Chapter 410 Weapons are rusty

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

This is most vividly reflected in Nanyue County.

After Li Jiang received the news, he didn't want to be angry with Ying Zheng about why there were no pottery figurines of hers in the mausoleum.

He hurriedly arrived at Zhengyang Palace.

【I’m so convinced! 】

[Isn’t this Myanmar and Cambodia endless? 】

[Originally, I thought I would spare your lives before you even started the organ trading business. 】

[You are really seeking death! 】

Ying Zheng was obviously very angry about this incident.

Okay, okay, look at the language barrier in Xihai County, but are they causing trouble?


Did they rebel?


On the contrary, in just one year, they can be like the people of Great Qin, speak Qin dialect, wear Qin clothes, and completely submit to Great Qin!

what about you?

"I provided them with delicious food and drinks! I also sent a scholar to explain the Qin dialect to them, and this is how they rewarded me!"

Ying Zheng was so angry that he never thought that even if Xihai County wanted to rebel and restore the country, it would have no allies. It was surrounded by the sea on three sides and its only neighbor was Da Qin.

Making hair?

"How can I endure the loss of one of our great Qin generals?"

Even if this "strong general" later declares himself king after his death...

Ying Zheng looked at the courtiers below: "General Wang Ben, you have experience. I now order you to capture Nanyue County!"

"Not a single one!"

Da Qin needs to fight again. If we don't cultivate the people of Da Qin's unified foreign awareness now, when will we cultivate it?

So after going to court, Li Jiang went straight to Xianyang Palace, the novelist's territory.

"Where's Lao Wan?"

As soon as he entered the door, Li Jiang looked for the leading novelist: "Tell him that he is here and ask him to come quickly."

Wan Shitong hurriedly ran over from outside, thinking all the way that the last biography of Concubine Zhao had been finished.

This time the overbearing miner fell in love with me. Did the national master have any good ideas?

When Li Jiang saw Wan Shitong, he told him his purpose.

"Draft an official announcement..."

This content, of course, is that Great Qin will let Nanyue County return, eat and drink well, teach you the Great Qin language, and let you integrate into Great Qin.

Even the young master couldn't bear the war because you were too pitiful, so he went to Dianyue City and Xiqiang tribes to save others.

But Da Qin is heartbreaking for you, and you actually stab Da Qin in the back.

"Remember, you must write with tears in your eyes, and describe the faces of these villains vividly."

In this era of relatively backward communications, it is extremely difficult for the people to understand the current situation, every troop dispatch and every government order issued by the Qin Dynasty.

But now Li Jiang wants to twist Da Qin into a rope and let the word compatriot be engraved in the hearts of every Da Qin people.

Those who are not of my race must have a different mentality, and most of them are those who see profit and forget their righteousness.

Da Qin can be friendly, but it is definitely not friendly to this white-eyed wolf.

As a result, before Wang Ben took the people out, the announcement written by the novelist had already traveled to various places in a pony carriage.

There are too many changes in this life.

Zhao Tuo is gone.

It's still not the place where he was king in the previous life.

However, there are no prisoners of Da Qin there now, and no people who can understand his words.

The Maurya Dynasty's move was completely a slap in the face of Great Qin.

How can the courtiers tolerate this?

Ever since Big Ivan made it, there has never been such a slap in the face.

When Wang Ben led his troops to quell the rebellion in South Vietnam, Prince Gao also returned with his men in great force.

Lipu had previously written a lot of letters to Yu Ziqi in a pretentious manner, inquiring about the current situation of the Yu family brothers and sisters.

He also figured out that Yu Yu mainly stayed with his mother.

As soon as Li Jiang came to court, Li Pu came over to greet him.

"Mom, Yu...Yu..."

Lip was a little shy and didn't know what to say.

Li Jiang was wearing the official robe of a national master and glared at Li Pu angrily.

"I'm your mother, not a horse. Those who didn't know better would have thought you were riding a horse here, what the heck!"

She walked back angrily. Could Yu Yu really like such a heartless son?

Lipu felt a little aggrieved. He had been away from Xianyang for so long, and the first thing his mother said was to scold him...

Returning to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, Lipu's eyes shone with shyness.

Li Jiang was a little speechless, shy, so shy!

"Yu Yu is still young, so even if we get engaged, we have to wait another three or four years."

Having said this, she looked at Lip and continued: "You should also stop that crazy expression. It's almost winter now... It's not the season of spring yet..."

She didn't know whether Xiang Yu in history captured Yu Ji's heart or only her body.

But she can confirm that the current Yu Yu will never have any feelings for a silly big man who always smiles like a fool!

When Han Xin and Lipu came back from business, Hu Hai directly held a reception banquet for them in the evening.

Hu Hai has been engaged, and among the three of them, the progress bar is full.

"I really envy you, you are already engaged..."

Lipu sighed as he thought about Yuyu.

Han Xin and Hu Hai also heard about Lip Pu, and they gave Lip Pu advice.

Hu Hai: "You can endorse Yu Yu. She is currently studying in school with her brother, and you can give her tutoring lessons..."

"to be honest."

Lipu's face turned bitter: "Let's forget it...I don't like reading the most. It's not like you don't know."

"It's okay to let me memorize the military strategy for Yu Yu..."

Han Xin's eyes lit up: "You can show her your heroic side!"

"Let her see how powerful you are, brother!"

So the next day, when Li Jiang went to court, Li Pu picked up the tripod of the Imperial Master's Office and went straight to the school.

Now that Da Qin has Da Iwan, it is not afraid of any foreign enemies at all.

But what was discussed in court today was that the edges of the weapons of the Qin army were rusty...

"Your Majesty, although the iron sword is sharp, the thin iron edge has rusted over the years... It is better to replace it with a bronze weapon."

After Da Qin had Da Iwan, the soldiers' weapons had not been unsheathed for a long time, and no blood had been seen.

It will definitely rust over time.

Zhao Gao's eyes lit up, Li Jiang was the first to take out this iron sword.

"Your Majesty, the iron sword that Master Li mentioned is really useless. It has only been like this for just a few years. If this continues for a long time, will Great Ivan become ineffective too..."

For a time, the courtiers also began to talk about it.

"Your Majesty, this iron sword cost a lot of money, and the rails are also made of iron. If things continue like this..."

The ministers are now beginning to discuss whether Tie can really take on this important task.

All the fingers are pointed at Li Jiang.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about the rails. The rails are not made of iron... they are steel."

Li Jiang said slowly: "As for weapons..."

"Soldiers practice with their weapons in constant wind and rain. Over time, they will naturally rust."

"Please ask your Majesty to give me some time to study it."

Ying Zheng nodded, looked at the people below and said with some displeasure: "When something happens in the imperial court, you ministers must find a way to solve it."

"You always leave the problem to me and the Imperial Master, so what do you want?"

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