Sit at the wrong table on a blind date, get married to the heir of a billionaire family

Chapter 97: Why don’t you think of me when good things happen?

In order to avoid being misunderstood and for safety reasons, Gan Qi quickened his pace and walked past the Rolls-Royce.

Secretly guessing: Why does the owner of this car live in this community if he is so rich?

With such financial resources, why not live in a villa?

The shadow in the car just now looked like a young man in his 30s or [-]s.

I don’t know which household he lives in. It’s really unexpected to have such a powerful little rich man in this community.

Gan Qi entered the elevator with a hundred thousand reasons.

Inside a Rolls Royce.

"Mr. Meng, Madam has gone far," the driver reminded.

Meng Yan, who was in the back seat, took a deep breath and sat up straight.

Too dangerous!

Fortunately, the driver noticed Gan Qi in advance through the rearview mirror. Otherwise, he would have been hit if he had rashly stepped out of the car, which would have been unexplainable.

Be more careful in the future!

Gan Qi entered the house and sat down for less than 5 minutes after changing her shoes.

Meng Yan opened the door and came back.

Gan Qi saw that her return was so close to his own.

"Mr. Meng, have you seen the Rolls-Royce downstairs?"

"Have it?"

Meng Yan pretended to be confused.

Gan Qi: "Didn't you see? There are several luxury cars parked downstairs, and that Rolls-Royce is particularly conspicuous."


His tone was neither salty nor bland.

Gan Qi was still sighing: "It's amazing. I saw the shadow of the car owner inside, and he seemed very young."

Meng Yan's heart tightened. He deliberately turned his head away at that time, and the car window was dark, so she must not have recognized him.

Simply strike preemptively: "What? Are you envious?"

"I'm curious. Although our community is considered a high-end community, cars like Rolls-Royce are obviously too high-end. Normally, people should live in villas."

Even if it's not a villa, at worst it's a high-end flat-floor one with an indoor swimming pool.

Meng Yan drank water absentmindedly: "Who knows, maybe it's just to see friends or relatives..."

Oh, it's possible.

"There are many invisible rich people in this world. They don't like to show off. Is it any wonder?"


Gan Qi felt that what he said made sense and there was nothing to worry about.

"That's right, that's right! That person came to me to apologize today!"

He told Meng Yan about the apology from the Santana owner.

"It's so strange. I always feel that this is abnormal. Did someone teach him a lesson?"

Gan Qi's back was turned to Gan Qi at the moment, holding a water glass in one hand and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Thought: She is quite smart.

Gan Qi was still wondering on the sofa.

"I know, can you help me secretly vent my anger and beat him up?"

Meng Yan frowned and turned around.

"Why do you think of him with all the good things? Doesn't anyone else care about you in this world?"

Gan Qi: "Who else could be there besides him?"

He was the only one with him last night, and he was the only one who knew what the Santana owner looked like.

Gan Qi was half lying on the sofa: "Thanks to him, Xixi and I had the luxury of eating steak today. It's so delicious."

Meng Yan moved his lips and wanted to say something, but finally suppressed it.

It’s a shame that I care about her so much, eh!

The ringtone rang, and the phone vibrated on the table.

Gan Qi stood up to answer the call and found it was her aunt.

"Gan Qi, your second aunt from home called you, but why can't you get through?"

Second aunt?

Hearing this title, Gan Qi's original relaxed mood instantly retracted, and the expression on her face became tense.

"Which second aunt?"

Her tone was cold, and her whole person became indifferent.

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