After saying that, Xia Peipei scampered away.

Zhan Haochen's eyes fell behind Xia Peipei, and there was a glimmer of meaning that made it hard to see through.

Cen Shaoan came close to him and asked in a low voice with a bit of joking: "Cousin, are you bullying your sister-in-law?"

That gossipy face made Zhan Haochen's face darken: "It seems you are too idle..."

While turning the wheelchair, he said: "You dare to interfere with my business!"

"Cousin, I was wrong..."

Cen Shaoan was afraid of offending Zhan Haochen, so he could only restrain his burning heart of gossip.

Xia Peipei left the bedroom, holding the silver needle stained with black blood in her hand.

She didn't hold any grudges about what had just happened.

Zhan Haochen's legs were disabled due to an accident, and Zhan's family had ulterior motives. Even if he had been in a high position, he would have been looked down upon and ridiculed. It is normal for him to be sensitive.

However, after her treatment, his leg was almost healed.

Being able to see Zhan Haochen standing up in this life made Xia Peipei smile happily. After all, the thought of him not being able to stand up and walk in his previous life made his heart ache.

The joyful mood bloomed on the cheeks, and the bouncing steps added a fireworks atmosphere to the huge villa.

As soon as I came downstairs, I saw Cen Shuangyue and Qin Wen sitting on the sofa chatting.

How did she come?

It seems that Qin Wen hasn't given up on the Lan Xinyuan Restaurant last time.

Xia Peipei suppressed the smile on her face and headed downstairs.

"Aunt, how is your health recently? I liked playing with you when I was a child." Qin Wen put the prepared skin care products on the table and glanced around the living room, but did not see Zhan Haochen. flashed in the eyes

A hint of disappointment.

Cen Shuangyue looked at the dignified Qin Wen and said politely: "Come as soon as you come. It looks so cool to bring a gift..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xia Peipei coming downstairs. The smile on her face disappeared in an instant, and she said coldly: "Why are you downstairs?"

Xia Peipei poked her chin innocently: "But brother said this is my home, I can go anywhere."

As he spoke, he blinked at her with his big watery eyes.

Cen Shuangyue's face darkened, and her hands on her knees clenched fists unconsciously.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at Qin Wen with a slightly embarrassed look: "Don't pay attention to her, she is just being used for fun. How could our Zhan family want such a daughter-in-law? Just think of it as Haochen. If you’re not married, you’ll have to move around a lot in the future.”

The smile she greeted Qin Wen and the cold look she gave to Xia Peipei formed a sharp contrast.

Xia Peipei sneered in her heart, it was true that people should be used to move forward rather than behind. Cen Shuangyue was clearly using her, using her influence on Zhan Haochen to return him to normal.

Wait until you are no different from ordinary people before marrying Qin Wen.

This wishful thinking was so good that she didn't even bother to pretend in front of a "little fool" like her.

His shrewd eyes became dull in a second, and he walked over playfully: "But sister doesn't have time. She has other brothers to take care of. How can one person... have two brothers?"

Xia Peipei said seriously, counting with her fingers, and finally looked at Cen Shuangyue: "A person cannot have two brothers, otherwise it will be a crime! It is said in children's books."

The "brother" in her mouth naturally refers to "husband".

Qin Wen's face

His color suddenly became extremely ugly, and he stared at her with a gloomy look.

Cen Shuangyue didn't understand what she heard and looked at Qin Wen in confusion: "What did she mean?"

Qin Wen quickly controlled her expression and her eyes flashed: "I didn't understand what Miss Xia said. The last time we met in the restaurant, she said some crazy things."

"Hmph! It's normal for a fool like her to say crazy things. We won't talk about her anymore. You haven't come over to chat with aunt for a long time. Let's talk about some thoughtful words."

Cen Shuangyue smiled again and moved towards Qin Wen.

The two burst into laughter, making Xia Peipei look out of place.

She curled her lips and went to bask in the sun outside the villa. These two people, who had their own agendas, were too lazy to scheming with them. As long as Zhan Haochen didn't ask her to leave, then no one else had the qualifications!

Qin Wen covered her mouth and smiled, but her peripheral vision was locked on Xia Peipei's leaving back, and a shadow flashed in her eyes.

This stinky girl has ruined her good deeds several times. Is she really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

Da da da--

A slow sound sounded at the entrance of the stairs, and Zhan Haochen was seen walking downstairs on crutches.

When Qin Wen saw this, she felt happy at first. She quickly got up and ran over, excitedly wanting to hold his arm: "Haochen, you... you really stood up."

His eyes were filled with tears and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

She didn't come over suddenly, but received a call from Zhan Xuefei. As soon as she heard that Zhan Haochen could stand up, she couldn't wait to rush over.

The reason she gave up on Zhan Haochen was because his legs were disabled. Now that he has recovered, why should she try to please an old man again?

As long as she rebuilds her old relationship with him, she can still be the daughter-in-law of the Zhan family.

She just put her hand on Zhan Haochen

His arm was thrown away forcefully. The smile on his face had not faded away, and he looked at Zhan Haochen in surprise.

Zhan Haochen lived alone and said coldly: "Pepe will not like it if he sees it."'s that little fool again.

Qin Wen's hands were frozen in mid-air, her face looking embarrassed and embarrassed.

When Cen Shuangyue saw this scene, her face turned cold instantly: "Haochen, what are you doing? Wenwen will come around more in the future. Have you forgotten how you got along before?"

"Mom! What are you talking about?"

Zhan Haochen looked at her indifferently: "I'm already married, and you still want me to associate with other women? Pepei was unhappy after hearing this, and the Zhan family lost face."

"Don't say such inappropriate words again!"

He gave orders in a cold tone, and he always spoke his mind to the letter. He hated having others make plans for him.

Cen Shuangyue's lips opened, but in the end she didn't utter a single word.

Zhan Haochen was right. Even if Xia Peipei was happy or not, it didn't matter, the reputation of the Zhan family and Dafang still had to be maintained!

Qin Wen stood aside, every word was like a sharp knife stabbing her chest.

The pale little face was bloodless, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

Zhan Haochen ignored Qin Wen's expression, looked around and did not see Xia Peipei, and asked calmly: "Where is Peipei?"

Cen Shuangyue looked at Xia Peipei who was chasing butterflies outside, "She went outside to play."

Zhan Haochen looked along her hand and saw a person in a goose-yellow dress, carefreely chasing butterflies in the sun, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly and her eyes becoming gentle.

He moved his stiff legs and slowly walked outside the villa.

Qin Wen looked at his leaving figure

, The white palms grasped the corners of the clothes, and the veins popped out from the exertion.

Why? Why is Xia Peipei so important in his heart? After more than twenty years of her acquaintance with him...

"Hey! Isn't this Qin Wen? Why are you here?"

A sudden voice sounded behind him.

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