Peace and Friendship Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Shocked Sirius

Harry suddenly remembered the question he discussed with Ron last time. His godfather seemed so experienced that he should know the answer.

"Godfather, does the wizard have the ability to give birth to life?"

Sirius looked at Harry in shock, and saliva suddenly entered his throat. After coughing a few times, he looked at Harry and felt a little ashamed.

He was still thinking about how to catch Severus, and his godson had already begun to think about whether wizards and wizards could be alive?

"There used to be a saying that pure-blood wizards with high magic power might be able to give birth to life, but no one has confirmed this."

"So, it's just a legend."

Although the possibility of this statement is not high, there is no such example in the magic world.

Oh, if only Severus could...

Ah, Merlin, Sirius shivered, that didn't seem to fit the character of Sev.

Harry bit his lip, selectively hearing the words of the pure-blood wizards' ability to give birth to life, and covered his mouth in shock.


Merlin!He couldn't imagine that Draco could be pregnant with life, with someone other than himself, and then smile happily in front of him, only to say words that made his blood run cold.

"Pote, this is mine and other people's babies."

"Ah! That's terrible!" Harry clenched his hands into fists and yelled in horror.

"Yeah, it's terrible." Sirius felt that luckily the ability of wizards to give birth to life was just a legend.

Otherwise Severus would suffer too much, and he didn't want Severus to feel uncomfortable.

Sirius looked at the time, he had to go to Bella's vault to steal Hufflepuff's gold cup.

With a smile, his light gray eyes looked at the little wizards playing happily on the court. What a peaceful and peaceful life. I really hope that Voldemort will never be resurrected.

After Sirius left, Harry was caught by Wood and went back to the court to train for a while.

After Wood announced the dismissal, Harry immediately rushed back to the Gryffindor lounge, found Ron in the crowd with clear purpose, and then took Ron with him to find Hermione.

Hermione held the book and looked at Harry speechlessly, who hadn't even changed out of his Quidditch uniform.

Needless to say, it must be because of Draco Malfoy.

"Do you know?! I just asked my godfather, Sirius, and he told me that pure-blood wizards have the ability to give birth to life!" Harry said to Ron and Hermione in a low voice, avoiding the crowd.

"What! bloodyhell! Can a pure-blood wizard give birth to life?!" Ron was shocked, and his screams spread throughout the Gryffindor lounge.

Hermione felt everyone in the lounge looking over at them.

"Hey! Keep your voice down, Ron! They're all looking over here!" Hermione tightly covered Ron's whining mouth, not knowing what he was saying.

"Oh, Merlin! Ron, you are simply making it more difficult for me to pursue my journey!" Harry knew that this secret would spread throughout Hogwarts later!

Draco came out of Snape's office and went to the Great Hall to have lunch. Before he could sit down, he was carried back to the Slytherin common room by Pansy and Blaise for unknown reasons.

"What are you doing? I haven't eaten my blueberry tart yet." Draco frowned and looked at Pansy and Blaise in front of him. He needed an explanation.

"Draco, did you know that tomorrow night is the Yule Ball?" Pansy pursed her lips and chose her words carefully.

"I know now." Draco nodded for them to continue.

"Okay, Draco, I wonder which stupid brainless fool spread false news in Hogwarts," Pansy swallowed nervously, "Now the whole Hogwarts is spreading false news. The blood wizard has the ability to give birth to life!"

"What?!" Draco exclaimed regardless of image, completely forgetting the etiquette of the so-called pure-blood nobles.

WTF?Can a pure-blood wizard give birth to life? !

"Oh Merlin, some brainless fool came from this!"

"Draco, the problem now is not who spread the rumor, but that you can no longer go out alone. You must take Goyle and Crabbe with you when traveling." Blaise looked at Draco's delicate frown. eyebrows, and the words did not stop.

"Oh, my sweetheart, you should know how tempting a Malfoy, especially a Malfoy who has lost his memory, can be to some people with evil intentions under such rumors!"

Draco's eyes widened slightly, with a hint of panic in his gray-blue eyes.

"How dare they! I'm a Malfoy!"

"It's just because you are a Malfoy that they are more daring, think about it." Blaise patted Draco on the shoulder.

Goyle and Crabbe?Draco looked at the two people next to him who were having fun eating.

Well, their stature can really scare a lot of people away.

If he knew who spread such irresponsible rumors, he would definitely ask his father to teach that person a lesson!

That night at Malfoy Manor, Lucius received a letter from Hogwarts.

At first, Lucius thought it was Draco's regular letter of greetings, but the moment he opened the envelope, the platinum noble almost couldn't keep the fake smile on his face.

'Dear father, good night,

Say hello to my mother for me.

I have one thing to ask you. Can a pure-blood wizard really give birth to life?Rumors like this are spreading throughout Hogwarts!Dad, I thought maybe I could stay at home for a while after the Christmas party? '

Sirius, who stayed at Malfoy Manor that night, was not happy about successfully taking out Hufflepuff's golden cup and handing it to Dumbledore. Instead, he was violently attacked by Lucius with anger.

Merlin? !Is Lucius Malfoy crazy?

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