I have found out your real name

Chapter 60 The End of the Rainbow (Part [-])

Chapter 60 The End of the Rainbow (Part [-])

After the small commotion that suddenly broke out on the tram ended, the three of them headed to school without incident.

The rain had stopped when we left the station, and the sun shone through the clouds, reflecting the rainbow hanging in the sky.

On the way, Guang suddenly said again: "But I did learn a new move."

Airisa ran up behind Li Wu alertly. It seemed that even she would learn her lesson.

But this time it doesn't seem to be an excuse.

Guang spread his hands, and a small golden ball of light emerged.

Li Wu stopped and approached in surprise.

Although there had been some daily omens before, coupled with the line "Childhood Sweetheart (Brave)" that he could always see, he was always mentally prepared.

But it is indeed the first time I have seen light exert such a clear supernatural power.

Airisa also came around from the other side, so that the three of them looked like a suspicious group gathering secretly for a meeting in broad daylight.

"It's the ability that appeared yesterday, and I named it the Ultra-Ultimate Mental Body."

Regardless of Light's special naming taste, the golden sphere truly transformed into various shapes according to Light's will.

Appeared yesterday... Li Wu thought of the improvement in the completion level of [Sage].

When he was tracking Terayama Mahiro before, he also used the ability to self-fulfill prophecies and defeated a werewolf, but his completion level did not increase after that.

Is it because light awakens new power and thus unlocks certain constraints, or is it just the opposite?

"This power doesn't stop there."

The situation of being surrounded by two people greatly satisfied Hikari's heart. She raised her right hand and shouted: "Show up! SYSTEM!"

Nothing happened except passers-by being startled, but Guang put on an expression of "look how awesome I am".

"Um, Xiaoguang? Has the power been activated?"

Arisa asked cautiously.

"We didn't see anything."

Li Wu said bluntly.

Hikari froze as he raised his right hand.

She slowly lowered her arms and fell into deep thought: "Can't Xiao Wu and Xiao Ai detect its existence?"

"So what is it? Platinum ○ Star?"

"It's a transparent panel."

Hikaru stretched out his hands and drew a quadrilateral shape in front of him: "It says Hori Rinko on the top, and the rest is still blurry."

“Seeing it gave me a feeling of nostalgia.”

Guang recalled the past in a trance.

"Really? Where have you seen it?"

"An RPG to play on Saturday."


However, it is not impossible.

In Sakurajima, the concept of a hero is deeply tied to game culture. Maybe this panel will become a hero cultivation system in the future.

As Li Wu ponders how to further reveal her abilities, and as Airisa enviously pesters Hikari to perform another one, the far noisier and longer walk to school than usual comes to an end.

"The school encountered a gang of thieves?"

As soon as I entered the classroom, I heard news that couldn't be ignored.

Many students in Class B of the first year were checking their lost things, gritting their teeth and cursing the damn thief.

"It is said that the victims ranged from the entire school, and even many items stored in various club activity rooms were lost. Even the surveillance did not capture any trace."

I did hear the girl with [Music Club Member] written above her head complaining that a pervert had stolen the musical instrument left at school.

Aoi Hoshikawa tapped the table with the tip of her pen and said excitedly: "This is an incident! Classmate Li Wu, it's time for us to protect the city!"

It seems that since there have been no negative monster invasions recently, the magical girl who is close to retirement is a little bit ready to take action.

"Can you please not let the scale of school theft escalate into a crisis for the entire city?"

After calmly restraining Xingchuan who was on the verge of going berserk, Li Wu suggested: "Let's go to the activity room after class to see if our belongings have been damaged."

He didn't put anything in the school, so he wasn't in a hurry.

Then Li Wu looked at the classmate who had the words "Phantom Thief" on his head.

Seriously, the murderer is not in our class, right?

The [Phantom Thief] with curly black hair pushed up the frames of his glasses and sat calmly in his position.

At least he didn't flee the crime scene.

"It was actually more than just theft."

Uehara Masaki, who was passing by, heard the discussion between the two and interrupted midway: "I also heard that some strange things happened near the school, such as the water in the river suddenly became clear, and someone witnessed a headless knight in the middle of the night. Parading the streets and stuff like that.”

Amidst the noise of "Who are you?!" and "Are you Uehara-san?" produced by Hoshikawa next to him, he lowered his voice and said: "At least the second item must be true. I asked the wandering spirits nearby. They said that there was indeed a scary headless guy recently - Brother Li Wu, what happened last time won't happen again, right?"

Due to the influence of certain laws in the world, even if ordinary people in daily life witness something abnormal, they will forget it afterwards or be distorted into rumors, but the information Uehara obtained should be true.

Uehara Masaki looked very nervous. The Hyakki Night Parade incident that involved him last time obviously caused a huge psychological shadow on the spiritual boy.

After assuring him that Uehara Yuichi was completely wiped out, he walked away uneasily.

"There is also a painful reason behind Uehara's transformation. As a person who can also transform, Hoshikawa should not ridicule others."

Li Wu said seriously.

"No, I'm not sarcastic, and the focus just now shouldn't be this. If my final transformation goes in this direction, then I would rather retire now."

Hoshikawa Aoi's eyes were dead.

After writing down the three incidents of "theft incident", "water quality becoming clear" and "witnessing the Headless Horseman" in his notebook, Li Wu drew a big red circle: "Does Xingchuan think there is any connection between these facts or rumors?" ?”

"You can't tell it from the surface at all."

Hoshikawa Aoi imitated the look of the detective girl they knew and crossed her arms: "Maybe it's just an ordinary gang of thieves sweeping through the school."

"You were still saying it was a city-level crisis just now... forget it."

"My premonition of being the savior of Chiyo City reminds me that a storm is coming! And don't forget that Airisa's house was attacked."

Li Wu shook his head: "There is no progress in that matter yet - I contacted Lilia last night and investigated the so-called Irish decoration company."

"The feedback I received is that they are a serious construction company. Sakurajima came here through legal procedures and has been engaged in normal business activities before - they were hired for the previous school restoration."

Hoshikawa Aoi held her head and sighed: "Although I am also known as the most powerful detective in the Countermeasures Bureau, there is really no clue about this matter..."

"You have too many titles!"

Li Wu finally complied with her wishes and complained.

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