Chapter 54 The poison of amber

When Ye Tianxuan said these words, countless people were horrified.

At the same time, a question also arose in their minds, can people really be so crazy and shameless?

"Ning Rongrong: Zundu is fake!"

"Bibi Dong: Boy named Ye, I can tell you that you must have evidence before you speak."

Many of the previously titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace had very gloomy expressions.

For their own selfish desires, they took advantage of generations of people in this city, and as a result, more and more people were poisoned. Then Wuhun Palace directly slandered this as an infectious disease, and even used force to wipe out the place in the end. This is really Is it something that humans can do?

Although she is the Pope of Wuhun Palace, she has only been in this position for a few years, and she has no idea about many things that happened in Wuhun Palace in the past.

"Decades ago, there was indeed a town built with amber. I originally wanted to go there and make a fortune by selling amber, but then I heard that there was an infectious disease there, so I didn't set foot on that land. ."

"My father was doing business in Amber Town at that time, and he never came back in the end. I always thought that he died of poor health. Now it seems that there is another hidden reason."

"Demon-Conquering Douluo: What's the secret? All this is just nonsense. If everyone is really killed, how can this kid know this?"

"Ye Tianxuan: Except for the Jiuxin Haitang lineage who have left long ago, I am the only survivor in the entire Amber Town."

When I think of my parents, sisters, and relatives all dying from that terrible disease and at the hands of the Wuhun Palace people.

During that time, he only had one idea, and that was to destroy mankind!Kill as many people as possible.

In Ye Tianxuan's view, there is no devil in this world, and talents are the most terrifying.

Hell is empty, the devil is on earth.

It is even possible that Wuhundian had already noticed that these ores were poisonous, but they did not tell them the truth, causing everyone in their small village to be poisoned and die.

Those toxins are constantly precipitating through the blood, poisoning generations of descendants in Amber Town. This is not a temporary misfortune.

Now that he finally has a place where he can speak, he will never watch a similar historical situation repeat itself again. Even if he is discovered and killed by the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace, he will not regret it.

"Greyfish Douluo: That's what you say. It's really ridiculous. He's just a clown trying to please others."

This time, Ye Tianxuan did not choose to respond to him, but continued to send his own barrage.

"For those of you who know a little bit about the situation back then, you can think about whether those who have lived or worked in Amber Town for a long time will have some patients with aging or skin loss or even pale skin every now and then."

"Or for those of you who have lived around the Wuhun Palace, do you feel weak?"

"Those who are responsible for digging this kind of ore for Wuhun Palace, do you feel that as long as you are engaged in this industry, your fertility and physical fitness will be greatly reduced?"

Following Ye Tianxuan's words, the entire barrage was completely detonated.

"How do you know? These are issues that are rarely discussed even among our workers. Everyone only thinks that working underground for a long time with little exposure to sunlight will lead to weakness and whitening of the skin. Even if there is extreme illness, In individual cases, everyone doesn’t take it seriously, after all, the work intensity is already very high, and it’s normal to be exhausted, but according to you, could it be that they all died of poisoning?”

"Coiling Dragon Douluo: If you really get to know the miners of Wuhun Palace about this situation, you can know about it. Who are you? Are you a spy sent by other forces?"

"Ye Tianxuan: Regardless of whether my identity is true or false, I can only tell you that this kind of poisoning will not only make you very uncomfortable, but will also be passed on to your children through blood. When it accumulates to a certain level, it will It will explode, and then the whole person will die in pain that is worse than death."

Panlong Douluo was furious at Ye Tianxuan's words, but what the other party said through the sky screen was beyond his control.

<divclass="contentadv">Many people in Douluo Continent were shocked by Ye Tianxuan's speech.

It will not only affect the body, but also affect future generations. Fertility will be reduced, and people will be worse off than dead.

If this were true, it would be horrific.

"Coiling Dragon Douluo: You're just an alarmist clown. Don't believe it. It's just that some people are jealous of the high price of amber in our Wuhun Palace. Our Wuhun Palace will gradually reduce the price of amber. Please stay sensible and don't be fooled by someone. These clowns are misleading."

Panlong Douluo continued to quibble.

And on the sky screen, the next video played made Panlong Douluo's sophistry pale in comparison.

The title of the video is A Day in the Life of an Ordinary Miner at Wuhundian Amber Mountain.

In a dark underground mine, many ordinary people were holding tools.These extremely strong ambers are mined with clanging sounds.

These people have no protection at all.Many people were even naked, pounding the ores and then carrying them out.

Suddenly, someone screamed and fell down.

"Why do you think someone fell down from exhaustion again? It's true. Everyone is mining. Although this is a bit tiring, the rewards from Wuhun Palace are also high. Why is it so useless?"

"That's it."

"Haha, Xue Yiqing, could it be that you were paid yesterday? You've been tossing around a woman's belly for a long time, and you're exhausted so quickly?"

Some other miners around also joked.

It seems that they have become accustomed to this problem and do not regard it as a big problem.

The atmosphere was very pleasant at first.

But the people who were carried down for treatment soon received the news, which stunned the miners one by one.

Xue Yiqing, who fainted just now, died of overwork.

"Okay, don't think so much. This is the salary paid to everyone by the above, and everyone is allowed to have a good rest for two days."

"No, how is this possible? I saw with my own eyes under the bed last night that boy Xue Yiqing had no problem fighting seven girls at night. How could he be exhausted so easily?"

"We don't know that the world is impermanent. Please forgive me. After our examination, it seems that the boy's kidneys have been drained long ago and his body is empty."

The picture on the sky screen suddenly turned to the base on the ground, the office of the person in charge.

The person in charge at this time was Panlong Douluo, who had been scolding Ye Tianxuan on the sky screen just now.

Opposite him were also sitting several Soul Douluo from Wuhun Palace at that time, as well as Xuexing.

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