Chapter 67 Electrolux’s Awakening

After the Frost Wings were auctioned for 570 million gold soul coins, the subsequent lots at the auction never had such outrageous prices again.

As the unveiling lot, the Wings of Frost has fulfilled its mission.

After several rounds of auctions, a huge box suddenly fell from the sky in the middle of the auction room. Then the auctioneer opened the box in front of everyone in the auction room.

The box contains a huge piece of iron ore!

An indescribable aura spread out from it, mysterious and strange, and a hint of red could be vaguely seen swimming in the ore.

Perhaps for others, such iron ore is just a bit curious, but for Huo Yuhao, this piece of iron ore that seems to be stained with countless bloody auras makes him unable to take his eyes away after just one look.

But Meng Hongchen, who had wanted to get the Wings of Frost immediately, had little interest in it. He just took a glance at it and stopped paying attention to the piece of iron ore.

This convinced Huo Yuhao that the iron ore on display did not contain a large amount of pure ice-attribute soul power, so it was not the ultimate ice martial soul in his body that was pulling him towards this iron ore. Shi was curious.

What could be the reason?

Could it be that there is some level of connection with Lingmu?

While Huo Yuhao was thinking, the Xingtian God of War, who had been silently guarding the depths of his consciousness, suddenly made some movement.

I saw countless blood energy appearing on Xingtian War God's body. If you look carefully, the blood energy is somewhat similar to the blood energy swimming in the iron ore.

However, the blood of Xingtian War God is even richer.

"Is this piece of iron ore related to Xingtian War God?"

While Huo Yuhao was thinking, a huge wave suddenly arose in the depths of his consciousness.

At the same time, a piece of information also appeared in Huo Yuhao's mind, that is, making armor from this piece of iron ore would allow his body to withstand a higher intensity of the Xingtian War God's power.

After learning the news, Huo Yuhao immediately made up his mind that he must get this piece of iron ore and make it into armor.

But after Huo Yuhao had such an idea in his mind, the big wave that had originally arose instantly calmed down.

However, although the big wave subsided, Tianmeng Bingshu and others who stayed in the sea of ​​consciousness were a little scared because they just felt a heaven-destroying aura.

It seems that as long as the owner of that breath has a thought, they will disappear between heaven and earth. Even the owner of this world cannot save them.

In response, Huo Yuhao comforted them and began to pay attention to another matter.

Because the gray ball in his mind that had been silent all this time suddenly started to move.

Then an old voice came from Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea:

"What happened just now? Why is my soul trembling so much?"

"Oh? This piece of iron ore seems a bit interesting. It seems to contain endless souls of injustice and the boundless power of blood!

This bloody power is somewhat similar to the power of the adult deepest in your mind, little guy. It seems that it was this bloody power that caused the turmoil just now.

Little guy, if you are willing to bet, you can take a photo of it. The help of this piece of iron ore to you may be immeasurable in terms of money. "

<divclass="contentadv">Huo Yuhao looked calm on the surface, but waves of waves surged involuntarily in his spiritual sea, conveying his inner thoughts to the Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor and Tianmeng Iceworm. joy.

Yi Lao, you are finally online!

In the original work, the four people who helped Huo Guai the most were Tianmeng Iceworm, Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor, and Electrolux. Now that he has finally gathered these four, he can create a new one in his mind. Mahjong parlor.

When Huo Yuhao merged with the Snow Emperor in the far north, his consciousness fell into a mysterious state, so he did not notice that Electrolux was awake at that time.

While Electrolux continued to sleep, although Huo Yuhao learned the news from Tian Meng, Bing Silkworm and others, he had never met Electrolux face-to-face. This was the first time he had met Electrolux face-to-face. meet.

"Haha, big bug, little girl, you have done well during this time, Yuhao has grown up very fast.

Originally, I wanted to sleep for a while longer, but who knew that this adult's power fluctuation was so strong that it completely woke me up from my slumber.

I never thought that my broken consciousness would be so lucky to meet that adult, Yu Hao, and you. "

The gray pig in the sea of ​​​​spirits exuded bursts of gray mist, and reluctantly formed a human shape in front of everyone.

The old man's voice continued to echo in Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​consciousness:

"I have stayed in Yuhao's sea of ​​consciousness for so long, and I have not formally introduced myself to Yuhao. Old man Electrolux, when I was alive, others called me the Holy Law God of the Undead and the Natural Disaster of the Undead. Although I still retain it now. It’s just this broken ray of consciousness!”

Perhaps because he had just felt the terrifying and devastating power of the Xingtian God of War, Electrolux was not as arrogant as when he first woke up, and directly shouted: Hold the sun and moon in your hands, pick the stars, there is no such thing as me in the world Classic quotes from people.

This time, Electrolux seemed very peaceful, just like the grandpa next door.

At this time, Huo Yuhao was very excited. You must know that Electrolux is one of the best people in Douluo II.

If the original work helps Huo Guai, then Electrolux must be at the top of the list.

As for Munn, although he also brought a lot of help to Huo Guai, the bigger reason why he helped Huo Guai was so that Huo Guai could help Shrek Academy when he grew up. It was considered a kind of investment!

From the original point of view, Moon's contribution is not as good as Electrolux's contribution!

If we look at it from an action perspective, Electrolux has also contributed the most.

It's a pity that a strong man like Electrolux, who dominates the entire plane, cannot escape the plot killing of Tang Xiaosan, who is unparalleled in the world.

When Qiankun inquired about the Valley of Love, Huo Gua was whipped to death repeatedly by Lord God King. Even the last thoughts of Electrolux left in his spiritual sea were not saved, and he was directly pulled out by Lord Poseidon.

The reason why the God King at that time found out the last thought that Electrolux had left in Huo Yuhao's mind was not because he was nice to Huo, but simply because his beloved wife was resurrected and the Tang God King was afraid of Huo Yuhao's involvement in Electrolux. Finally, with the help of Nianxiang, I created my own god.

If Huo Yuhao creates his own god, then Tang Zhongqing, who is loyal and unparalleled, will no longer be able to control Huo Yuhao.

The fate of Douluo Star will also be rewritten!

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