I have found out your real name

Chapter 69 Sir, times have changed

Chapter 69 My Lord, Times Have Changed

Durahan, the Headless Horseman, is said to be the messenger of Krulennos, the god of forest and fertility in Celtic mythology, and it is even believed to be his incarnation.

The god of agriculture has both the godhead of the underworld and resurrection. There are such examples in the myths of many civilizations—for example, Toujie, the god of fertility, and Osiris, the god of plants and agriculture in ancient Egypt, died after death. Become the master of the underworld, the eternal king who guides the undead.

Krylennos also has a similar nature. He is in charge of hunting and agriculture, as well as death and bloody rituals.

Therefore, Li Wu hopes to endow this duel of blood relatives with the meaning of "human sacrifice" by arranging the venue, so as to seduce Durrahan who is wandering nearby.

Of course, it wasn't really about sacrificing the Temple House siblings, after all, his purpose was to defeat or capture the Headless Horseman.

After Li Wu announced the start of the duel, and retreated to a corner of the factory with Arisa.

The fight for the right to succession kicked off.

The short knives intertwined with a sharp cold light and burst out with a clanging sound.The shuriken thrown almost at the same time swirled and collided with golden sparks before the master fought, and was blown aside by the ninja's strong wind before it hit the ground.

The evenly matched scene only lasted for a moment. Teraya Rika turned the blade nimbly, undid Teraya Mahiro's longitudinal cut, and used this force to throw a kick towards her younger brother's knee.

Teraya Mahiro retreated in time to avoid the kick, but his posture was also damaged, and the opponent immediately swung his left fist into the wide open door with lightning speed after withdrawing his leg.

The battle between Li Wujiang's ninjas can't help but be compared with the tengus he encountered before. Although they are of different races, they all belong to the type that prefers to use martial arts to fight against the enemy.

However, Tengu is more like an orthodox warrior, and his amazing swordsmanship still impresses him to this day. In fact, Teraya Rika does not stick to the short sword in his hand in the battle, but has a sneaky and changeable fighting style.

Relying on the ability of [Clean Eye], he tasted and absorbed the skills displayed by the two.

The fierce punch hit Teraya Mayhiro's chest without fancy, as if the floating scene that only existed in fighting games appeared in reality, the short ninja was blasted high by a force, His usually expressionless face also twisted for a while.

"Caught you!"

As if to vent his pain, he yelled angrily, and without adjusting his posture, he swung his knife and slashed at Teraya Rika Mirai's left hand, which he could not withdraw in time.

The fist held by the female ninja flipped open, revealing the shuriken held between her fingers. With a slight flick of her wrist, she ejected like a poisonous snake poking its head at a very close distance.

The black flying object hit the side of the blade, changing its trajectory, and seizing the moment, Teraya Rika cut into Teraya Mahiro's sword circle, and hit the short knife held in the right hand from bottom to top with the hilt his wrist.

As a result, a short knife flew out in a whirl, which seemed to herald the outcome.

"You've lost, brother."

Teraya Rika twirled a beautiful sword flower, her long ponytail fluttering slightly, she took a deep breath and pointed the tip of the blade at Teraya Mahiro who had lost his weapon.

"Did they decide the winner like this?"

Arisa asked softly in Li Wu's ear.

"I don't think so." Li Wu shook his head. "When Poker Face is about to lose, it's time to enter the hard-talking part. He was like this last time, but now he hasn't started to be tough-talking, so there should still be a fight."

"Student Li Wu gave others strange nicknames..."

And if they want to decide the winner in this way, it will not achieve the purpose of attracting the headless horseman at all.

Teraya Mahiro twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a slightly weird smile due to very little practice: "I remember my sister told me when I was a child that ninjas should use everything in their fighting methods, and use everything they can to win. The power you have gained, otherwise you are not worthy of being a child of the Teraya family?"

Hearing this argument, both Airisa and Teraya Rika changed their faces.

The former was lost in thought, but the latter's reaction was quite strange. Compared with how harsh he was before being criticized by his younger brother, it was more like blushing as if someone had exposed the black history, and his whole body trembled.

"This attitude, shouldn't it be the truth?"

Li Wu said to himself with a strange face.

Teraya Mahiro continued: "I have now deeply understood the meaning of this sentence, so I will not give up easily!"

As if by magic, suddenly there was something gleaming with a cold and hard light in his hand.

Needless to say, it was a pistol.

Without hesitation, he aimed at the head of his own sister, and then pulled the trigger.

The gunfire echoed in the empty factory building, but the two people watching the battle did not see the gunfire.

Because the white smoke suddenly spread around the sphere that fell at Teraya Rika's feet, hiding the two people in the center of the field in the fog.

"It's really cool, sister. Is this the ninja technique you talked about when you were young?"

All that could be seen were vague figures holding guns in both hands to guard the surroundings.

"That's not true! Forget what I said back then! This is a ninjutsu-smoke bomb."

"Is this how the battle between ninjas used to be?"

Arisa couldn't help but ask.

"This is indeed very ninja style, compared to swords and swords." Li Wu praised, "But how did Teraya-senpai attack in the smoke?"

A figure attacked the figure with the gun from behind, and Teraya Shinzo seemed to have sensed it, and suddenly the light of the knife flashed.

"Ninjutsu · Protective Mask! Ninjutsu · Infrared Camera!"

Hearing Teraya Rika's call, Li Wu looked up at the camera he had glimpsed on the ceiling when he installed the jack-o-lantern.

He thought it was a device left behind by the previous factory owner, but it turned out that she had installed it in advance?

How competitive is this pair of siblings?

There was a series of body bumps and gunshots in the smoke, and Teraya Mahiro could be heard roaring: "I will defeat you and inherit the name of the Teraya family!"

"I don't care about that kind of stuff!"

After the battle turned into chaos, the crude ritual field constructed with bloody forged human heads seemed to be injected with something. A sense of fullness appeared in the factory, making people feel as if In the maw of a giant beast.

One of the figures was thrown by the other with a throwing technique and fell to the ground.

Teraya Rika walked out of the slowly fading smoke, raised the gun she had won, and aimed at Teraya Mahiro: "This time the victory is really decided."

Teraya Mahiro clenched his fists rather unwillingly, hammered the concrete floor a few times, and finally squeezed out those words: "I lost."

At the moment when the "sacrifices" of this "sacrifice ceremony" decided the winner.

Bloody, barbaric, the smell that can be described in all such words descended on this place.

The factory door, which was originally closed, was suddenly opened.

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