Peace and Friendship Hogwarts

Chapter 66 Little Barty: What is this?

The door of Borgin-Bock's magic shop was broken open from the outside. Bella's eyes narrowed and she turned her head to avoid the three magic beams that entered the magic shop from outside. At the same time, she also raised the tip of her wand to wait. The curse he issued was shot at the person outside who violently broke into the door.

"Huh? Bellatrix?"

The person outside the door dodged the spell Bella shot at him. After entering the magic shop, he saw the back of a woman with messy black curly hair in the left corner of the room. He stopped in confusion and wanted to continue casting spells. The movement of the spell.

"You escaped from Azkaban?"

Bella turned her head and looked at the man standing at the door who could see in the light that his clothes were in tatters and that he was too thin, "Barty Crouch Jr.?"

"Didn't you die in Azkaban?"

After Little Barty repaired and closed the door of the magic shop, he moved his still painful left foot and walked to Borgin Burke who was unconscious on the ground. He said in a rather impatient tone, "Seeing that I'm not dead, you are happy?"

When he mentioned this, he would think of his cruel old guy who was unworthy of being a human being and not worthy of being his father.

That old guy killed his mother.

He didn't know how he escaped from that room. After he regained consciousness, he found himself lying in the dark alley of Diagon Alley.

Maybe it was Winky, the house elf, who rescued him.

Bella frowned in confusion. Where did Barty Crouch Jr. hear her happiness?

His temper is so bad that it looks like he's been hit by a few thunderbolts.

"What are you doing in Borgin's magic shop?" Bella decided not to argue with little Barty. She wanted to express herself well in front of her great master.

She is the most powerful person under the great Dark Lord.

Little Barty didn't answer Bella's question. He pointed his wand at Borgin lying on the ground, "Why did you knock him out?"

"He is of no use to me. I'm afraid he will get in the way."

After performing Legilimency on Borkin just now, she discovered that Borkin indeed did not know the whereabouts of the Vanishing Cabinet, and what he just said about the disappearing cabinet being taken away by Dumbledore was purely nonsense to save his life.

"I originally wanted to come to Bo Jin to buy something..." Little Barty paused, "Forget it, I'll look for it in his store myself."

He remembered that there was a poison in Borgin's magic shop that could not be detected by magic.

Looking at little Barty who had already started rummaging for dark magic items in Borgin's shop, Bella tilted her head, frowning, looking even more confused.

Let's not talk about how little Barty was informed that he had died in Azkaban, and then stood in front of her alive.

...Didn’t Little Barty see the carefully wrapped black robe not far from Borgin Burke’s body?

After little Barty finished looking through the cabinets on one side of the room, he turned and walked to the other side of the room. His eyelids twitched when he passed the gray-white meat ball-like thing on the ground.

In a hurry, he moved away from the thing on the ground that was wrapped in a black robe.

? !

Could this be the child born to Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange in Azkaban?

He knew that the climate in Azkaban was bad, but was the climate in Azkaban so bad that wizards could give birth to different species? !

Little Barty turned his head and looked at Bellatrix who had walked not far away from the ugly meat ball without saying anything. His eyes vaguely moved to Bellatrix's flat belly, "Bellatrix Latrix, you..."

Forget it, let's not talk about it.

Bellatrix may be crazy, but she's a mother now...

Maybe the child will become prettier as it grows older.

"Little Barty, you..." What Bella wanted to say stopped in her throat. Her great master hadn't revealed his identity first, so she certainly couldn't make her own decisions.

But for such a big person who was wrapped delicately in a black robe, little Barty wasn't curious at all and didn't ask her questions?

How could she tell him the identity of their great master without him asking her questions?

Forget it, she knew that she was the most powerful subordinate of the great Dark Lord!

Just as Bella and Barty Jr. were looking at each other incomprehensible words, a black magic power attached to Barty Little's leg that had been in pain.

After feeling that his painful leg suddenly stopped hurting, little Barty's eyes widened immediately. He quickly shifted his gaze from Bella's body to the ball of flesh on the ground wrapped in a black robe.

He would not have thought that the magic spell that could instantly heal his leg that could not be healed by the healing spell would be sent by Bellatrix.

Bellatrix would have no kindness towards anyone but their great Dark Lord.

The thoughts in little Barty's mind were spinning, and he instantly understood the current situation.


Little Barty knelt on one knee respectfully, his voice uncontrollably excited, "Is that you? Mylord."

Their great dark lord has returned to the wizarding world!

He knew that his great master would not be killed by a little Harry Potter.

Voldemort wanted to frown, but since he didn't have eyebrows, he remained silent for a few seconds and said, "Bella, hug me."

"Okay! Lord!" Bella's voice sounded extremely excited.

She knew it!She is the person her master trusts the most!

After Voldemort was lifted off the ground by Bella, little Barty was still kneeling on the ground.

Little Barty was a little worried. The things he was thinking about just now would not be discovered by his master, right? !

"Little Barty, stand up."

When little Barty heard Voldemort's voice, he quickly stood up from the ground, lowered his head respectfully, opened his brain, and looked at Voldemort's eyes.

"I finally waited for you to come back! mylord!"

"What do you need me to do! I am willing to give you my all!"

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