I have found out your real name

Chapter 6 Miko Clothes Are Nothing Good

Chapter 6: There’s nothing interesting about the witch’s uniform.

I spent the night after leaving Uehara's house.

On Saturday morning, Li Wu first went to see the light. It was almost noon before he was ready to leave to meet Xingchuan and the professionals she said.

The meeting place was designated by Xingchuan, a coffee shop called Nineball.

Although it is a holiday, there are not many customers in the store, and the interior is filled with a relaxing and warm atmosphere.

When he entered the door, he saw Xingchuan sitting in the window seat standing up and waving to him.

Today she was wearing a white cardigan sweater with a black ribbon tied with a bow at the neckline, and a red skirt on the outside.

When he got closer, he found another person sitting next to Xingchuan, using a knife and fork to deal with the fruit cake in front of him.


He couldn't help but read out loud.

"Thank you for your visit and may the gods bless you - wait, how did you know that I am a miko?"

As if instinctively, the other party raised his head and said a series of words before reacting.

This is a woman who looks to be in her 20s. Her appearance is no different from that of an ordinary female college student. However, what is placed beside her is not a common leather bag, but a long strip-like object wrapped in coarse cloth.

"I heard Hoshikawa say before that it's called the Eighty Thousand Shrine Joint Committee, so I wonder if the person who comes is a shrine maiden."

In fact, I saw the words "Miko" written above her head and read it accidentally.

Li Wu sat down on the seat opposite the two of them.

"So that's it. I do work as a shrine maiden at the nearby Yamazu Shrine. Ah, but I don't wear a shrine maiden's costume on a daily basis. If Li Wujun wants to see it, you can come and pay a visit, right?"

"Sister Yuki, now is not the time for publicity, let's get down to business."

Hoshikawa Aoi pulled on the miko lady's sleeve.

"Aren't I doing my job to increase the number of visitors to the shrine? Well, Xiaokui is right. I have already heard her talk about Li Wujun in general. You awakened your spiritual power and were involved in the magical girl's love protection. On the peaceful scene, you also encountered a monster, right? It was truly a legendary experience.”

"Wait a moment." Li Wu raised his hand and interrupted the words of the miko who seemed to be named Yuxi. "First of all, what is psychic power?"

"Let's start from here..." She sighed, "To put it simply, in Sakurajima, whether it is monsters, ghosts or ghosts, they can basically be classified as spirits. After all, everything has animism, and possessing He who sees or even banishes their power is called a psionic."

"So, is your Eighty Thousand Shrine Joint Committee the organization that manages psychics?"

Li Wu asked tentatively.

Hearing this question, Xingchuan laughed first: "Does Li Wu think that the Shrine Association is an official organization?"

"Of course I would think so after hearing the serious atmosphere when you introduced me."

"Have you forgotten the concept of worldview I mentioned? For ordinary people, they are equivalent to living in the [daily] worldview."

"When you encounter supernatural events, you will regard them as hallucinations. After encountering monsters, you will quickly forget them. When incredible things happen in front of you, you will automatically understand them as common sense."

This is really an idealistic statement.

Yuki took over the conversation: "So, it is impossible for us to have a close relationship with the secular government. Even if there is any abnormality reported in the front, it will be regarded as a liar or simply forgotten in the blink of an eye. That is the cooperation between those superpowers and the official Be closer.”

Are you talking about the Public Security Course [-]? It does sound official from the name.

"Actually, we are closer to an organization like a folk association. I just want to ask Li Wujun this time, are you interested in becoming a priest?"

When Li Wu heard the word "association", he almost subconsciously connected it with the villain organization. This was all strange.

Just when he hesitated for a moment, Yuki continued speaking enthusiastically: "If you come to serve at our Yamazu Shrine now, you will be the shrine lord in the future, and you can also enjoy the miko costume!"

"I think you misunderstood, Ms. Yuki. I have no special interest in miko uniforms. And I don't want to become a priest at a young age."

"Look, I said that classmate Li Wu will definitely not be willing."

Hoshikawa Aoi said with inexplicable pride.

"That's such a pity. Obviously the priest won't affect the marriage... Then at least exchange lines. Xiaokui should come too."

"We already exchanged it at noon yesterday."

Li Wu took the coffee brought by the waiter: "By the way, it's time to get down to business."

He stared at Aoi Hoshikawa and said, "What you solemnly said about introducing professionals before was actually mainly to induce me to come here today, right?"

The latter put his hands together and lowered his head: "I'm very sorry!"

"He actually blackmailed me into eating takoyaki."

"I bought you coffee today!"

After a while of commotion, the magical girl said seriously: "Actually, sister Yuki and I are working together to deal with an incident that may endanger the entire Chiyo City, and I would like to ask Li Wu for help."

"Do you remember what I said? Different worldviews generally do not interfere with each other, but occasionally they will overlap."

"Now is when that 'occasional' happens. I found out that there is a guy who is stitching together an 'animistic' world view based on the monsters from the negative world, creating unprecedented evil spirits."

Why do you feel like you have to face a big boss just after leaving the Novice Village?

"Is it really useful to tell me this kind of thing?" Li Wu rubbed his forehead, "The witch must be more experienced than me."

"I actually don't have much fighting ability."

Yuki raised her hands and said proudly.

"You don't need to be so proud. But she is right. Sister Yuki is good at making spells and props, but she is really not suitable for fighting. Without further evidence, it will be difficult to convince others to come to Chiyo to help."

"And classmate Li Wu!" Xingchuan suddenly stood up and assumed a posture commonly seen in Amelia recruitment advertisements. "You killed a monster when you first awakened. You are a person with potential! As long as we take you there Dealing with several supernatural locations in this city and accumulating some combat experience will definitely give the mastermind an unexpected blow!"

"Take me to deal with supernatural places, which means you have to deal with demons and ghosts..."

Li Wu touched his chin.

"Hey, why do you use the term "game leveling"? Anyway, classmate Li Wu, are you willing to help?"

She sat down uneasily.


"I will embezzle funds from the Countermeasures Bureau to pay you."

"Isn't that just a bribe, you despicable magical girl!"

Can you maintain a little innocence?

As if even Li Wu's cell phone couldn't stand it, it buzzed loudly.

"Forget it, if the city is really in crisis, I will suffer too. Why not find a way to solve the problem first. I will join you."


Xingchuan shook his fist happily.

Yuxi picked up the long object wrapped in cloth and handed it to Li Wu: "At last, my efforts to prepare it in advance were not in vain."

Li Wu untied the cloth strips wrapped around it, and what came into view was a solid black metal rod. The handle was slightly tilted upwards, and the end was painted red and bent downwards to form a bifurcated opening.


"That's right, it's a crowbar that I personally consecrated and made. It's the most convenient weapon for beginners in fighting. The ghosts struck by it will become Buddhas."

Yuki explained as she puffed out her chest.

Li Wu's expression became distorted, because in his eyes, there were words floating on the top of the crowbar!

This was the first time he had seen it on a dead object, and the name was also difficult to describe.

【Kind Crowbar】

Because it is to send the donor to become a Buddha, is it a kind crowbar? !

Xingchuan clapped his hands to attract attention and concluded: "Yu Xi also made a lot of talisman papers, which will be distributed to Li Wu later. So without further ado, let's decide which supernatural place we want to go to."

"Before that, I have a place to recommend. There are probably demons and ghosts doing harm there."

Li Wu glanced at his phone.

The top of the screen displays the latest line information with positioning:

Masaki Uehara: Brother Li Wu, save me!

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