"When you enter Xianyang Palace, you have to keep your mouth shut. Think clearly about what you should say and what you shouldn't say!"

The leading eunuch looked at the newly arrived maids seriously: "If you make a mistake, no one can save you! Please step aside."


Li Jiang lowered his head and responded with everyone else, being cautious and not daring to make any mistakes.

Since it was her first day in the palace, Li Jiang, like the other palace maids, returned to her residence to collect the items handed out by the palace, carrying wooden plaques symbolizing her status and position.

Unlike other maids who had just entered the palace, Li Jiang seemed particularly silent.

Adhering to the principle of saying too much, it is wrong, and not saying anything is good. Li Jiang tried her best to keep her mouth shut. If others spoke to her, they would just nod in response.

Everyone just thought that Li Jiang was homesick so they didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until he was lying on the hard bed at night, listening to the steady breathing from both sides, that Li Jiang's tense nerves finally relaxed.


After reading novels for so many years, it was finally her turn to travel through time.

This is the Great Qin, the Great Qin where the history books share the same text, the carriages follow the same track, and the travels follow the same path.

Li Jiang's face turned slightly red with excitement at the thought of being able to catch a glimpse of her 1.9-meter-[-] tall ancestor who unified the six countries.

She couldn't sleep anymore, so she opened her eyes and quietly sat up from the bed, walking outside the door.

Now that I've traveled through time, it's time to get a gold finger that comes standard.

So Li Jiang squatted under the courtyard wall and whispered:

"System, system, are you there?"

"Open Sesame!"


"30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!"

"If God had not given birth to me, little Li Jiang, my swordsmanship would be as long as the night!"


Li Jiang changed several passwords in succession until his mouth was dry and he didn't hear the system's reply. He felt bad.

Her parents are dead, she has no supporter, and she still looks average for a palace maid.

You can't find this kind of person in a crowd. If you say something wrong, you might be thrown into a well.

This is simply the beginning of a collapse of heaven, and without mobile phones or the Internet, this is not the world of TV dramas.

So what can she do here?

No identity, no golden fingers, no Malatang, no Duck Neck King, no KFC...

Let her serve people in the palace and work as a cleaner. This is the lowest match in the time-travel version. She is a beggar among beggars!

Li Jiang looked up at the night sky, thinking of his miserable future, and his nose suddenly felt sour.

Mother!I want to go home!

Just when she was about to despair, she heard an electric sound in her mind.


Li Jiang's sad emotions dissipated like an ebbing tide. Excitement and excitement suddenly surged into his heart, and his heart pounded wildly.

The buzzing in my mind has been intermittent for a long time, and I haven't seen any more sounds coming from the system.

She frowned, what?No signal?

Thinking of her previous life when she had no signal when making calls, she would hold her phone high and walk around to receive the signal.

Is it...

She stood up carefully and moved from the corner to a slightly wider place, trying not to make any noise.

The body swayed left and right, like a master dancer, and made various postures to help the system receive signals.

[...Zi...System connection successful...Zi...]

[Goldfinger mind reading has been activated...please select...the bound host...]

Mind reading?

Li Jiang paused. Although it was not a particularly practical system, it was better than nothing.

Almost without thinking, she blurted out in her heart: Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng must bind my brother Zheng!

In this Great Qin Palace, no one would listen to her thoughts as much as her brother Zheng!

Even if she can't change anything, it can help her better understand Brother Zheng's thoughts and witness him unify the six countries!

After she answered the system, there was still no sound after waiting for a long time. Li Jiang frowned, no signal again?

【system?system? 】

Listening to the footsteps outside the courtyard gate, Li Jiang was afraid of alerting the patrolling guards, so he quietly ran back to his residence and lay on the bed waiting for the system to reconnect successfully.

After waiting and waiting, I fell into sleep.

King Qin Yingzheng had just destroyed the State of Zhao and was arranging the next steps when he heard a male and female voice.

[Successfully activated...]

"Who is it!"


The guards outside the palace gate heard the king's angry scolding and stood outside the gate asking if they needed their escort.

They were not allowed to enter the palace without permission.

Could it be that... there is an assassin?

Ying Zheng looked around the palace with sharp eyes, slowly stood up, drew out his sword, and looked around vigilantly.

【What a piece of shit!The signal is so bad! 】

"What a monster! Come out!!"

The guards stood outside the palace, listening to the king's words and looking at each other.

Finally, the captain of the guard who had been protecting Ying Zheng stood up and asked: "Did the king find anything wrong? Do you want us to enter the palace to protect the king?"

inappropriate?Can't they hear these sounds?

Ying Zheng frowned and glanced in the direction outside the door. Only he could hear this voice?

"Nothing, please step back."

It was clear that the first voice was male and female, so how could it later turn into a female voice?There was never anyone around him, so where did this voice come from?

Ying Zheng didn't sleep well that night, waiting for the next weird sound.

When the sky just cleared, Li Jiang was woken up by someone. She was going to be on duty today.


【system?System system? 】

[I’m so tired, I’m so hot, I want to have a refreshing break! 】

【System system system? 】

At this time, Ying Zheng, who was discussing with the ministers about the establishment of Handan County, clenched his fists to endure the constant chattering in his mind since he got up early.

Finally I can't bear it anymore.

"Shut up! Quaak!"

When the ministers who were quarreling with each other in the court heard Ying Zheng's words, they all bowed and admitted their mistakes: "Your Majesty, I forgive you."

The courtroom was completely silent, which made the woman's voice especially noticeable.

This night and the morning meeting, Ying Zheng had already figured out this mysterious and noisy sound, and only he could hear it.

Moreover, she was the only voice he could hear.

Is this the rumored Kung Fu that is not spread outside the martial arts world, but can be transmitted into secrets?

Early in the morning, Ying Zheng didn't even bother to listen to what the ministers were saying. It was because this woman's voice was too... lively.

Without any pause...

He must find this woman!Find out what’s going on!

Li Jiang was squatting and weeding by the flower bed, lamenting in her heart.

【System system system? 】

"Meet the eldest son."

The greetings from the palace people came from the front.

Li Jiang was startled and quickly stood up and stood aside.He placed his right hand on his left hand and bowed.

He greeted everyone and said, "Greetings to the eldest son."

After everyone's footsteps passed in front of her, she straightened up and looked up at the back of the half-grown child in the center surrounded by the crowd in the distance.


【Oh my god! ! !Young Master Fusu, I saw Fusu! ! ! ! 】


Ying Zheng paused: "Where is Fusu?"

Zhao Gao glanced at the sky and replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, the eldest son must have just finished school, and now he should go to pay his respects to Concubine Zheng."

Ying Zheng nodded and said, "Go to Concubine Zheng."

He couldn't believe that there was still no woman found in this three-acre area of ​​Xianyang Palace!

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