Chapter 67 Experiment in Progress

Many people ended this boring topic, but in the video, the guard did not deal with the old lady secretly. Instead, he found the old lady's chicken and sent her back with the old lady.

"Isn't this guard stupid for just letting him go? Once such news leaks out, I'm afraid it will be like what the person said before, and there will be a bloody storm."

"This guard is indeed too kind. Even if he wants to protect this old woman, he must at least control her first."

"This soldier of the Sun and Moon Empire is really naive. He must be a new recruit who has never experienced the baptism of war."

"That's for sure. The Sun and Moon Empire has not been known by our major empires for so many years. It must not have broken out or had any conflicts with the surrounding countries."

"Oh, what a pity. This time it was this old woman, but next time it may be someone else."

"I said, as people on Douluo Continent, why are you sighing for the Sun and Moon Empire?"

"I still don't believe what the man said just now. I consciously ignored it. After all, he guessed wrong once before, but it seems that he guessed it right this time."

Things seemed to be as they expected. After a while, the old woman came with a few middle-aged men.

One of them was also carrying a bamboo load.

"There shouldn't be any weapons hidden in here, right?"

"But you must be careful. These guards are real. How come they are not even alert at all and let people get close to them like this?"

"I heard from my neighbors that my mother was found by comrades in the military. My mother's memory has not been very good recently and she has been getting lost easily recently. We were all so anxious just now and couldn't find anyone anywhere. I really want to thank you."

"This is some herbal tea I brewed at home. The weather is hot. Please drink more of it as a way of saying thank you."

"Watson: Not bad, not bad. He's quite clever. He knows how to put poison in the tea."

"Haha, this guy's acting skills are really good, and he can't even see the slightest trace of it."

"I think as a soldier, you should have the most basic vigilance."

"Oh my god, they just drank it. They didn't even check it, they just drank it."

"Not only did they drink it, but Boss Bai, who was a Titled Douluo, drank it without even checking it."

"Are all the armies of the Sun and Moon Empire like this? Isn't this group of soldiers stupid? I'm afraid the entire army will be annihilated this time."

"Huihui: You are the fools. How can your own country's soldiers guard your own people? Our army is a soldier of the people. Do you understand?"

"Haha, it's really stupid. We really don't understand, but do you think these people have such good intentions? These soldiers have fallen into other people's tricks and don't know yet."

But the fact is that time passes by minute by minute.Not only were the soldiers fine, but even Boss Bai didn't react at all.

"Could it be that these people are administering chronic poison?"

But immediately after these people chatted with the soldiers for a while, they all went back.

As it comes, everything is fine one by one.

This is very embarrassing.

"Is it possible that there is no conspiracy at all, and there is no bloody storm? Everything is simple, just like what we see."

"I still think it's a bit impossible. How can the military and civilians get along so harmoniously?"

"Logically speaking, these people should also know about the new species of soul beasts inside. Aren't they a little bit greedy? Why don't they steal those soul beasts and sell them for money?"

Many people said with some confusion.

"Philips: Oh my God, what kind of love-in-the-water situation is this between the military and civilians?"

Philips was very shocked.

This small gesture reflects the deep trust between the military and civilians.

How exactly is this done?

Even if his East China Sea Navy is much better than many troops in the mainland of Douluo Continent, there is no way it can be like the Sun and Moon Empire.

To put it simply, even if Philip and his men liberated an island occupied by pirates, he would not dare to eat the food handed over by the people on the island.

No one knows how many soul masters and marines these seemingly simple islanders can assassinate behind the scenes.

"Watson, you are really a clown. Such a beautiful thing is actually so dark when you say it. I almost believe you."

"Chu Qiao: Haha, some people's hearts are black, no matter what they look at, they are black."

"Soldiers are patient with the people, and the people are grateful to the soldiers. When will my navy be able to do this?"

If he were not responsible for the coastal defense of the entire Douluo Continent, he would really like to run to the Sun and Moon Empire and become a squad leader, which would be easier than being responsible for all these things now.

It's not like the navy at all. There are too many twists and turns in it.

The video is playing quickly.

After more than a dozen failures, this time the camera turned to Boss Bai's research results on these new soul beasts.

Boss Bai, who had always had a tense face, finally showed a knowing smile at this moment.

This time, the research on abyssal creatures was successful.

Chu Qiao was also called over directly.

"The experiment has made a major breakthrough. We have clearly detected the energy arrangement of those pig-like abyssal species. Next, we can use other energies to replace his arrangement and see if we can achieve the same effect."

"If it's possible, we can absolutely do it in the future. We can study this type of species on our own and use it as a soul ring, and we don't have to worry about whether it will disappear due to the dissipation of energy after death."

"does it have any side effects?"

Chu Qiao smiled and nodded, and asked with some concern.

"No, this kind of artificially created monster. The energy in his body is relatively more stable and not easy to dissipate. If the soul ring is made in this way, the storage time of the soul ring will be greatly extended."

"I'm saying that absorbing such a soul ring is harmful to the human body?"

"Of course not. If so, how can we call the experiment a success?"

Hearing Boss Bai's words, everyone was stunned again.

It turns out that what he has been pursuing is not to use the energy in these soul beasts to create soul beasts, but to directly create soul rings.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Even if it is possible to create a soul ring, it is impossible to do it without decades of research time. How could it be possible to succeed more than ten times? If they could really create it, they would have done it long ago You are famous all over the world, why are you still so low-key?"

Countless scientific researchers on Douluo Continent have reservations about what Boss Bai said.

It is almost impossible to create an artificial soul ring.

<divclass="contentadv">Otherwise, there wouldn’t be that many resources to train a soul master.

Not because of the need to obtain suitable soul rings, but the process of hunting soul rings is very dangerous and may result in loss of troops.

If it is really possible to create an artificial soul ring.

Then, a lot of time spent hunting soul rings will be reduced.

The reduced number of soul beasts can also be controlled.

The ecology on Douluo Continent can also be balanced.

Many scientific researchers know that the reduction in the number of soul beasts will cause diseases.

But there are a huge number of human soul masters. If you don't hunt soul rings or stop them from hunting soul rings, you will become the target of thousands of people.

But they didn't believe it until they saw a soul master who just needed a breakthrough absorbed the first artificial soul ring created by Boss Bai and became a second-ring soul master.

All of them were dumbfounded.

They couldn't even imagine that a technology like artificial soul rings, which had not even been developed for decades, was actually used by one person and developed in less than a month.

Is Boss Bai really a genius in experimenting?

First, they developed a potion that could return people to their youth, and then they developed an artificial soul ring.

"It seems that this time, the Sun and Moon Empire has created another miracle!"

"It doesn't matter if he can create a soul ring, and there are no shortcomings. I want to see how he absorbed it just now. There is no pressure at all. A normal soul ring, no matter how old it is, or how long it takes to absorb it, there is still a little pressure. Yes."

They are both soul rings, but this artificial soul ring is actually gentler, and the success rate of absorption is actually higher, but I don't know if the traces it produces are as comprehensive as wild soul rings.

"Damn it, you researchers are so useless. People can research it in a month, but you haven't made any progress in such a long time."

The emergence of artificial soul rings indicated that the status of Wuhun Palace was likely to be threatened, and even Qian Daoliu was a little panicked.

But at this moment, he could only turn the panic in his heart into anger and vent it on the scientific researchers.

"Asshole, what does this have to do with me?"

A scientific researcher was a little annoyed when he heard this, but he did not dare to respond openly to Qian Daoliu.

This will only make him die faster.

However, this does allow those people to carefully study why they have studied this thing for so many years and still have not made any progress, but the Sun and Moon Empire has achieved such outstanding achievements after only half a month of study.

This is really a bit embarrassing.

"They actually developed a self-made soul ring. It's incredible. Could it be that they can also develop plant-type and auxiliary-type soul rings in the future?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Although these soul rings are roughly the same, there are hidden mysteries inside. It's already amazing to be able to figure out the self-control method of one soul ring. If it is possible to analyze the self-control methods of all soul rings, then It’s a little too outrageous.”

It seemed specifically to hit him in the face.

This person had just finished speaking a second ago, but the video quickly chose to fast forward to a few days later.

Energy was also extracted from various plants in the abyss, and then a self-made method for plant-based soul rings was also developed.

Then he made various classifications of the creatures that could not be caught, and after analyzing some of the abyss creatures whose abilities were biased toward auxiliary abilities, he developed a self-made method for auxiliary soul rings within a few days.

In an instant, the Sun and Moon Empire had researched how to make most types of martial souls and soul rings on the entire continent.

Everyone in the world was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

To be honest, it was actually completed from Empire of the Sun and Moon.The moment they created the artificial soul ring, they were already prepared in their hearts.

But psychological preparation is just psychological preparation after all.

When they actually saw the results, they were quite shocked.

"Ah! I'm such a loser. I've been researching my homemade soul ring for so long, but it's not as good as a little girl's few months of research."

As the chief researcher of the Tiandou Empire, he was also quite shattered at this moment.

This is better than a hammer.

There is no longer any comparison between the two.

Small differences can cause jealousy and dissatisfaction.

But under this huge gap, many researchers who study soul beasts feel ashamed.

This white-haired girl's scientific research achievements are something they can only look up to throughout their lives.

"If the Sun and Moon Empire can disclose the manufacturing methods of these soul rings, the number of soul beasts on the entire Douluo Continent will be greatly maintained."

"Indeed, it would be unimaginable if such a method were ever made public."

"These soul rings can directly enhance the soul master's ability. This is completely different from the new type of medicine before. If soul rings can be produced in large quantities, it will not be a problem for these soul masters to obtain soul rings. That is, This means that the high-end combat power of the Sun and Moon Empire is difficult to be restricted by other places."

"I'm really speechless. One has terrifying healing abilities, and the other can improve the fighting ability of all people. What a joke."

Having a large number of soul masters means having stronger military power.

From this aspect, this is just one of the major uses of artificial soul rings.

But even this made many generals on Douluo Continent feel uneasy.

"What do you Sun Moon Empire want to do? To create these soul rings artificially, do you want to cultivate a large number of outstanding soul masters? What do you need so much high-end power for?"

The generals on Douluo Continent were actually a little scared for a moment.

The monster-like resilience of the Sun and Moon Empire, coupled with their ability to create soul rings, meant that they could train high-level soul masters in large numbers.

If so many high-level soul masters could really be created, it would be a bit scary.

Even the types of their soul rings are quite rich, which means that all kinds of soul masters can grow perfectly.

Even if not many of these people can become Titled Douluo, there are definitely not a few people who can become Titled Douluo from such a large base.

Once these people all grow up and become titled Douluo, it will be a nightmare for many forces on the Douluo Continent.

What's more, those who have not become Titled Douluo cannot be underestimated. There are many cases like this that are bitten to death by ants.

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