Reborn 1990 Legal Little Wife

Chapter 92 Zhou Yanshen, the long-mouthed one who knows how to explain

Teacher Feng held Ye Sheng's hand tightly and looked at Teacher Ge: "We are afraid that we have met a ghost and hit the wall!"

The surrounding night was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, and the path leading into the valley looked like a monster's huge mouth, capable of swallowing people in the next second.

Ye Sheng's arm was so painful from being scratched by Teacher Feng that she felt a little scared: "It's okay. Let's calm down first and think about whether we made the wrong move just now."

Teacher Ge was a little unwilling to give up: "We are obviously on the right track, how could it be wrong?"

He took Ye Sheng and the others for a walk again, and returned to the same place an hour later.

Ma Hang was young and had never seen anything like this before. His legs were shaking with fear and he held Teacher Ge's hand tightly.

Teacher Ge frowned: "It seems that we really encountered a ghost hitting the wall. How about we wait here until dawn, or continue to find the way?"

It was late at night, the temperature dropped sharply, and from time to time there were shrill screams from unknown animals around, which was particularly scary in the middle of the night.

Teacher Feng's teeth were chattering as he spoke: "Ye Sheng, what do you think we should do, should we leave or not?"

Ye Sheng has no such experience, but waiting here is not an option: "We'd better walk back slowly. If it doesn't work, find a more open place and see if we can light a fire. It's too cold in the middle of the night to wait here. My body can’t bear it.”

The four of them walked back again, maybe because they were too scared. Ma Hang's steps were a little stiff and messy. He didn't know what he stepped on, but his feet slipped and he disappeared!

Only then did Ye Sheng and the others realize that there were traps on the roadside!

Teacher Ge quickly lay down and shined a flashlight inside: "Ma Hang? Are you injured?"

Almost at the same time, a dozen beams of light lit up around him, and someone came around with a flashlight.

Someone shouted first: "Don't be afraid, we are from the [-]th Air Regiment of the People's Liberation Army."

Ye Sheng was stunned for a moment when she heard Kong Ba Tuan, and turned her head in surprise. The light of the flashlight made her unable to see the faces of these people, but she still felt very friendly.

Teacher Feng also seemed to have suddenly received reassurance: "Are you from the Kongba Group? Oh, great, we are lost, and a child fell into a trap."

A heavily armed soldier ran over and said, "Don't worry yet. There is wheat straw under this trap, so it won't be dangerous."

Another two people came over and went to the edge of the trap. Someone jumped down and pulled Ma Hang up.

Ye Sheng didn't care about this and looked around with some expectation. She looked around but didn't see the familiar figure, and her eyes were a little disappointed.

Just as he was about to turn around, someone gently rubbed his head: "Silly, what are you looking for?"

Ye Sheng turned around in surprise, and it turned out to be Zhou Yanshen!He was wearing a camouflage helmet and a face painted with paint. Under the weak flashlight light, his appearance could not be seen clearly, but his eyes were exceptionally bright.

He couldn't help but blurt out: "Zhou Yanshen!"

Zhou Yanshen rubbed the top of her hair again: "You are so brave, you dare to come to Heixionggou."

Ye Sheng's tense heart instantly relaxed when he saw Zhou Yanshen. Only later did he realize that his back was already wet with cold sweat on such a cold day: "Two students are lost. We are Came to find them.”

Zhou Yanshen frowned: "So you walked around here several times just to find students?"

Ye Sheng groaned: "We got lost here. I don't know why we walked back the way we came, walked around and came back here."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yanshen and the others had been lurking nearby, and they could clearly see how they were getting lost while going back and forth.

Teacher Feng also recognized Zhou Yanshen and was no longer afraid now: "Squadron Captain, it's great to meet you. We were afraid that we might have met a ghost just now!"

Zhou Yan smiled deeply and comforted him: "You are just lost. Where is the devil breaking the wall? Come with us to the tent to rest for a while, and we will send you back when it gets light."

They originally wanted to set a trap here to catch Lan Fang's people, but they didn't expect Ye Sheng and the others to break in by mistake.

Zhou Yanshen heard Ye Sheng's voice first, and couldn't believe that he met the girl who had run away from home here. Finally, he watched them walking back and forth and talking incessantly.

I just didn't expect that these four people would keep going around in circles and eventually fall into a trap. It would be impossible for them not to come out.

Teacher Feng was cold and tired, and his eyes lit up after hearing Zhou Yanshen's suggestion: "Okay, okay, let's go quickly, my old bones can't stand it any longer."

Zhou Yanshen pushed Ye Sheng's shoulders: "Turn back, follow and don't lose it."

Seeing Zhou Yanshen's affectionate attitude toward Ye Sheng, the surrounding soldiers started making a fuss: "Squadron Captain, this is my sister-in-law."

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Sister-in-law, my name is..."


Several people were chattering away, but Ye Sheng didn't remember a single name. He just saw the shining eyes and big white teeth.

Zhou Yanshen looked at the few people with disgust: "Hurry up and change the plan, and let Lan Fang people make dumplings later."

Ye Sheng followed Zhou Yanshen into the car. The car was parked not far away. They walked back and forth several times and didn't even see it!

Zhou Yanshen's temporary camp was not far away, it was a 10-minute drive into the valley.

Teacher Ge sighed: "If I had known you were in the valley, we would have come in. Teacher Xiaoye is still afraid of wild beasts inside."

Zhou Yanshen laughed deeply: "This place is called Black Bear Valley, but there are really black bears and wolves. You came in blindly just to bring midnight snacks to the black bears."

After Ye Sheng confirmed that Ma Hang was not injured, he was worried about the safety of the two boys.

Zhou Yanshen glanced at Ye Sheng, who had been silent all this time: "You guys have something to eat in a while, and I will take you to find those two students. You just have to walk. When can you find them?"

Ye Sheng turned to look at Zhou Yanshen. It was dark in the car and she could only vaguely see his outline, but she was filled with emotion.

I don’t know why, but a corner of my heart started to collapse.

Zhou Yanshen's temporary residence was in several large tents, with lanterns lit inside and the light dim.

Zhou Yanshen asked people to get some food for the four people, and asked people to pour hot water for a few people: "Don't worry about the students. I have contacted the army to look for them. Take a rest, and I will take you to look for them. "

After speaking, he called Ye Sheng: "Ye Sheng, come out with me for a moment."

Ye Sheng followed Zhou Yanshen out and walked to the corner of the tent. Zhou Yanshen stuffed a bag of things into Ye Sheng: "Take it. If you encounter difficulties, remember to find me."

Ye Sheng squeezed the cloth bag. It was heavy and a little hard. She didn't know what it was: "I didn't know you were here."

Zhou Yanshen was silent for a moment: "Why did you leave suddenly without saying a word? You can just leave a note. I was in a hurry to pick up the experts in the city that day, and then I kept repairing the aircraft over and over again. When I got home from work, I still I thought you stole my quilt and ran away."

Ye Sheng was stunned for a moment and suddenly became excited: "You went to the city to pick up experts?"

Zhou Yanshen wondered: "Otherwise, who do you think I would pick up?"

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