On the day when Zhao Gao's memorial arrived at Xianyang Palace, Li Jiang happened to be showing Ying Zheng the drawings she had drawn.

Drawing of the dragon chair.

Ying Zheng looked at the drawings and said, "It's too expensive. Gold plating is too expensive."

In fact, the smile on the corner of the mouth and the joy in the eyes have never disappeared.

But after Zhao Gao's report arrived, the joy on Ying Zheng's face completely disappeared.

In the report, Zhao Gao wrote in detail Miping's actions, how to gather the rebels, and how to contact the Chu State clearly and clearly.

Finally, there is a family letter written by Mi Ping to Mr. Chang Ping.

Li Jiang didn't need to read what was written in the memorial, but just looked at Ying Zheng's face and knew that this was not a good thing.

[Hey, Brother Zheng has been vaccinated. This Changping Lord will definitely rebel. 】

[If the father doesn’t rebel and the son rebels, isn’t it the same? 】

[Why is Brother Zheng still so upset? 】

[Wang Jian should be almost at the border of Chu State, right? 】

Not two days later, when he went to court again, eight hundred miles of urgent battle reports were sent back to Xianyang Palace.

"Your Majesty, General Li Xin and General Meng Wu are singing triumphantly. Their troops are divided into two groups and have conquered Qiu'e, Xicheng and other cities. General Li Xin is about to join General Meng Wu to capture Shouchun, the capital of Chu. We Qin soldiers With great energy, we will be able to capture the Chu Kingdom soon!"

"it is good!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

The monarchs and ministers in the court clapped their hands excitedly, and even Li Si looked at Li Jiang with even more contempt.

"Your Majesty! General Li Xin and General Meng Wu are so brave. I believe they will capture the Kingdom of Chu soon!"

Li Si cupped his fists and said to Ying Zheng.

The ministers also echoed: "Congratulations to the king for taking another country!"

Ying Zheng felt a little heavy in his heart, and was very worried that Li Xin had fallen into a trap?

Zhao Gao only stated in the letter how Miping contacted the Chu State informant, but Zhao Gao had no way of knowing exactly what he said.

Mi Ping's letter home to Lord Changping simply said that Lord Changping should find an opportunity to leave Xianyang City and change his appearance to join him.

There was no mention of the specific plan he had with the Chu State.

If there was no change in Mi Ping, Ying Zheng might be happy to see the achievements of Li Xin and Meng Wu, but now, he really can't have fun with these ignorant ministers.

Li Jiang is the only person in the court who can't be happy except Ying Zheng. She already knows that Changping Jun's son is going to rebel.

But her forced smile also made the courtiers headed by Li Si think wrongly.

"Your Majesty, I have something I don't know whether to say or not, but I don't want to say it out loud."

Li Si stood up and cupped his hands towards Ying Zheng, then glanced at Li Jiang.

[If you don’t know when to talk or not, just shut up!If you don’t vomit, you won’t be happy! 】

【Look what I do!Just look at me? 】

"Your Majesty, if General Li Xin really takes over Chu State in one go, shouldn't all the irrelevant people withdraw from the court?"

Li Si looked at Ying Zheng and said, "If anyone can talk nonsense and point fingers in the court, what's the difference between the court and the market?"

Everyone knows who said this.

[Can you just give me my name? 】

【Who are you talking about here by criticizing Sang and Huai? 】

Li Jiang turned to look at Li Si: "Li Cheng, what if General Li Xin is defeated?"

"Your Majesty! Look, what are you talking about? This Shilang Li clearly doesn't expect good things from me, Da Qin! He's so ambitious! His thief's heart is so obvious!"

Li Si pointed at Li Jiang and spat out accusations: "General Li Xin has pointed his finger at the Chu Kingdom, and the occupation of the Chu capital is just around the corner..."

Li Jiang stood up, thinking about Fusu's appearance as the Holy Mother when she first met Fusu.

I imitated Fusu's expression, full of righteousness for the country and the people: "If General Li Xin can directly take Chu State, and Great Qin takes all Chu State into his pocket, I will cut my neck and commit suicide, and congratulate me on the victory of Great Qin with my head." It doesn’t matter if you win!”


Li Jiang turned his attention to Ying Zheng: "Li Cheng should not be so suspicious of his intentions!"

After speaking, she glanced sadly at the court officials and said in a tragic tone:

"Since I entered the imperial court, I have dedicated myself to serving the country, the people, and being the king. I have improved the royal salt, made paper, improved armaments and weapons, and boosted the economy of the Qin Dynasty. Are all these things designed to harm our country, the Qin Dynasty?"

"Aren't you looking forward to the prosperity of our Great Qin Kingdom? You are so suspicious of my intentions. How can you say it out loud! You have such a cruel heart!"

Li Jiang covered his chest with his hands, and as soon as he finished speaking, he took a few steps back with a bang.

Ying Zheng nodded, yes, Li Jiang's contribution was obvious to all, but Li Si did go a bit too far.

Li Jiang came here to help the Qin Dynasty. Wouldn't Li Si's actions hurt Li Jiang's heart?

Look how angry Li Jiang is!

This Li Si has indeed lost his character.

Ying Zheng just wanted to reprimand Li Si and comfort Li Jiang.


【Come on, come on!Hurt each other! 】

[You rely on your old age to act like you are old, and I will pretend to be pitiful! 】

[Oh~ Today I am a tragic character~]

[Best Actress must be me, I won’t watch the Oscars without me! 】

Ying Zheng: Okay.It's him who worries too much.

I thought Li Jiang was really sad and suffered a setback.

Li Jiang turned to look at Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty, I serve the people and the Qin Dynasty, but Li Si maliciously speculates on me... I... it's really heartbreaking!"

The other courtiers also nodded after hearing Li Jiang's words.

No matter what, this Li Jiang has indeed made a lot of contributions to the country and the people, and to Great Qin.

Who among the courtiers present dared to stand up and confront Li Jiang?

Who can pat their chest and say that there is no paper in the latrine at home?

No salt in the kitchen?

The accountant in the mansion did not earn a single copper coin from Li Jiang?

No one dares!

Even the chairs they made for them were made by Li Jiang.

Others watched indifferently. Did Li Jiang do anything to cause anger and cause trouble to Chao Gang?


But Li Si didn't think so, and Li Si's firm didn't take advantage.

Li Jiang wouldn't let anyone sell him salt, so he didn't even bother to buy it secretly.

As for the paper, he didn't bother to use it, just like using toilet chips!

That's why Li Si stood in the court and dared to argue with Li Jiang.

But whether it was because Li Jiang really caused trouble for Chao Gang, or because he didn't take advantage of anything and felt unhappy, only Li Si himself knew.

"Li Cheng, Mr. Li is not as miserable as you said."

Feng Quji advised.

"Yes, yes, the soldiers of Qin now have new weapons and are invincible on the battlefield. Minister Li still serves the country and the people."

Zhao Tuo nodded in agreement.

Li Jiang's long-standing favor, boiling the frog in warm water, finally succeeded.

Even if the courtiers present disagreed with her, they would not speak out.

Short-handed, soft-mouthed.

Before Li Si noticed it, the direction of the wind had already changed.

This time, no one echoed his words and accused Li Jiang. Instead, part of them made peace with him, and part of them came after Li Jiang's death to persuade Li Si not to use his villain's heart to get rid of Li Jiang's noble heart.

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