Chapter 81 Gifts

Stonehenge slowly sinks underground.

Mercury climbed up from the ground and sat down on the broken stone slab.

He snapped his fingers very loudly, and the torch on the stone wall lit up again.

"I never thought it would be like this, little man."

He blinked his one eye: "You have earned yourself the fate of a hero! Everyone knows that a hero must prove himself in a battle with creatures much larger than him. This is true from Fergus to Hercules. .”

Li Wu felt that as a creature who often serves as the villain to be killed in such stories, his words had a humorous effect like a hell joke.

Aoi Hoshikawa removed her protective spell, spread her fingers and ran over: "Classmate Li Wu, you defeated a giant!"

Although he felt a bit ashamed to do such an action in real life, he still raised his hand.

When she ran to the front, the girl put down her hand and patted Li Wu on the shoulder: "Why did you raise your hand suddenly? Do you want Teacher Xingchuan's praise so much?"

"You are deliberately looking for trouble, right?"

Almost fell into internal strife after successfully challenging the giant.

Feeling ignored, Mercury coughed and raised a gust of wind: "I will keep my promise not to walk in the fields of the little people around me."

He looked at the snow girl walking over and nodded: "I won't bring up the proposal again."

The landlady was obviously relieved.

"So, the matter is resolved?"

Li Wu shook his still sore arm. The move that finally had the effect of stabilizing the tripod was the first time he used it, but it still left some sequelae. He probably needed to rest for a while to recover.

"Wait a moment."

Mercury spoke up: "Like I said, you've earned your destiny as a hero, and that's no joke."

"Those who have wielded fire and steel since ancient times and conquered dragons, snakes and monsters. If you have done the same feat as them to defeat me, then I must give you a gift, just like Perseus received from Medusa. Her head is the same.”

"I don't want your head!"

Li Wu immediately strongly denied it.

He couldn't drag a giant's head with him when he left Tokamachi later. What would he say to others if they asked? I took the time to do a hunting mission here. Is this the material I extracted?

"...Well, there's no need to resist like this, right? Although I don't intend to hand over my life."

The giant stood up, easily reached the towering roof of the cave, and carefully dug into a certain hollow.

He leaned down and spread out his palm, on which rolled a round object only the size of an ordinary eyeball. It looked like a grain of rice in Mercury's palm, exuding a ruby-like luster.

"what is this?"

Li Wu took the gem-like object that rolled down and asked.

"The eyes of our king—a replica of it, of course."

Just listening to the first half of the sentence, Li Wu almost threw the things in his hands away.

As introduced before, King Balor of the Fomorians has a magic eye that can lead everything he looks at to death. If this is genuine, it must at least be a legendary equipment with plus fifteen and curse entries.

Mercury introduced: "It does not have the power to destroy all things. It can only act as a restraint. It has the best effect on ordinary mortals, but people like you may be able to resist its effect."

Just listening to this description, it seemed like a useless prop, but Li Wu still put away the ruby ​​eye - he decided to call it that for the time being because it looked very similar.

"Then let's take our leave, you idiot?"

The Yuki-onna, who didn't want to stay here anymore, said goodbye, and the three of them prepared to go out of the tunnel from whence they came.

"Well, little people over there! Where are you going?"

When he was about to walk out, the giant stopped Li Wu as if he remembered something.

"Aren't you little people who live here?"

"As for where to go, has the giant heard the name of Longdu Island?"

Li Wu originally just asked jokingly, but unexpectedly he got an unexpected response.

"Ah, I guessed correctly."

He stroked his remaining beard: "That place was the first stop for guys like me who moved here from their hometown. I really miss the scenery there."

Li Wu thought of the goblins he had seen on the train before and asked: "I witnessed a cluster of plum blossoms nearby before. Did they move here too?"

"That's right, and it's more than that."

The giant stood up: "There is a dragon's treasure buried on that island - that's what I heard. If it's you, maybe you can find it?"

"Did Airisa also tell you about the rumors of the treasure?"

Hoshikawa Aoi whispered from behind. When they were discussing where they wanted to go on their school trip that day, she was watching the excitement at the window. But later, when they decided to go to Ryūto Island, Airisa said this again in the activity room of the club. topic.

"I don't know if they refer to the same thing."

Although he didn't understand what the so-called dragon's treasure meant and whether it was true or false, Li Wu decided to write down this information in his notebook after going back.

When they came out of the deep and twisting tunnel, the sudden bright light greeted the three of them.

Then he was almost startled by the sound of cheers.

The crowd that had gathered together rushed forward in confusion, and the leader [Farmer] rubbed his hands excitedly: "Master! It's amazing! That suddenly started raining..."

Even Guang and the others were squeezed into the back of the crowd.

He didn't seem to be able to organize language well, but Li Wu had already seen the changes happening before his eyes.

A layer of white mist enveloped the fish-scale terraced fields, and the drizzle that felt comfortable on the body continued to fall. The most important thing was that the depression across the center of the field had become flat at some point.

The Xingtong Rice Terraces under the rain curtain are the most famous scenery here.

This was the final gift from the giant.

After accepting the gratitude of the local residents, the leader [Farmer] must pay him, but now Li Wu has declined a lot of money, whether it is banknotes or hard currency gold.

In the end, the [farmer] uncle, who had no choice but to collect some local souvenirs, said he would send them over later.

Then they dealt with the three people who didn't take them with them. Shiratori Mai mainly didn't understand what they were doing, and the remaining two people expressed a certain resentment towards Li Wu who only took Hoshikawa Aoi.

After coming down from the mountain road, the snow girl sent them directly to the meeting place.

"Thank you for your help."

She bowed deeply: "I will also talk about this matter with Chiyo's sister."

Already in twos and threes, Inaba High School students came to the gathering place and looked at the pretty looking landlady.

"Can I have a free hot spring bath?"

Hoshikawa Aoi grabbed her hand, her eyes shining.

"Of course, I will tell her."

"Okay!" Hoshikawa Aoi turned to Li Wu with a smile like a flower, "Last time Airisa said she wanted everyone to take a bath in the hot springs. Can we go when we get back?"

"What a strategist! Xiao Wu, you should stay away from such a terrifying Miss Xingchuan."

Hikari stood on tiptoes and whispered.

"The chuunibyou over there! I heard it all!"

Amid the usual quarrels, people gradually arrived and boarded the train to Niigata Port.

There they will cross the ocean and land on an island said to contain the dragon's treasure.

Thank you for being your good luck, book friend 20220407023902531, Zui Qingfeng 12, long-lasting white, dusty reward

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