The expedition to Qi State was put on the agenda, and Lord Changping was in good health.

Ever since Li Jiang talked about suturing wounds to treat trauma, all the doctors and military doctors have been practicing the art of suturing every day.

This can be regarded as increasing the chances of Qin soldiers surviving.

When he went to conquer Qi, Ying Zheng directly sent Wang Ben to lead his army from the south of Yan to march to the capital of Qi.

Zhao Gao and Chang Pingjun took the eldest son from Xianyang to meet Wang Ben.

On the day of the expedition, Zhao Gao looked at Ying Zheng who was reluctant to leave, looking back three times every step. Those who didn't know better thought that Zhao Gao was going to die instead of going to the expedition.

As usual, Li Jiang sent Zhao Gao off respectfully in his heart.

I hope Zhao Gao can die on the battlefield and not come back!

Lord Changping felt a little strange when he saw that Zhao Gao was listless and unwilling since he left Xianyang City.

"Does your Majesty Zhao have something on your mind? I see that you have something on your mind, but what's the secret?"

Fusu also looked at Zhao Gao after hearing this.

Zhao Gao forced a smile, what could he say, what could he be asked to say?

You say Gao means well to save you, but you want to take Gao to the battlefield?

But then I thought about it, this visit is not in vain, isn't the eldest son here too?

He could take the opportunity to get close to the eldest son.

So Zhao Gao changed his dejection and even eagerly wanted to stick to Fusu.

The angry Lord Changping hated himself for talking too much in the past few days. Why did he bother Zhao Gao?

Just when Zhao Gao was eager to approach Fusula again, Lord Changping called Zhao Gao directly in front of him.

"Ling Zhao, is it possible that the relationship between Zhao Fu and me is not good?"

Changping Jun used the words Zhao Gao once said to block Zhao Gao, don't you regard me as a confidant?

Why are you leaving your soulmate here to find someone else?

Hou Sheng in Qi did not wait for the news that Xu Fu had received the attention of King Yingzheng of Qin, and did not wait for the money Xu Fu sent back, but he did wait for the news that Qin sent troops to Qi.

Along with this, guests from the State of Qin came, allowing Hou Sheng to fulfill his promise.

Hou Sheng invited the people into the palace, chatted for a while, waited for them to leave, and then packed up and entered the palace.

After the Qi court heard that King Qin had finally pointed his sword at Qi, the attitudes of the courtiers were divided into two groups.

The loyal ministers hated the iron but not the steel, but they had no choice but to face King Jian of Qi.

At first, he suggested that King Qi Jian unite the five countries to fight against Qin, but he refused.

He suggested that Qi Wangjian send grain to Zhao and help Zhao fight against Qin, but Qi Wangjian refused to listen.

Now that the Qin State has finally eliminated the five countries, and its sword is pointing at the Qi State, now that I know I am panicking, what have I been doing?

The other group was just out of pure fear, afraid of what they would do if Qin came over.

King Jian of Qi was also afraid, but he didn't say anything. He could only invite his uncle Hou Sheng to ask Hou Sheng if he had any good ideas.

The loyal ministers of Qi State felt that Qi State was hopeless when they saw King Jianhuan of Qi blindly relying on traitors to win.

Even though they looked down on Qi Wangjian and the latter, they still advocated facing the enemy.

No matter what, you can't give up before the fight starts. If you can't fight, let's talk about things that can't be fought. If you haven't fought, you have to surrender. What do you want the people to think?

But who is the winner? No matter who the king is, everything is based on interests.

"Your Majesty, the envoys of the State of Qin have come to tell me that if the king surrenders, he will give Qi State five hundred miles and let us rule it. By then, although Qi State will not be called Qi State, at least Qi State will still be the state of Qi. Not destroyed.”

"And Your Majesty, you can be the lord of a city and continue to command us."

Hou Sheng collected Qin's 30 gold first, and followed the advice of Qin's guests.

It doesn't matter whether the country is a country or not. Anyway, the King of Qin said that if they were given a small city in the future, they would still be able to defeat ten thousand people.

What a great day like this?

Qi Wangjian was also a little hesitant and a little tempted.

He asked himself whether he could not go out to the city to meet the enemy like Dai Wang Jia did, only to die as soon as he returned home.

But I don't want to give up this glory and wealth.

"Your Majesty, please don't listen to King Qin's nonsense. Your Majesty, look at the five countries that have disappeared. Is there still a king who is still alive?"

The courtiers were divided into two groups. One group agreed to negotiate peace and left the city to surrender to Qin, and the other group disagreed.

Qi Wangjian had no idea at all. He looked at Hou Sheng at a loss, and Hou Sheng shook his head.

He gritted his teeth: "Okay, don't argue, I have already made a decision."

Hou Sheng was the uncle of King Qi Jian. If anyone cheated on him, his uncle would never cheat on him.

Chang Pingjun was thinking about how to repay Zhao Gao's life-saving grace along the way.

Should he wait until Zhao Gao is about to die before rescuing him?Or is he always sticking to Zhao Gao's side like Zhao Gao did before?

Zhao Gao was also thinking, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Now that he has come out, will he do something big to save Fusu?

Ying Zheng was also thinking in Xianyang Palace, wondering whether going to the battlefield this time would allow Fusu to change a little. Fusu was also at an age where he was about to get married.

I hope Fusu won’t disappoint him~

With everyone's expectations, Lord Changping finally led Zhao Gao and Fusu to join Wang Bi and attack all the way from Linzi.

Wherever they went, the people of Qi didn't know whether they had heard some rumors or clearly saw the unstoppable reality of Qin's unification of the six countries.

Almost all the people did not resist and surrendered one after another. In this way, they fought all the way to Qi Guo Palace.

The king of Qi opened the city gate and went out of the city with a letter in hand to surrender to Qin.

After this operation, the angry Lord Changping secretly cursed Qi Wangjian as a coward for not even resisting, thus causing him to miss the opportunity to return the favor of saving his life.

Even Zhao Gao was not happy. Qi Wang Jian didn't care if it was just a fight, so he could follow the gourd's plan to save the eldest son.

When the news of Qi Wangjian's surrender reached Xianyang City, the people of Qin celebrated nationwide.

Qi surrendered without a fight, sparing Qin soldiers from casualties. How could this not make the people cheer?

Even Li Jiang's heart was beating with excitement when he heard that Qi Wangjian had surrendered in the court hall.

This is different from taking down other countries. This is the last country.

At this moment, on this day, at the moment when King Qi opened the city gate and surrendered.

Ying Zheng finally fulfilled his ambition to unify the six countries and finally turned Qin into the first unified country in history.

Li Jiang looked at Ying Zheng, excitement welling up in his heart.

Along with all the ministers, they bowed down to Ying Zheng.

"I congratulate the king on unifying the six kingdoms."

Ying Zheng took out his writing brush and erased the word "Q" on the map that was always on the table. Looking around, he saw that everything was the land of Qin.

"it is good!"

"My ancestors went from being lonely nobles to barbarians. They endured many hardships and moved from nine capitals to eight capitals. Step by step, they laid the foundation for today's Great Qin Empire."

Ying Zheng looked at the ministers: "Did I succeed? No, it was the ancestor of the Qin State. I inherited the legacy of the six generations of ancestors. They have paved the way for me. All I need is to choose loyal ministers and good generals and move forward indomitably. If the monarchs and ministers of Qin are united and the Republic of China is united, Qin will become a great country!"

In 221 BC, the 26th year of the Qin Dynasty, he successively destroyed the six kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, completing the great cause of unification.

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