Li Jiang not only injected chicken blood to the people present, but also called the alchemist who was resting to give them chicken blood.

Naturally, some people are skeptical.

The fragments of Master Xu Xian's shoes are still lying here. Why did they ascend?

Who doesn’t wear shoes when ascending?

how?Are the gods and enlightened people above all barefoot?

This is how Li Jiang explained it.

"The mortal body naturally cannot withstand the shock of the road to ascension. If you want to ascend, you must break away from the mortal body."

Li Jiang looked at everyone: "The physical body has left the mortal world, so these clothes, shoes and socks will naturally remain in the mortal world."

"Everyone came here naked and left naked. In the future, if anyone refines the elixir but does not ascend, the bounty will be one hundred thousand. My master will naturally explain it to the king and make you the number one alchemist in the Qin Dynasty."

"Master Imperial Master, how can I refine a real elixir? I have also refined a lot of elixirs."

The others also agreed. Recently, they have also refined a lot of elixirs according to King Qin's taste, but they have not reached the level of ascension.

"It's very simple. If the elixir you refine is exposed to fire and triggers divine punishment, and the elixir returns to the immortal world, it will naturally be a great success."

[I don’t care if you explode or not, I just want the recipe for your explosion. 】

"What nonsense!"

When Zhao Gao and others who came over heard Li Jiang's words, Zhao Gao immediately jumped out to object.

"Your Majesty! You can't let Li Jiang do this anymore."

Zhao Gao pointed to an empty space that had been razed to the ground and looked particularly abrupt.

The neatly arranged cabins were missing one in the middle, just like a person missing a front tooth.

"Your Majesty, look at it. If Li Jiang is allowed to act like this again, he will suffer disaster! The sound just now is God's warning to Qin!"

The other great scholars also nodded one after another, and Chunyu Yue was also very uneasy. He also disapproved of this matter from the bottom of his heart.

But he learned to keep his mouth shut.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Fu Ling is right. How has this happened to our Great Qin?"

A scholar-official stood up and raised his hands to Ying Zheng and continued: "Now Master Li's matter has angered God. If it is not stopped, Da Qin will definitely receive a warning from God."

"Your Majesty, please order these alchemists to be sent out of Xianyang. Please issue an order to prevent Master Li from studying this technique again, and don't allow Master Li to do this again!"

The others all agreed, and even the officials who had always had a good relationship with Li Jiang and others nodded their heads after hearing the scholar-bureaucrat's words.

This kind of thing has never happened to them in Great Qin. With a loud bang out of thin air, the house disappeared in an instant and turned into dust.

"That's right, Your Majesty, don't go against Heaven, offend Heaven, or you might inflict sin on our great Qin!"

At this time, the Taoist priests listened to them angering the gods one by one, and antagonizing the gods, and they all glared at them in disapproval.

They are going against nature, but in order to change their fate, achieve righteousness, attain enlightenment and ascend.

In their view, these people are people without spiritual roots, and mere mortals dare to speak nonsense here!

Ying Zheng ignored the ministers and kept staring at the empty space in front of him where a wooden house was missing.

I was extremely shocked. Is this the power of an immortal?

Is this what Li Jiang wants to do?

Or is it true, as Li Jiang said, that after taking such an elixir, one can really live as long as heaven?

Soaring on the spot?Freed from flesh and bones?

Of course, Ying Zheng doesn't want to leave. Now that his great cause has not been accomplished, he naturally doesn't want to rise so quickly.

But it didn't delay him at all to save a pill and leave a way out for himself.

Wang Jian and Fusu also looked at the place in shock. They both knew what Li Jiang wanted, and they wanted to do something that could guard the border for Great Qin.

Now looking at the open space, Wang Jian was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

Is this the big treasure that Master Li mentioned?

The baby who heard a loud bang in the sky and all the houses disappeared?

Li Jiang listened to them, one by one, not one by one.

He even mentioned something about the wrath of heaven and punishment, which made me feel a little angry, but also helpless at the same time.

People here have never seen gunpowder, so they are naturally afraid of it, thinking that this is a warning from God to the Qin Dynasty.

But she couldn't say it in front of the Taoist priests now. She just hoped that they would blow up the furnace quickly and then know the formula of the explosives and which one was more powerful.

At that time, the king can use gunpowder to conquer the world.

[These ignorant people, if gunpowder is really made in the future, will Brother Zheng still need to dispatch hundreds of thousands of troops to attack? 】

[Just bring the gunpowder and throw it away. 】

[Although gunpowder has not yet appeared, using hot weapons is against the laws of nature. 】

[But... I think of the Japanese people who lived a good life. 】

[Think again that several countries have come to attack us, burning, killing, and looting. 】

[Think about taking away all our things and putting them in museums for people to watch.Are you looking at things?What you are watching is the humiliating history of China being oppressed. 】

[I don’t think there’s anything wrong with striking first. 】

[After all, it is better to strike first than to strike later and suffer disaster. 】

[If Brother Zheng can really unify the world, let alone gunpowder, even "round" bullets, I will...]

【This cannot be done. 】

When Ying Zheng heard Li Jiang's description, Ying Zheng twitched his fingers and wanted to run back, take out the small notebook and write down all the important contents.

Who is going to attack them?

They also burned, killed and looted. Which tribe was so bold!

Fortunately, there are several countries!

And take back the things from his territory and show them to others?

Thinking about this, Ying Zheng felt angry.

As for what hurt Tianhe, Ying Zheng said that he had never heard of it.

He had only heard of the success of the king and the defeat of the bandits.

The ministers were still chattering to persuade Ying Zheng. After Zhao Gao aroused everyone's anger, he stopped talking and stood aside, waiting for Li Jiang to suffer.

Mainly because the impact of this incident was so great that many people had already accepted that Li Jiang was a capable person, but now they once again disagreed with Li Jiang's finding someone to make elixirs.

Ying Zheng looked at the place that had been razed to the ground and spoke slowly, interrupting the ministers' crusade against Li Jiang.

"Okay! I know this well."

After saying that, Ying Zheng looked at Li Jiang, and after seeing the way Li Jiang looked at him, he affirmed: "I believe that Li Guoshi will not do anything extraordinary. I also believe that Li Guoshi is like this. She must have something to do with him." It makes sense.”

"There is no need to mention this matter again from now on!"

"The widow."

"Xin Li Jiang!"

The courtiers all looked at Ying Zheng in disbelief.

My lord, do you want to hear what you are saying?

There has been such a big commotion, and you still say that Master Li will not do anything outrageous?

Did Li Jiang have to turn Dayang Palace into ashes overnight for the king to feel that this was a bit out of line?

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