Bai Yanchen looked grim.

This Xiaohui really made him more and more disappointed.

Five slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the table. After pondering for a moment, Bai Yanchen gave an order to Han Jun.

"Pick a sensible person from the old house to replace Xiaohui. As for Xiaohui, let him be dealt with according to the clan rules."

This decision was completely unexpected by Han Jun. He did not expect that Xiaohui, who had been with Master Qi for so many years, would be driven away by Master Qi's order.

Han Jun was not a talkative person, so naturally he did not dare to delve into the reasons.

Soon, he conveyed Master Qi's order to Xiaohui.

Xiaohui panicked when she learned that she was going to be expelled.

She threw herself in front of Bai Yanchen and cried, "Master Qi, why do you want to drive me away from Lanwan?"

Bai Yanchen sat on the sofa with a stern expression, with a half-broken ghost ball in his hand.

"Why pretend to be confused while pretending to understand? I gave you two chances to wake up, but you obviously didn't take my lessons seriously."

"Do you really think that others can't see through all the tricks you are playing?"

At this time, Xiaohui still defended fiercely, "I really don't know what Master Qi means by this."

Han Jun pointed to the surveillance camera in the living room, "Have you forgotten that except Master Qi's bedroom, surveillance cameras are installed in every corner of Blue Bay."

The implication reminds Xiaohui that her little actions are all under the control of Master Qi.

Xiaohui was not stupid to the end. After hearing these words, her face finally turned pale.

Her knees went weak, and she knelt down and cried, "Master Qi, I love you, I love you so much."

"In the past, I didn't dare to confess due to differences in dignity. It wasn't until Miss Jiang was led in that I discovered that Master Qi didn't care about his partner's origin."

"At that time, I had a greedy idea, Miss Jiang can do it, why can't I?"

Xiaohui took a few steps towards Bai Yanchen, "Compared to Miss Jiang, am I not the woman who has been with Master Qi longer?"

"We grew up together. Whatever Master Qi has experienced, I have experienced it with you."

"No one in this world knows Master Qi's preferences better than me."

"I never dare to dream of becoming Mrs. Bai. As long as Master Qi is willing to leave a place for me, I will be willing to work for Master Qi all my life, and even give birth to children."

Han Jun was shocked when he heard this.

Is Xiaohui so crazy that she can even say such words that destroy the three views?

Although the previous head of the Bai family was a little too carefree, the current head, Bai Qiye, is normal.

Xiaohui's words today also subverted Bai Yanchen's cognition.

No wonder Jiang Yin once teased him about whether Xiaohui was his bed-warming maid.

At that time, I thought Jiang Yin had made a vulgar joke.

Only now do I realize that the only people in this world who can understand women are women.

He waved his hand to Han Jun, telling him to take away Xiaohui who was an eyesore.

Xiaohui hugged Bai Yanchen's thigh tightly and cried, "I won't leave, even if I die."

"If Master Qi thinks I have done something wrong and wants to punish me, I am willing to be whipped by Master Qi again."

The whipping would hurt her body for a few days at most. If she lost the chance to live under the same roof with Master Qi in this life, she would rather die!

Han Jun picked up Xiaohui and said, "Wake up, when Master Qi didn't even bother to whip you, you have become an outcast."

Jiang Yin stayed in the laboratory for two days without eating or drinking.

On Monday, she came to school on time.

Because her mind was filled with old things from the past, she didn't notice the classmates around her pointing at her.

Li Xinyan trotted over anxiously and pulled Jiang Yin to a place with few people, "I finally found you. Why is your phone always turned off when I call you?"

After two days of non-stop experiments in the laboratory, Jiang Yin barely ate a morsel of food except for drinking two bottles of water when he was thirsty.

She said weakly: "The phone is dead."

In fact, she was turned off. She was in a bad mood and didn't want to socialize with anyone.

Only then did Li Xinyan realize that Jiang Yin's face was as pale as paper, "We haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so haggard?"

Touching Jiang Yin's forehead, Li Xinyan was frightened, "Ah! It's so permed, are you sick? Come on, follow me to the infirmary."

Jiang Yin rejected the other party's kindness, "I have been doing experiments for two days in a row, and my blood sugar is a bit low. I will just eat something later and it will be fine. Xinyan, you are in a hurry to see me, what's the matter?"

Only then did Li Xinyan remember that she had not yet said anything serious.

"Have you offended the Zhou family recently?"

Seeing Jiang Yin's confused face, Li Xinyan took out her phone and showed it to her, "Your feud with the Zhou family has been on the hot search."

Jiang Yin took a look at the post on the hot search. The person who posted the post was none other than her stepmother Chen Manyao.

Chen Manyao was once a goddess in the entertainment industry, with 4000 million Weibo fans.

Although she bought some fans with money, it does not affect the popularity of the topic when she posts.

Chen Manyao rebuked Jiang Yin by name on her personal account, saying that Jiang Yin was the child Zhou Tianming had with an outsider before he married her.

In order to make up for his debt to Jiang Yin, Zhou Tianming offered to recognize his daughter, but was ruthlessly rejected by Jiang Yin.

At this moment, Zhou Tianming's son Zhou Anjie fell ill and was hospitalized and was found to have kidney problems.

Only with a kidney transplant can Zhou Anjie survive.

Everyone in the Zhou family was matched with Zhou Anjie, and only Jiang Yin's kidney source was the most suitable.

So Zhou Tianming asked Jiang Yin to save her half-brother, but Jiang Yin asked for a house and money.

Zhou Tianming provided evidence of the transfer to Jiang Yin.

How many people will not be able to earn a full [-] million in their lifetime.

What made the Zhou family collapse was that after Jiang Yin took the money and got a house, he regretted it temporarily.

Now Zhou Anjie's life hangs on a thread, but Jiang Yin turns a blind eye to his brother's life and death.

Chen Manyao wept every word, and lifted Jiang Yin to the table to force her to accept public condemnation.

He is indeed a big star with 4000 million fans.

Although it is very shameful to force others to have a kidney transplant, it is an indisputable fact that the Zhou family gave Jiang Yin [-] million.

He received benefits but refused to donate a kidney. Jiang Yin's name became a hot topic overnight.

There is also a reasonable person who speaks for Jiang Yin. They are also children of the Zhou family. Jiang Yin took [-] million from the Zhou family, which is not considered free of charge.

Isn't it natural for a father to give money to his daughter?

As an independent individual, Jiang Yin has the right to decide whether to donate her own organs or not.

The advantage of spending money to hire trolls is that no matter how many legitimate customers there are on the Internet, as long as a large number of trolls set the pace online, the legitimate customers will be attacked by keyboard warriors.

As a result, public opinion was one-sided in favor of the Zhou family and Chen Manyao.

Jiang Yinze was labeled as a vicious, inhumane, greedy and other filthy words, and was scolded by many netizens as being worthless.

Looking at the unsavory comments on the Internet, Jiang Yin sneered.

She also wondered why the Zhou family hadn't taken action for so long. They were just waiting here.

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