(Book of Fengchan: When the First Emperor was on Mount Tai, he was caught in a storm in Zhongshan and rested under a big tree. Since the Confucian scholars were poor, they were not allowed to use the ceremony of sealing. If they heard that the First Emperor was caught in a storm, they would ridicule him.)

The main reason why Ying Zheng wanted to go to Mount Tai was because the process of establishing the Qin Dynasty was filled with the blood of the six kingdoms.

Not long after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, it was the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. The "old and young" under the influence of Confucianism missed their homeland and were waiting for opportunities to overturn their eternal foundation.

This time, Taishan's enshrinement was to let the old and young of the six countries, especially the nobles of the six countries, know that he was the king's divine right.

Anyone who has any intention to overthrow the Qin Dynasty is acting against heaven.

Another point is to worship ancestors.

The fiefdom of the Qin ancestors was located in the ancient city of Ying between the eastern foot of Mount Tai and the Tailai Plain.

Therefore, what Ying Zheng wanted to do when he went to Mount Tai to worship his ancestors was to let the ancestors of Qin know about his great achievements and take back his ancestors' fiefdom and a large part of the world.

When the emperor travels, if you ask who is happiest, it must be Lipu.

In Lipu's heart, His Majesty's travels are equal to his mother's travels, and his mother's travels are equal to his travels.

When he goes out, he means...not going to school.

The happiest person left is Chunyu Yue.

Chun Yuyue had to teach Lipu and Han Xin every two days recently. Faced with Hu Hai, he felt that he could handle it.

After all, all the alchemists have been sent away by the Imperial Preceptor and His Majesty to make the Great Ivan.

But facing Han Xin and Lipu, Chun Yuyue felt a sharp pain in his head.

Lipu, who is not enlightened, and Han Xin, who is pulling his neck and being stubborn.

Coupled with this is Hu Hai, who has different views from Han Xin and is too straightforward but always gets into quarrels with Han Xin.

Chunyu Yue felt that such a student seemed to have already predicted his future life in advance.

Even Chunyu Yue never felt that being a master was so aggrieved.

Thinking about the leisure and joy I felt when I was teaching my son, I miss him so much.

The date of travel cannot be calculated immediately. When Ying Zheng travels, he must plan the route in advance.

Especially when going to Mount Tai, the security there must be ensured to avoid being bumped into by those old people and young people.

During this time, Li Jiang began to make sweaters and down jackets.

There is no need to worry about the factory. Ying Zheng can find it for her with a wave of his hand, and there is no need to worry about the manpower.

Li Jiang has financial and material resources, and the national treasury also has them.

When Taishi and others were observing the celestial phenomena at night, and they were almost done, they chose a particularly conservative day.

Next spring...

"I don't want to delay this for so long, so you can recalculate."

Ying Zheng offered sacrifices to Mount Tai. In this age where destiny is important, it is a time when nobles are eager to go out and have to ask the divination when going to the toilet.

By going to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen as soon as possible, he is showing to the world that he has been recognized by heaven and earth.

It can also be regarded as a shock to some Xiaoxiao who have other thoughts.

It is conducive to the stability of the world, and the world is stable.

Only then can Ying Zheng continue to conquer other places.

Qin cannot be in chaos, and if he goes to conquer other countries, wouldn't that make it even more chaotic?

Obviously, he was extremely dissatisfied with the answer Taishi gave him.

"Your Majesty, winter is about to begin, and the time to reach Mount Tai will not be short-lived. If it is winter and you go to Zen, there may be snow and the road will be difficult to travel."

Taishi told Ying Zheng that if it snows heavily, you will not be able to climb Mount Tai. When you come back, I will be the first to die.

Li Jiang naturally understood what Taishi meant.

But what Taishi didn't expect was that in the spring of the next year, when he walked to Mount Tai, it would rain again...

He is probably still dead.

Ying Zheng accepts death, so he has no choice but to go.

He wanted to unify his thoughts and shock them, but he couldn't tell the courtiers what he said, so Taishi continued to calculate.

Calculate which day is good in the past few days, and find a good day before departure. Then after arriving at Mount Tai, it depends on the situation...

Life and death are determined by fate, and survival is determined by heaven.

Taishi gritted his teeth and decided that no matter what, he would definitely go with this trip to Fengchan!

Even if the weather is bad, he still has to say an auspicious omen!

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others, and it is better to ask for yourself than to rely on others!

He still doesn't believe it, he can't save his life!

Ever since he learned that Emperor Qin had changed his route back to Xianyang City, Zhang Liang's heart felt like pieces of fallen leaves.

He had been waiting here in Bolangsha for so long that he no longer had the money to pay the appearance fee for Hercules.

After a long time, he went back with Qingfeng Qingfeng and Cang Haijun, and he even negotiated with Hercules and asked Hercules to help take the 120-pound hammer home.


The strong man placed the hammer in the courtyard, clapped his hands, and turned to look at the thin Zhang Liang and Cang Haijun.

"Then I'll leave first!"

Zhang Liang nodded in pain. The wind that had been blowing for so many days had blown away all his money!

The strong man took two steps, then suddenly thought of something, turned around and said: "Next time I have this job, I will ask you to do it. I will give you a discount!"

After saying that, he strode away directly.

"Cough cough cough~"

Zhang Liang had been exposed to the wind for several days, and his already unhealthy body was infected with the wind and cold again.

It's better this time. Not only do I no longer have the money to hire a strongman, but even the money to buy medicine was paid for by Cang Haijun.


Cang Haijun paused: "Otherwise, forget it."

Zhang Liang's face turned pale and he looked at Cang Haijun: "No! Punish the violent Qin! If the violent Qin is not eliminated, Liang will have trouble sleeping and eating, and the people of the world will have trouble sleeping and eating..."

Cang Haijun looked a little complicated. He looked at the porridge in the bowl. This rice was distributed by the imperial court...

"Oh, forget it, let's drink some porridge to warm up first..."

Zhang Liang sat up with difficulty. His weak forehead was covered with sweat. He didn't need to feed him, so he took a sip from the bowl and started drinking.

I think back then, he was also from a noble family, and Ah Weng was re-elected as prime minister of the three dynasties of Korea.

My father also succeeded him as the prime minister of the second dynasty of Korea.

After Qin conquered Han, he still had 300 private servants in his family. He should have had no worries about food and clothing, but he had exchanged all his money, including his servants, for money, just to punish Qin.

How long has it been since he had good rice...

"This rice is so sweet, but the ovary cost Canghai-kun a lot of money."

Cang Haijun was a little embarrassed: "This... this... was not arranged by me."

"Suck slip~suck slip~ huh...?"

Zhang Liang looked up blankly: "No? Then this rice is..."

"It was distributed by the government. The government said... Years of wars have caused the people to suffer, so they will distribute rice for half a year. After the next year's harvest, taxes will be reduced and reduced..."

Zhang Liang looked at Cang Haijun blankly, wondering if this was true or not.

how can that be possible?How could Tyrant Qin issue such a decree?

Shouldn't the Qin Dynasty oppress the people like they did when they ruled Korea before?

Why did it suddenly change?

"...Then... punish the Qin Dynasty!"

Zhang Liang lowered his head and looked at the white rice in the bowl. He didn't want to eat it for a while, nor did he want to stop eating it.

“It’s not advisable to waste food!”

After saying that, Zhang Liang started to eat again.

Note: Liangchang Xueli Huaiyang.East meets Canghai-kun.A powerful man is an iron vertebra weighing one hundred and twenty kilograms.

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