Li Jiang was about to tell Ying Zheng about Xiao He, "Xiao Gui and Cao Sui".

Since Xiao He can be a good wife in Liu Ji's court, he is not a mediocre person.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard a loud noise coming from the front.

"Clang, click, click..."

Then Meng Changshan shouted: "Escort! Escort! Search for the assassin!"

Li Jiang's heart tightened, is this Conan's attribute? !

[How come there are unscrupulous people everywhere who want to harm my Zheng brother? 】

She stretched out her hand to lift the car curtain to take a look, but Ying Zheng held her down.

"Don't go out."

Ying Zheng's eyes were gloomy, these unruly people, these common people, are stubborn!

He has shown his greatest sincerity, and now he dares to assassinate him. It is really counter-intuitive!

Do you really think he is a good person?

Until there were footsteps outside the carriage, Meng Changshan lightly knocked on the door: "Your Majesty, it's safe."

Ying Zhengcai released Li Jiang's hand.

"Your Majesty, I will go out and take a look first, and you will come out later."

Li Jiang swallowed her saliva, and in her mind she could see arrows coming from all directions as soon as she poked her head out. She tentatively lifted the curtains of the car.

Throw the shoes out first.

Very good, no danger.

The imagined incident of thousands of arrows hitting her shoes did not happen.

Ying Zheng frowned and watched in confusion as Li Jiang threw out one shoe and then took off the other shoe.

[Eh~ Do you think I’m going out? 】

【No!Or shoes! 】

[Let me see... are there any assassins left! 】

After throwing both shoes out, seeing that there were still no arrows flying, Li Jiang turned his head and looked at Ying Zheng's feet.

【try again?Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. 】

[If it is safe three times, then it is really safe! 】

Ying Zheng took his feet back slightly and looked at Li Jiang: "I'd better go down first..."

"No, no, no, I'll get off first."

Li Jiangtui refused. She was afraid of being shot into a sieve when she went out, but she was even more afraid of being ambushed when Ying Zheng went down.

[Brother Zheng has only been assassinated four times in history, but now he has been assassinated three times. Bolangsha, Night Tour in Xianyang, why does this offer an increase in quantity but no increase in price? 】

Meng Changshan watched in surprise as a shoe flew out of the Imperial Master's carriage, and after a while another shoe flew out...

He coughed twice and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Your Majesty is really... so interested.

Ying Zheng in the carriage, forgive me for what crime?It was not Meng Changshan's fault that he was assassinated, so why was he guilty?

"It has nothing to do with you, no need to apologize."

Ying Zheng said: "Go and pick up the Imperial Master's shoes."


Meng Changshan quickly dismounted and ran to pick up Li Jiang's shoes.

Li Jiang smiled apologetically at Meng Changshan before getting off the carriage.

"Your Majesty, come out, it's safe."

Li Jiang saw that the carriage was surrounded by soldiers, and then he shouted to Ying Zheng.

After Ying Zheng got out of the car, he looked at Meng Changshan with a solemn expression: "What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, a heavy hammer just fell from the mountain and destroyed the main car."

Li Jiang and Ying Zheng followed Meng Changshan's words and slowly looked at the main car.

Li Jiang was short, and the carriage was surrounded by a group of soldiers, so he couldn't see it. Fortunately, Ying Zheng walked slowly towards the main carriage, and Li Jiang could follow him to have a look.

“Is the eldest son’s bike frame okay?”

Ying Zheng asked. Seeing that Li Jiang looked a little anxious, he asked again: "Where is Lip?"

"Woe... where is the young master?"

Meng Changshan replied to Ying Zheng: "To reply to your majesty, the younger master and Mr. Li are both on the frame of the eldest master. Except for the main car that was attacked, the other vehicles are intact."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth: "This is for me!"

"Who is the assassin?"

When they saw the appearance of the main car, Li Jiang and Ying Zheng were a little silent.

Li Jiang was lucky. Fortunately, she knew that the frame was just a decoration. Otherwise, if Brother Zheng really made it, he wouldn't have been smashed into a pulp?

Ying Zheng was angry. It seemed that these people would not stop until they assassinated him!

"Soldiers have been sent to search, and Han Xin has also led people up the mountain to arrest people."


Zhang Liang looked at the copper hammer thrown by the strongman and smashed the most gorgeous carriage, and a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

Have you seen it, Aweng? Have you seen it, Father!

The country you worked for during your lifetime was destroyed by this person. Although Zifang has never been an official, the country's hatred still depends on me, Zifang!


Zhang Liang took Hercules and turned around and ran up the mountain.

Han Xin originally wanted to sit on the eldest son's carriage to keep warm, instead of riding a horse to show off his power.

Not many people are watching now, and it's still snowing outside.

So he turned the horse's head and walked back directly. As a result, he saw something flying from the top of the mountain and hitting the main carriage.

At the same time, Meng Changshan’s escort voice sounded.

"Come here! Come with me to catch the assassin!"

Han Xin was Wei Liao's apprentice, and everyone respectfully called him Mr. Han.

Seeing Han Xin pointing at the top of the mountain with his sword, the team quickly integrated and followed Han Xin up the mountain.

When they arrived at the top of the mountain, Han Xin looked at a place where the snow had almost melted away. Looking at the location, he knew that the assassin had committed his murder here.

So the heavy snow in the mountains made it convenient for Han Xin to capture the assassin.

Zhang Liang was in poor health and had stood in the heavy snow for so long.

After running for a while, the cold wind choked my throat, and I couldn't stop coughing. I still didn't have the strength to run.

Even the strong men were far away from him. He sighed, taking advantage of his thin body, and darted here and there.

But it’s useless. Han Xin, who also grew up in the mountains and forests, has a body that is twice as good!

Before Zhang Liang could do anything, Han Xin noticed him and swooped down, pushing Zhang Liang to the ground.

After holding the person in his hands, Han Xin frowned. Did he catch the wrong person?

He's so thin that he feels uncomfortable even when he's lying on his body. How can he be able to carry that hammer?

"Go and chase! There's another person!"

Han Xin sat on Zhang Liang, pressing down on Zhang Liang to prevent him from moving. He looked at the soldiers behind him and said, "There must be some accomplices!"

Zhang Liang was pinned down on the snow by Han Xin. His face rubbed against the snow on the ground, causing burning pain and a chill from the ice.

He was already in poor health, and now he was lying on the ground, almost rolling his eyes without coughing.

Han Xin could control Zhang Liang's wrists with one hand and pulled him up.

The other hand pinched Zhang Liang's chin fiercely: "Say! What did you just see!"

Zhang Liang coughed uncomfortably and gasped for breath, but his chin was pinched helplessly.

He raised his eyes to look at the young man and sneered: "You see I'm so titty."

"You fart!"

Han Xin waved his hand fiercely, picked up Zhang Liang and walked back.

"Tell your grandma, don't worry, you will go down to see your grandma soon. Then, don't forget to show your filial piety to your grandma down there!"

As he spoke, Han Xin clamped Zhang Liang's wrists vigorously, pulled off Zhang Liang's belt, and tied his wrists behind his back.

"Let's go, filial grandson~"

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