Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 77 Bibi Dong evolves in the death realm and begins self-purification

Chapter 77 Bibi Dong evolves in the death realm and opens the road to self-purification

"Qin Ming, if Wuhun Palace really has a potion to help increase soul power, it would be better to go to Wuhun City."

Flanders patted the students on the shoulders, feeling a little uninterested. No wonder everyone was thinking of joining the Spirit Hall.

He was treated like this when he first entered for the interview. He, Flanders, had lived for nearly 40 years and had never smelled the soul-power-enhancing potion.

If we talk about the cultivation environment, the mimic cultivation environment has top-notch forces. If Qin Ming went to Wuhun City, the environment there would not be worse than the Tiandou Royal Senior Soul Master Academy.

Coupled with the weight of the potion and the difference in background between the two, the Tiandou Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy has only two advantages.

[-]. There are a lot of gold soul coins given, and there are corresponding titles. The status and treatment are definitely better than those in Wuhun City.

[-]. Just like what Dugu Bo said, Qin Ming went to Tiandu Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy and started as a formal teacher. If he changed to Dongzhu Academy in Wuhun City, he started as a trainee and started at a lower level.

A phoenix tail, a chicken head, this is the approximate difference between the two.

In addition, if Qin Ming goes to Wuhun City and joins Wuhun Palace, he can also take this opportunity to promote Shrek Academy and add some appropriate embellishments and exaggerations.

For example, Qin Ming joined Wuhun Hall as a peerless genius. He was the second youngest soul sect in the continent recorded by Wuhun Hall, and was among the first batch of outstanding graduates trained by Shrek Academy.

In a sense, Flanders did not lie. Qin Ming did join the Spirit Hall. The second youngest soul sect in the continent was the one Flanders recognized. The first batch of outstanding graduates was also true, although there was only one. .

Next, add a little exaggeration. For example, Shrek School has a long history. One of the outstanding former students even served as the elder of Wuhun Hall and is now responsible for an important position in Wuhun Hall. . .

Look, after such careful packaging, what civilian child and parent would not be moved after hearing this?Not only will he get more idiots to send him registration fees in the future, but he might actually attract geniuses to invest.

As long as the cake he drew becomes reality in the future, no one will care about his lies.

"I have inquired, teacher, and other candidates have said similar things. The soul power-enhancing potion in the Holy Light Courtyard is most likely true."

Qin Ming hesitated for a moment and made a decision in his heart. He was an orphan anyway, and Shrek Academy was his hometown in his mind.

Since Tiandou City has left home, what's the difference between Wuhun City, the world's number one Wuhun Palace, and their school, and Shrek Academy?Qin Ming's curiosity arose in his heart.

From the soul power enhancing potion, Qin Ming vaguely noticed that the school in Wuhun Palace might be very different from the traditional soul master academy.

"By the way, Dean Flanders, there's one thing I almost forgot." Qin Ming patted his head. It was really that the pressure from the crown prince was too great, so he forgot about the matter.

"what's up?"

"When I signed up at the Holy Light Courtyard, I saw your adopted sister, Dean Liu Erlong."

"Third sister, did she choose to join the Spirit Hall?" Flanders scratched his chin and asked, "You haven't seen what trouble she suffered, have you?"

"I didn't see it." Qin Ming shook his head, "But she left directly. If you have to go to the next room to register to join the Holy Light Courtyard, she should also go to Wuhun City."

"Third sister's talent." Flanders looked at Qin Ming in front of him and made a comparison in his mind. It seemed to be the truth, but wouldn't there be a problem with her identity?

"When you go back to meet His Majesty, let me ask you this." Flanders patted his head in annoyance. It was all his fault that after Qin Ming entered, he went to a place with many people to chat and didn't pay attention to the door at all.

. . . . . .

"I already know about you." After calmly listening to Liu Erlong's self-narration, Dugu Bo nodded gently.

"There is nothing to worry about. The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has closed the mountain. There is no need to talk about the past. You can choose to avoid the actions related to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect."

"Your information will be sealed at the academy, and since your surname is not Yu, no one will know your past. Just think of ending the past and starting a new life."

"By the way, where do you live now?"

"The Fishing Gull Inn."

Liu Erlong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Dugu Bo, whose expression remained unchanged. The things he had been worried about had dissipated like phantoms. The only thing that made her hesitate was the matter about Yu Luo Mian.

Although Dugu Bo said that she did not need to say anything about the past, but knowing that Yu Luomian was threatening the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City, she felt that she could not bear her conscience by not saying a word.

"The hotel is not suitable for practice, let alone the two potions you have to refine. You can move to Wuhun Temple for a while, and I will introduce you to Qingyuan."

"She is my colleague and the vice president of East Spider Academy. She is bringing outstanding students from our academy to Tiandou City for vacation. You can communicate with them more and we will spend more time together in the future."

"In addition, I will tell Salas that the mimetic practice environment is at your disposal. Refine the elixirs and potions as soon as possible. If you make a breakthrough, I, the examiner, will be happy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Also, I have something to tell you."

Liu Erlong straightened his back and raised his face. She was outspoken and had a bad temper. Looking at the messy first half of her life, she felt uncomfortable and wished she could give herself a kick.

It is better to take the straight course than to seek it from the twists and turns.

Faced with a past that was constantly being sorted and messed up, she decided to cut through the mess quickly.


Wolf Fighting Forest.

Under an ancient tree, Yu Xiaogang, whose pants exploded, carefully sprayed potion on his legs, his face turned red and he bared his teeth. A bite mark was clearly visible on his leg.

Not far away, a miserable wolf corpse lay there, full of stench, with a ferocious face, a machete stuck in the body, and above it, a yellow century-old soul ring gradually blurred.

Yu Xiaogang, who carefully bandaged his leg, was filled with palpitations. He originally thought that with his foundation as a soul master and the physical quality possessed by the beast martial soul, it would be easy to kill the century-old soul beast.

Unexpectedly, with no actual combat experience, he encountered an experienced lone wolf with a machete and could not even touch the wolf's tail.

He doesn't know how to conserve energy and lacks exercise. He relies solely on the physical fitness increased by martial arts. His observation, reaction and even endurance can't keep up.

After a while, he was panting and his movements slowed down. The lone wolf saw the opportunity and bit him directly. That is to say, his thick calves were covered with scales, which would have made an ordinary person lame.

However, Yu Xiaogang, who was in severe pain, unleashed his potential and directly followed his survival instinct to activate his first soul skill, blasting the unlucky wolf directly in the face with a loud fart.

Seeing Lone Wolf unconscious on the spot, Yu Xiaogang stabbed Lone Wolf directly into the vital part and killed it.

"No, the century-old soul beast is too dangerous." Yu Xiaogang touched the sweat on his forehead. The wolf corpse did not have a good start in exploding soul bones. It is estimated that no one will recycle the stench.

Then look at the white flowers on his back and lower body. Yu Xiaogang's face turned red and he looked left and right. Fortunately, no one was passing by, so he quickly wiped his butt and changed into a pair of pants.

The impact of his first soul skill was too strong. Unless he took off his pants and farted, his pants would definitely explode first. If the second soul skill was better, let alone the third soul skill.

And more importantly, Luo Sanpao's limit of three guns was also transferred to Yu Xiaogang.

Since Yu Xiaogang's body is obviously not comparable to Luo Sanpao's big belly, once he reaches the upper limit of Sanpao, his habit of farting will reappear.

To put it simply, Yu Xiaogang will store gas bars when he eats normally. If he eats some angry foods such as radishes, it will also accelerate the storage of gas bars.

But when the Qi bar reaches the upper limit, Yu Xiaogang's intestines and stomach are not a fourth-dimensional pocket. This is the principle of water overflowing.

Therefore, for the sake of normal dignity, Yu Xiaogang always maintains his energy bar above the level of two cannons. Whenever he approaches the upper limit of three cannons, he goes straight to the toilet to deflate.

To sum up, although Yu Xiaogang is now a three-ring soul master, he can only use two soul skills, and he cannot use them in front of others. Otherwise, his social death rate will be +100, his face will be reduced to zero, and his reputation will be ruined.

Until this moment, Yuxiao had just thought of the goodness of Luo Sanpao, and the pretense of expecting Luo Sanpao to disappear and give her a new life was forgotten.

After all, he only wanted the power of possession by the martial soul, not the exclusive ability of farting. Yu Xiaogang even imagined that the soul ring and soul skills would change accordingly due to the change of the martial soul.

Later, Yu Xiaogang reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​obtaining soul bones from the century-old soul beast. It was too dangerous. He might as well rely on his good physical fitness after possessing the martial soul to bully the ten-year soul beast.

In fact, if Yu Xiaogang is willing to spend some hard work to practice his eyesight, reaction and weapons in hand, and solve his endurance problem through exercise, he will definitely be able to deal with the century-old spirit beast with his physical fitness.

<divclass="contentadv">A moon stick, a sword, and a gun take ten years, and a machete only takes one year of hard work.

But it's obvious that the master disdains this kind of ordinary weapon with no growth potential. Even a soul master like him can't find the shame to ask ordinary people to learn ordinary people's kung fu.

He is now full of soul bones, which can not only help him change his muscles and bones, improve his own soul power, but also allow him to acquire soul skills other than farting.

"When I recover from my injuries, let's see how I can deal with you wolf cubs!" Yu Xiaogang's face turned grim as he limped toward the outside of the Soul Beast Forest.


Wuhun City, a newly built mimicry practice environment on the right side of the Pope's Palace.

Birds are singing, flowers are fragrant, branches are luxuriant, and vegetation is thick. Such a prosperous environment is undoubtedly suitable for plant and life attribute soul masters.

On the flat lawn in the middle, Bibi Dong sat cross-legged. Her previous mimetic practice environment was completely opposite to this.

Don't expect any sense of beauty in a place filled with lifeless energy. The important reason why she hated practicing as a girl was also because the mimetic training environment was too disgusting.

Soul Bone Skill: Royal Power of Life.

Bibi Dong, whose body was bright, opened her eyes. The next moment, her perception had undergone earth-shaking changes. She could faintly detect everything in Wuhun City and even further away.

But this will not make her brain confused. These perceptions are like a directory. Whichever area she points to, the life in that place will transmit the information she requires to her.

Bibi Dong was even able to give them orders. For example, she gently put down her white onion-like fingers, and the blue silver grass on the lawn gently wrapped its leaves around her fingers.

For another example, she had just lost some vitality due to the separation of the God of Death domain.

Soul bone skills, forced conquest.

Plants with a radius of hundreds of miles gently bowed their heads towards the direction of the Pope's Palace, contributing a bit of their own vitality. Pure white vitality emerged from the depths of Bibi Dong's body.

"A lot." Bibi Dong's face was rosy. She only asked for the minimum amount of life, but the terrifying number of plants raised the total number of lives to a whole new level.

"There is a lot of vitality." Feeling her vitality replenished in the blink of an eye, Bibi Dong injected vitality into the realm of death.

She had a keen intuition: rather than injecting death, it would be more appropriate to inject life before advancing into the realm of death.

The gray deathly silence spread from Bibi Dong, and soon covered the entire mimicry training environment, turning the world into a silent gray.

Among them, many natural lives have not been robbed of vitality and turned into ashes as before, but have slowed down, and the fluctuations of life have slowed down.

The core of the Death Realm, Bibi Dong, was sitting cross-legged on the ground motionless like a clay and wooden statue.

Even if someone came to her and listened carefully at this moment, they could not hear her almost stagnant heartbeat and blood flow as slow as a snail crawling.

Behind her, the nine yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red soul rings were slowly dyed gray. . .

Outside the mimetic practice environment, Hikari nodded gently while looking at the slowly flowing deathly silence in front of him with his hands behind his back.

"Slower is a good thing."

This time, he had no intention of stepping in to help, because Bibi Dong's advancement in the field had obviously embarked on the path of self-purification.

Bibi Dong's previous accumulation is enough, so at this stage, it is most suitable for her to be self-sufficient and not ask for help from others.

"Since you have experienced the super-limited Yagami once, I wonder if you will have a chance to touch your own demeanor this time." Guang turned the white jade finger on his hand thoughtfully.

Forget it, let's think about other tasks in hand.

Guang put away his thoughts and turned his head, alerting the surroundings while calculating the progress of the laboratory.

100 secret blood shields have been made. Because they are of light attribute, they are called holy light shields. With 100 storage bracelets, everyone can be a defensive soul master at critical moments.

The Blue Silver Emperor is growing well, and he plans to use her to produce a large amount of Baiyilai Liquid before throwing her into the laboratory for further cultivation.

Yes, the previous Baicao Pill was indeed made from various affordable herbs, but why was it changed to Baicao Liquid?

That was when Guang found out that he could use the authority of the Blue Silver Emperor to set up a ceremony, command Baicao to gather the vitality of heaven and earth, and finally be able to refine a tank of Baicao Liquid.

This is much better than his previous painstaking elixir refining.

First of all, it is fast and saves time and effort. Secondly, the medicinal effect is almost the same. There is even no need to collect the raw materials of Baicao.

Finally, the vegetation within the ceremony area will only wilt, not die. It is expected that it will return to its original state in a year and a half. It can be called sustainable use. It only takes one shot to change the place.

In this way, the basic pharmaceutical needs of East Spider Academy and Holy Light Courtyard can be fully supplied without much effort.

Then, the first batch of Holy Light Seeds has also begun to be produced, and the users are ordinary members of the Holy Light Courtyard, and their waste martial souls will be converted into initial light.

The numerical values ​​of artificial martial souls like Initial Light are very average. The only advantage is that in the special environment of the Holy Light Courtyard, their soul power cultivation speed will be much faster.

Guang also made it very clear in the plan that the children in the Holy Light Courtyard majored in physical arts, and the body-building boxing was only the basic foundation. The subsequent courses were seamlessly connected with the East Spider Academy, including physical training and bouncy ball training.

In addition to the profit issue of the Holy Light Courtyard, Guang also plans to make a fuss about the Seed of Holy Light. Destroying martial souls is not just for the poor. Those wealthy businessmen and nobles will not be stingy with the right amount of gold soul coins for the opportunity to change their destiny.

There is also good news from the blacksmith shop Silong. They have jointly overcome the technical bottleneck of the lightsaber, and the experimental product should not be far away.

Originally, blacksmithing was a profession that was passed down from family to family. You had to figure out some skills on your own, and passed it down from father to son, and from son to grandson. It was passed down from male to female, and there was basically no communication among peers, so the overall level was stagnant.

One of the original intentions of the founding of the Blacksmith Association was to complement each other with technical exchanges. However, the sectarianism is deeply ingrained, and most of what can be exchanged is basic knowledge. Starting from the master blacksmith, each has its own exclusive technology.

But Silong and Siyu are a special group of people. They come from the same school and are each other's brothers. Moreover, they are both honest and honest characters.

Of course, even so, they will not reveal their technical core to others, but the drawings provided are not the technology they have painstakingly researched themselves.

Since they couldn't study it thoroughly on their own, and it was easy to get it, these two honest people simply made copies of the drawings when they met, and everyone in the blacksmith shop had a copy, so they could brainstorm on technical difficulties.

In this way, from individual research to team conquering, the progress was immediately different. Guang also handed them the relevant information about the firearm, but what he gave was a single drawing.

Finally, the first batch of prisoners from the Force Clan and the Min Clan have arrived at Wuhun City.

According to intelligence feedback, the members of the Force Clan were not very fast and most of them had no brains, so they should have all been captured.

The people of the Min clan were fast, capable of flying, and relatively alert, so they ran away a little, and the number of captives was about five-sixths of the force clan.

However, because the Min clan has a Contra soul called Bai He, a rough calculation shows that it is almost the same and will not be wasted.

It doesn't matter if the Min clan leaves the seeds, just like leeks, a new crop will grow in a few years, and he is quite fond of the magic book of Sharp-tailed Swift.

It feels so good to fly at high speeds in the sky. Not only him, but also everyone who has used the Sharp-tailed Swift Magic Book says it is good.

Let’s talk about the Great Sumeru Hammer and the little angel’s potion. He recently discovered that using Qianxunji to nourish the tube of the Holy Dragon’s blood marrow can produce the blood of the Holy Dragon. Dragon Power Potion is a try.

Isn't it too wasteful to use that tube of Holy Dragon's blood marrow to make medicine? If Qian Xunji works hard to produce more blood of Holy Dragon, the effect of the medicine will not be much different.

Because the little angel's martial spirit is not of dragon type and cannot be absorbed in its core, it is obviously a loss.

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