Lipu and Yingbu stopped and walked along the way, checking the railway tracks and watching the descendants from the Mohist family teaching these foreigners how to lay the railway.

"You said, they don't understand, can they fix it?"

Yingbu was very worried, especially since people from the Mo family had already installed a section of the railway, and a group of foreigners were still standing there at a loss, and he was a little worried.

"Don't worry. If you don't understand the words, you still can't read?"

As soon as Lip finished speaking, he saw the Mo family pointing at the railway track and then at them.

There are many foreigners who are unwilling to build railways, but they succumb to the whips in the hands of officers and soldiers, the clothes they wear, and the meals they eat every day.

Both Yingbu and Lipu saw for the first time how Qin enslaved these foreigners.

But neither Yingbu nor Lipu felt anything was wrong.

Lipu grew up listening to the stories Li Jiang told him since he was a child. He knew that if he fell behind, he would be beaten.

I have known the sense of honor of the country and nation since I was a child.

Yingbu has seen too much, he is mature and he knows a lot.

Besides, why don’t you just serve as a slave?

Who hasn’t taken it yet?

He even carved it!Is he proud?

They hardly need to worry about it. The merchants have completed the rail transportation and lime transportation smoothly.

This road should be said to be the easiest one, but there are people who don't make it so easy for them.

Not long after Li Jiang and other generals delivered the spring tea from Yunnan County, they called Lu Ze over.

"Go to the Western Regions to exchange these teas for colored glaze, or glass."

Lu Ze frowned. He had never heard of Liuli or Glass: "Master Li, what does Liuli or Glass... look like?"

"Is it a pear? It's not like I've never been to the Western Regions, and I've never heard of the two things you mentioned."

【No?How could it not be? 】

[Glass appeared in 2500 BC? 】

Li Jiang lowered his head and thought, and suddenly realized: "I know, it's just called differently."

"This thing looks like jade and agate, so transparent..."

Lu Ze thought for a moment and then suddenly said: "Is the Imperial Master talking about the utensils?"


This time it's Li Jiangma's turn. What is the feeder?

Lu Ze was confused when he saw Li Jiang, and quickly told Li Jiang that they were small, colorful ones, usually green, blue, and red...

Seeing Li Jiang still in a dazed state, Lu Ze paused.

"How about I bring some over first, and the Imperial Master can take a look first?"

"That's the price. After all, the material is exclusively used by the royal family of the Western Regions, so the cost may be relatively high."

Lu Ze still had to make it clear to Li Jiang. Don't bring it back with all the trouble and end up with all the tea leaves instead.

"It's okay, just bring him. Of course, it would be better if he could bring back the craftsman."

Li Jiang waved his hand nonchalantly. Tea is available every year. If you can't bring it back this year, you will bring it next year.

If that doesn't work, just wait until the railway is completed and let Brother Zheng conquer the Western Regions.

Do you still need to exchange things?

"This trip may be more dangerous. The Western Regions already know about Great Qin's attack on South Vietnam and the Western Qiang tribes, so your trip will definitely be difficult and dangerous."

Li Jiang said to Lu Ze that in his previous life Lu Ze was both civil and military, but in the end he died and there was no precise record of his death.

But these also illustrate Lu Ze's ability, which makes him feared.

"Don't worry, National Master, the people are there and the goods are there..."

Lu Ze clasped his fists at Li Jiang and assured.

"No, you misunderstood. What I meant was that as long as people are around, there are opportunities. When things are gone, they are gone. Remember, people's safety must be more important."

Li Jiang shook his head: "You must come back alive. Business is not your future path, so you can't give up on doing business."

[This Lu Ze may become the pillar of Great Qin in the future. 】

[There are not too many pillars. I wish I could fill Brother Zheng’s court with pillars of talent! 】

Lu Ze felt as if he had been drinking hot water for three to nine days.

The Imperial Preceptor said that talent is the most important thing. Why would such an Imperial Preceptor not be loyal to her?

Not long after Lu Ze went to the Western Regions as an envoy to the Western Regions with spring tea and Da Qin's unique salt, the Mauryan Dynasty sent envoys.

This time the Maurya Dynasty was also a little panicked.

There were only three neighbors in total, but they were all captured by Da Qin.

This time they brought something with them to find out what Da Qin's words meant.

Do you have any intention of touching the Maurya Dynasty?

When they came this time, it seemed that they were fully prepared, and they even came with envoys who could understand the languages ​​of both countries.

"Your Majesty the State of Qin, I have been ordered by the Queen to conclude friendship between the two countries."

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