Chapter 32 Brigitte wants to be broken through

What Xiao Yefan said shocked Biji and Qiuer.

Especially becoming a god.

Soul beasts have not become gods for many years. In the entire Douluo Continent, there are many soul beasts who can touch the strength of gods.

But none of them succeeded.

Now Xiao Yefan's method of becoming a god made Bi Ji tremble.

The Ice Emperor in Xiao Yefan's spiritual sea also had his eyes condensed.

She became like this because she actually relied on humans. After humans became gods, they would have the same eternal life as gods.

Now when he looked at the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, the Ice Emperor knew that this was not a simple sacrifice.

Souls may really be able to create a miracle on Douluo Continent.

"Brother, if your method doesn't agree to become a soul, wouldn't it be successful?"

Brigitte knew the importance of this matter and began to think about it.

"Souls, both parties must be willing to reach an equal contract before it can be completed. This will not make the soul beasts feel that they are inferior to others. If the soul beasts understand this truth, those soul beasts who are about to die will really agree. If you become a human soul and live for decades longer, you will have more possibilities. Finally, you can pursue the extremely small goal of becoming a god..."

Xiao Yefan said extremely seriously.But I also know in my heart that the soul is just a transition.

Xiao Yefan will definitely think of a better way in the end.

"Brother! I believe you, what should we do now?" Brigitte thought this method was good.

"Well... I'm not used to this method yet, so I think I should just find a few humans for experiments first.

Qiu'er and I have been here for a few days, so let's go out for a walk. "Xiao Yefan stretched and said.

He had long wanted to go out for a walk.

Without some accidents, how could Xiao Yefan take a step further with Bi Ji?

Now that the soul has been researched, Bi Ji is even more dependent on Xiao Yefan.

When Brigitte heard this, she looked embarrassed, then shook her head and said:

"It seems a little dangerous to let Qiu'er go out now."

Qiu'er is an auspicious beast in the Star Dou Forest, and no one wants Qiu'er to go out and take risks.

After hearing this, Qiu'er became a little unhappy.

Especially after getting together with Xiao Yefan, I saw Xiao Yefan and Bi Ji Niwai together all day long, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

Qiu'er felt a trace of danger.

Now, when Brigitte said this, didn't she mean that Qiu'er was just a weak little mascot?

Qiu'er will not admit this setting of hers.

So, Qiu'er became furious, slammed the table, stood up and shouted:

"How am I weak? Now I don't need the Red King to follow me out. If I encounter a strong human being, I can escape unscathed!"

"Qiu'er, it's not that you are weak, it's that humans are too cunning. They captured you, and it's up to Master Ditian to rescue you." Biji said worriedly.

"Hmph! I want to go out with Ye Fan! I'll go find Ditian. If he doesn't let me out, I'll pull out his dragon horns!"

Qiu'er knew that complaining to Bi Ji here would have no effect at all, so she went to find Di Tian.

Seeing Qiu'er leave angrily, Xiao Yefan shook his head helplessly.

Qiu'er's wife usually has a rather domineering temper and wants to pull out Ditian's dragon horns.

Can I make tea after I unplug that thing?

"Is this little guy your soul? He looks very cute."

<divclass="contentadv">Bi Ji is also impatient with Qiu'er's fuss, but don't worry, Ditian will never let Qiu'er go out at this time.

Although Qiu'er's strength has doubled, she still can't rest assured.

And will humans give up on Xiao Yefan?

After witnessing Xiao Yefan’s power, humans will definitely find a way to take Xiao Yefan back.

Now if Qiu'er and Xiao Yefan go out, they will be in trouble if they are seen by someone with intentions.

There are also very powerful beings among humans, and even Ditian couldn't rescue Qiu'er immediately.

Being threatened by humans again, a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast cannot make up for it next time.

Therefore, Bi Ji no longer cares about Qiu'er's affairs, but discusses the soul matter with Xiao Yefan.

As she spoke, Bi Ji seemed to have thought of something, and then asked Xiao Yefan:

"Brother, after absorbing a 10-year soul ring, two soul skills will be added to it. What is your other soul skill?"

Biji has also talked about Xiao Yefan with Chi Wang in the past few days.

She knew that Xiao Yefan's first fifth soul skill was a breakthrough.

Biji also wanted to let Xiao Yefan use the fifth soul skill that could only be used on women.

After all, the effect of breakthrough is very exciting just listening to it.

Moreover, seeing Qiu'er's aura getting stronger and stronger these days made Brigitte itchy.

She really wanted her life force to evolve again.

But every time she mentioned it, Qiu'er would glare at Biji angrily, as if looking at a bitter enemy.

Don't let Xiao Yefan use it for Biji's breakthrough.

And recently, Qiu'er has been looking at Xiao Yefan even more closely.Every time Xiao Yefan and Bi Ji discussed, Qiu'er would sit aside.

He looked at Brigitte as if he were guarding against thieves, making Brigitte's back feel hairy.

Biji knew that it would be difficult for Xiao Yefan to use Xiao Yefan's breakthrough soul skill for herself.

But now Xiao Yefan has another soul skill, which must be very powerful.

What if Qiu'er leaves now and lets Xiao Yefan use it for her?

" second fifth soul skill is also somewhat special, even more special than the other soul skill. The first breakthrough soul skill must be used by women."

"The second soul skill is called Team Amplification. Not only can this be used by women, but it is also required to be used by women who have used it after breaking through."

Hearing this, Bi Ji had a look of disappointment on her face.

She can't even break through, so how can she be used to increase team power?

However, although Bi Ji was disappointed, she was still very curious about Xiao Yefan's entire soul skill.

So, Brigitte asked curiously:

"Brother, team formation increases? Is it the ability to increase combat power?"

Xiao Yefan nodded and said:

"Team amplification can double all attributes of teammates. Every additional teammate can increase the effect exponentially, and I can also be improved~!

If you give me seven teammates, I can increase the added attributes by more than 100 times! "

"You... what kind of heaven-defying soul skill are you doing! More than 100 times! Then... wouldn't that mean you are invincible in the same class!"

Brigitte couldn't sit still anymore and stood up from the stool.

A look of horror.

But at this moment, Qiu'er came back, jumping up and down so cutely, the corners of her mouth turned up, with a glow of confidence.

Suddenly she threw herself into Xiao Yefan's arms, then she winked mischievously at Xiao Yefan and said to Xiao Yefan:

"Ye Fan, I found a way to get out! Di Tian promised me that as long as the two of us work together to defeat the Red King, we can go out to play!"

Eh?Just defeat the Red King and you can go out?

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