Chapter 570 Ending 1

Chapter 570 Ending 1

201 BC.

Ying Gao's youngest son Ying Ziying officially adopted Qin Ren Emperor Fusu and became the heir of Qin Ren Emperor.

Illness comes like a mountain down, sickness goes like a thread.

It took Li Jiang two months to recover from his illness.

After he recovered, his body became very weak, and he fell ill again at the slightest sign of trouble.

Although Ying Zheng and Fu Su sent the supplements to the Imperial Preceptor's Office as if they were free of charge, Li Jiang's body still did not change for the better.

The first thing she did when she recovered was Fusu taking Ying Ziying to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion.

Let Ziying meet Li Jiang.

Ziying met Li Guoshi by chance many years ago, but his impression has long been blurred.

When I see Teacher Li now, I only know that she is a very gentle woman.

"In the future, Ziying can come and ask Mr. Li for more advice when he has free time."

Fusu looked at Ziying and said solemnly: "Mr. Li is very talented. If you can learn two or three points, you can benefit from it for life."

Li Jiang felt a little ashamed when she heard this. If she praised it secretly behind her back, she would still feel complacent after knowing it.

What's the point of praising in person?

Li Jiang could only say modestly against his will: "Your Majesty's words are serious. How can I be as powerful as your Majesty said?"

"I only know a little bit about it, how dare you do it in front of others."

Ziying could see the seriousness in Fusu's eyes, which was different from the secrets they knew. There was no emotion in it, but admiration for Master Li.

He nodded: "My son remembers it. When he is not free, he will come to consult Master Li more often."

Although the position of heir was determined, Ying Zheng and Fusu did not let the other children in the school leave the palace. Instead, they still arranged to stay in the school and enroll with Ziying.

They usually practice martial arts during the day, and Xiao He teaches them for an hour in the afternoon.

When the two of them walked out of the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, Fusu taught Ziying: "Ziying, now in the school, are your classmates, your brothers and sisters."

"I will be your right-hand man, your helper, and your helper from now on."

"From them, you have to learn from your shortcomings. From now on, you have to know where each of them shines."

After finishing speaking, Fusu said to Ziying in a somewhat showy manner: "Have you seen Prime Minister Zhang Liang and your wife, Prime Minister Xiao He, in the court now?"

"There are also my brothers and sisters in the court, as well as the generals headed by General Lipu. These pillars are all trained by Li Guoshi and the Supreme Emperor for me, and they are the helpers they have collected for me. They are my right-hand men. They are the ministers of Great Qin. .”

Ziying has no one to think about. Since he is his son now, he has to help him think about it.

Mr. Li did not say that he would help Ziying develop his right-hand man.

Ying Ziying nodded solemnly and responded: "Yes, father, my son will remember them and he will have a good relationship with them."

Fusu shook his head: "It's not a deliberate greeting with them, but a natural friendship. It doesn't matter even if the relationship is not good."

"It doesn't matter if the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Observe their character. Some people have flaws in their character, but they are capable. Where should such people be placed?"

"Some people are capable but have flaws in their character. Where should such people be placed?"

"How should you check and balance ambitious people? You must not only encourage them to share your worries, but also restrain their ambitions..."

When Fusu said this, he couldn't help but laugh: "It's my father's fault. It's too early for me to tell you this now."

"You are young……"

"My son is very happy."

Ying Ziying's eyes shone when she looked at Fusu, revealing her peace of mind.

Fusu was willing to tell him this, which meant that he really raised him as his son. His anxious heart finally fell into his stomach.

Fusu touched his head. It's not good for a child to be too smart. He thinks too much.

"From now on, you can leave the palace for one day of relaxation and one day of fun every seven days."

Ziying shook his head in confusion: "My son doesn't need to go out to play. My son will study hard."

He knows the responsibilities he will have to bear in the future, and he wants to be able to shoulder this responsibility.

So he has to work harder.

Fusu shook his head: "On that day when you leave the palace, you can go and see Yinggao, my younger brother, on my behalf."

Ziying suddenly raised his head and looked at Fusu, his eyes full of disbelief and doubt.

Fusu smiled and said: "Go, don't think too much, leave the palace for one day every seven days, relax and unwind, and combine work and rest to study better. It's just in time to return to the palace after dinner."

After saying that, he stopped talking and took Ziying to Zhengyang Palace.

Ziying was very moved, and his eyes were slightly red. After all, he was also a child.

Moreover, it was adopted after having memories.

How can you not miss your biological parents?

He was very touched. More importantly, he felt that he was very lucky. His biological parents were very good and gave him a lot of love. His Majesty... his father was also very good and gave him the same amount of love.

Returning to Zhengyang Palace, Fusu talked to Ziying about the ministers in the court. In the future, his identity would change, and the ministers would express their opinions whether openly or privately.

"These ministers will definitely express their opinions to you in the future, and you have to take care of yourself."

Ziying nodded, not to mention he was adopted, even if he was biological, no emperor would like his son to get too close to the courtiers.

"You can observe more and identify those who are really doing good for you and those who are doing things that are beneficial to you under the guise of doing good for you."

Fusu paused and thought it would be better to give Ziying two typical examples.

"Especially Zhao Gao in the court. This person is the most typical. He is capable but selfish. He has been around me since I was not the prince."

Ziying looked at Fusu curiously, thinking that Zhao Gao's official position in the court was neither high nor low...

"When I use him, I also use the official position of Jiuqing to hang him up, so that he feels that if he performs meritorious service, he can be promoted to Jiuqing."

Fusu looked at Ziying gently: "But I know that he will never have this opportunity to be a minister and hold a high position."

"This is the emperor, does Ziying understand?"

Ying Ziying's expression was serious and firm, and she nodded solemnly: "Son, I remember."

"My son will always have a steelyard in his heart, always reminding him what he can and cannot do. He will not be influenced by external factors. He will always keep in mind what things will harm the Qin Dynasty and shake the foundation of the country."


Fusu smiled and nodded: "Go back and rest early. Father is going to approve the memorial."

When he went to school again, Ziying's identity was somewhat different.

As long as Ziying makes no mistakes, he will be the next leader of the Qin Dynasty.

Chu Meng and others were a little awkward, not because they felt uncomfortable, but because they were not sure how to treat Ziying?

Will Ziying remember that they asked him to help take the blame?

Also, in the books they read before, they discussed privately about his father who used to be His Majesty and is now Ziying... and maybe his rumored grandmother?



When Ziying entered the door, he saw his former friends, who were now bowing solemnly.

At this moment, he understood what his father said. His identity was different, so many things would be different.

"Okay, what happened before, what will happen next, otherwise..."

Ziying paused: "Otherwise, I will tell His Majesty that you secretly..."

"Brother Ziying! Long time no see!"

Chu Meng jumped up immediately, ran to Ziying, and greeted him with his arm around his neck as before.

Just kidding, what is the emperor or not? That will happen many years later.

But being beaten may be tomorrow, or it may be happening now.

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