary beings. The first wave of battles was completely changed, leaving scars like potholes.

From Li Wu's first attack to triggering a counterattack, the entire process only took a few seconds.

While he fired the flames, his already prepared body smoothly entered the Dharma manifestation state.

Within the first second, the "bullet" that exceeded the speed of sound arrived in front of the enemy. He rushed towards Zashiki Warashi, and the strong wind almost knocked down the little monster who had just climbed up.

In the second second, he maintained his momentum, picked up Zashiki Warashi and threw it further away. With the physique of a monster, he also let out a scream like a roller coaster. The torrent of will-o'-the-wisps intertwined into a web of death and directed towards him. Attack.

Within the third second, he swung a fist burning with wrathful flames from the front, blasting away the unavoidable will-o'-the-wisp. Using his experience in fighting Ru Nu, he incorporated the trail of the will-o'-the-wisp into the pre-reading of [Pure Eyes], and passed by The seemingly seamless fire net bursts in front of the enemy.

Maybe now he can even dodge the fire from armed forces equipped with heavy machine guns.

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and he was a little surprised to find that as he unfolded his windbreaker, the pumpkin head came out of the collar again and rushed towards him menacingly.

Taking the initiative to engage in close combat - how dare it?

Jack Pumpkin is by no means a monster that is good at melee combat in the legend, not to mention that it took the initiative to give up the hostages behind it.

Li Wu easily grasped the dagger it handed out, melted it into molten iron for the second time, and swung his left fist three times in a row in a short period of time.

Two punches hit the pumpkin's head, and the last punch was stamped on the center of the windbreaker.

The game of hitting watermelons with wooden sticks is popular in Sakurajima in the summer. Thanks to kind-hearted Jack, he can experience the feeling of midsummer in May.

In addition to the hollowed-out facial features, there were two more deep depressions on Jack Pumpkin's head, and orange-yellow liquid splashed in the air due to the impact of the last punch.

He was bleeding something unknown, whether it was blood or brain matter. Jack was like a top that was roughly launched, spinning and bouncing on the uneven ground due to offense and defense, and finally leaned against the fake rocks placed at the other end of the artificial lake. , the impact created a crack from top to bottom.

"Oh my, is it too late to surrender now? I still want to live and dissect more women."

It covered its head, which was still dripping with contents, and said in a frivolous tone.

"It's a belly-opening and anatomy. You're Jack from Halloween, not Jack from Twist, right?"

Li Wu raised his foot and stepped on its face, pressing the entire head onto the fake stone.

The dying monster suddenly grinned his hollowed-out smile wider: "Is that possible?"

"No matter which Jack it is, who is the boss you are following now? That guy who is said to be the king? He doesn't seem to be taking care of you very well."

"You misunderstood, sir. I have always fulfilled my boss's orders faithfully, so I cannot die here just yet."

Following its words, the mist filled the air, covering the lake beside the two of them and everything around them.

Li Wu suddenly exerted his strength, but only broke the stones under his feet.

In the sudden white mist, a black figure holding a blade loomed.

"Because both are named Jack, so the Ripper and Pumpkinhead are the same person?"

He pulled back his legs and twitched his lips because he felt it was too ridiculous.

"I don't quite understand it, but isn't there that theory? By imitating all or part of a subject, you can gain the power of the imitated object?"

From the mist came the voice of Jack Pumpkin.

"Because we have the same name, maybe we have similar essences? How do you even know if Jack the Jack-O-Lantern and Jack the Ripper are actually the same person in history, sir?"

A sword light that was more secretive and powerful than the first sneak attack flashed through the fog. Li Wu stepped back and dodged it. He ignited the fire as a counterattack, but the strange shadow that was involved turned into the fog and disappeared, blending into the surrounding surroundings. In the white mist.

"You can't be the same person."

Li Wu, who successfully confirmed the conclusion through this attack, concluded.

"Why? Are you such a boring person with no imagination? Then after killing Mr., I have no interest in disintegration, so I should go and take care of your friends?"

A malicious voice accompanied another sneak attack. This time, Li Wu grabbed the back of the short blade with his bare hands, broke its arm still wearing white gloves, caught the fallen short blade and swung it cleanly. assassination.

The short blade pierced through the eye socket, but the Jack that was hit also turned into mist and dissipated.

"Because your real name is obvious, idiot."

Li Wu replied.

In the first attack, he confirmed that the word "Jack Pumpkin" still appeared above the monster's head.

If Jack, the murderer who committed serial crimes in the foggy city in history, and the prototype of the Halloween jack-o'-lantern legend are the same existence, then there is no reason to display it as such text. It would be closer to the essence to just write "Jack", right?

He took a deep breath, and the flames spread out in waves.

They have moved from their original location to the other side of the artificial lake.

Therefore, he can relax his hands and feet a little, without worrying about accidentally injuring Terayama Mahiro and the others.

The terrible heat evaporated the wet soil underfoot in a circular pattern, and the lawn immediately turned into fly ash. After tonight's battle, the administrator of this park will probably spend several months repairing this seemingly ruined area. The tragic sight of a big monster passing by.

The mist dissipated under the force of the wrathful flames that exorcised demons and evil spirits, and even the artificial lake water on the shore was boiling with bubbles.

However, after he took the initiative to extinguish the fire and created a fog-free space, he did not see the other party's figure emerging.

Instead, after he stopped outputting power, the mist in the distance formed again, covering everything.

Although it is not impossible to expand the range of the flames, just use the same method as when fighting the tree monster summoned by the leprechaun.

But in that case, he might only be able to save two piles of ashes.

Moreover, destroying the mist itself may not guarantee the discovery of the pumpkin monster who claims to be Jack the Ripper.

Li Wu used his hand knife to block the cold light that came again, and summoned the Kurigara Sword with his free left hand.

The sword light that can cut through the essence of the external demon swept across the waist of the enemy who launched the third sneak attack and cut him in half, but the fourth attack came soon.

"What a powerful sword!"

A sneaky sigh came from the mist: "But you can't figure out who I am, right? Is it the Pumpkin Monster? Is it a murderer? Not sure, or is it Spring-Heeled Jack who was active in London in 1837? I have fallen in love with him recently. It’s a network invented by humans, and there are terrorists pretending to be me on it.”

Except for the last one, it all talks about folklore named after Jack.

So, is the true form of [Jack Pumpkin] the stitching together of many weird things named Jack?

No, it should be said that you should never think like this.

Linking to the point when it suddenly showed fog and next-level melee skills, and why it was so weak in the initial battle.

Li Wu pieced the clues together, caught the flying knife thrown at him with his bare hands, and projected it back at a faster speed, penetrating the enemy's head.

"Isn't this too much, sir? Isn't it time for me to reveal my trump card? You should be tired by now, right?"

After being killed by Li Wu again, Jack Pumpkin's voice was already a little angry.

"I think I could do this all night... Also, are you trying to trick me into believing that you are some kind of monster amalgamation named after Jack just because you're in a hurry?"

Its voice suddenly stopped.

The thinking process is simple.

First of all, believe in your own abilities and recognize that [Jack Pumpkin] is the essence of the monster.

Compared to the Ossori Werewolves or Headless Horsemen who have fought before, the legend of [Jack Pumpkin] is somewhat different.

The former has distinct characteristics of primitive religious worship, while the latter is the product of the introduction of Christianity to the British Isles.

No matter which version of the story it is, the basic structure is that a man or child named Jack - in some versions it is emphasized that he is a miser or a drunkard - deceived the devil, invited the devil to drink, and persuaded the devil to pay for the drink. He turned into a sixpence to tease the boss, but ended up pressing the demon-turned coin with silver paper and sealing it.

There is even a legend that Jack tricked Satan into a tree, and then carved a cross with divine power on the tree, trapping the Lord of Hell in the tree.

No matter which story ends, Jack is not accepted by hell and heaven after his death, and can only wander the earth holding a hollow lantern carved from a turnip - his image at first should not have much to do with pumpkins.

"The core element of your story is actually [deception]."

Li Wu lowered his hands and let the short blade slash at him.

The sword light passed through his body like a mirror, a flower in the water, and a moon in the water.

"What the hell are you talking about!"

"That's right. A drunkard from Ireland has to have that artificial tone. Isn't it awkward?"

Li Wu grabbed Jack Pumpkin's wrist, slammed it to the ground like a towel that had not been wrung out, and raised his foot to crush its head.

"What did you say in the first place? 'Those Irish people initially said that I was carrying a carrot lantern.' It was already a lie from then on."

The corpses left behind this time still turned into mist, but the speed of dissipation has been much slower.

"You tried to lay a language trap to make me think that your current posture is your original appearance. But in fact, as the Irish immigrants to the New World found that pumpkins were more suitable for hollow lanterns, Jack's image changed to what it is today. The jack-o'-lantern has also become a symbol of Halloween."

The surrounding white mist rolled back, and the blue will-o'-the-wisps weaved into layers of nets, approaching the humans in the center.

"Only summoning the will-o'-the-wisp is your own power. Other than that, you are just echoing other people's perceptions and transforming into the ridiculous pumpkin head you are now."

Through deception, Li Wu believes that this is the true power of those who have deceived the devil.

"Whether it's claiming to be dissecting, holding a knife, or even imitating the trap laid at the murder scene, it's all material prepared for lies. If I didn't have the wavering thought of 'Why does this guy feel like Jack the Ripper?' , you can also make up other words, right?"

When the deceived person rejects the lie, the false power dissipates.

Li Wu raised his right hand and chanted the spirit of summoning Stonehenge.

The approaching fire network was shattered by the sudden rise of the stone arch. In the retreating fog, a stone pillar jumped up and lifted Jack Pumpkin into the air as he fled towards the edge.

"The breath that breeds the sun...how is that possible!"

It exclaimed.

Speaking of which, Halloween seems to be a Celtic festival celebrating the solar cycle.

Li Wu didn't think about the meaning of Jack's reaction for the time being. He bent his knees and used his strength to eject himself as a weapon, catching Jack Pumpkin who had lost the ability to resurrect.

He spun in the air and slapped his pumpkin-like head on the top of the stone pillar, making a small dent.

Jack Pumpkin, who still wanted to resist, maintained his prone position and slid a new lantern out of his left sleeve.

But it didn't have time to condense the will-o'-the-wisp. Because of the addition of Stonehenge, his whole body was filled with pulsating energy. Li Wu, who was urging him to release the power, had already raised his foot and stamped out the light like a mischievous urchin.

He held Jack's head with both hands, pulled it away from the cylinder, and then slammed it down!

"You want to dissect, right?"

A circle of cracks spread out on the top of the hard stone pillar.

"You can't die here for the time being, right?"

The summoned stone pillar trembled under the violent ravage of its owner.

"Cooking for my friend, right?"

Li Wu lifted up something that could no longer be seen as a pumpkin head, but more like some kind of abstract art work made of fruit as raw material, and Li Wu swung the final blow.

The entire stone pillar was broken due to the violent impact, and the two people on the pillar fell from the air.

The extremely tenacious Jack Pumpkin waved his white gloves stained with mud and crawled forward.

"We must... remind the boss... as long as we can reach that place! The goal has not been achieved yet..."

Li Wu grabbed the hem of his windbreaker and lifted him up upside down.

With his left hand, he summoned the Kurigara Sword again and pointed it at Jack Pumpkin, whose true identity had been revealed.

"Happy Halloween."

The long sword burning with green flames passed through the center of the windbreaker, silently licking the monster's body.

This time, disguised as a murderer, a creature from Celtic mythology lets out a desperate cry.

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