Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 68: Magic Book, Magic Soldier?The terrifying possibility of martial soul fusion skills

Chapter 68: Magic Book, Magic Soldier?The terrifying possibilities of martial soul fusion skills.

"Flying is the highest state of enjoying freedom." Guang sighed loudly, "Although this sentence is not rigorous enough, the feeling above the sky is really different. No wonder Titled Douluo always talks about being able to fly."

"Look, people are smaller than dust in our eyes. There is only a little bit left in the East Spider Academy. Xie Yue and the others probably can't even look at us anymore. The higher we fly, the more we look like in the eyes of those who can't fly. Small."

Looking at the light of Wuhun City under his feet, he was slightly dissatisfied. His pupils could not reflect the entire Wuhun City.

"How are you two feeling?"

"I don't have any problem at all, but considering Ashue, let's go slow." The little fox grinned, ignoring his shaking calves, and couldn't admit that he was a coward.

"I'm fine, Nana, the scenery here is so beautiful, it doesn't hurt to look at it for a while." Qian Renxue also tightened her little hands, repeating in her heart like a prayer, angels shouldn't be afraid of the sky.

"Is that so?" Guang nodded, the wings behind his back vibrated again, and flew higher.

"Don't, don't fly. In fact, it was pretty good just now." Looking at the Wuhun City that was starting to shrink again, the little fox felt that his heart was about to lose control like a wild horse running wild.

"Nana, aren't you scared anymore? Why don't I send you back first?" Qian Renxue stuck out her tongue. For some reason, she actually tasted a bit of sourness that she had never experienced before in her fear.

"I, I'm not afraid." The little fox gritted his teeth and hugged his senior brother's arm tightly. His heart was filled with excitement. Senior brother, the life of your lovely junior sister is in your hands. You must not betray her trust.

"Brother, I think this speed is too slow, why don't you go faster!" The little fox raised his head and closed his eyes. Come on, let's hurt each other.


The terrifying mechanical sound rang in the ears of Qian Renxue and Hu Liena, "The fourth soul skill is loaded, the speed of wind."

The pure white wings behind the light were dyed light blue by the surging wind soul power. Looking at the rapidly falling scenery, Qian Renxue wanted to weld her back to her brother.

Hu Liena closed her eyes and swallowed as she listened to the popping sound in the air, "Brother, hurry up!"

5000 meters,

Huh, a puff of white air shot out, and it quickly condensed into ice slag.

Feeling the unstoppable trembling of the two little guys in my arms, I knew it was almost time, so I had to pay attention to moderation when practicing courage.

"The fifth soul skill is loaded, the heart of the wind spirit!"

What color is the wind, the green of the wind blade?Or is it the white color of a flying bird?

When Guang used the magic book to forcibly increase the wind attribute affinity to above 100%, the white armor on his body and the blue-white wings on his back disappeared.

But looking at his still flying state and his unaffected body, the armor and wings are still there, but they have turned into a transparent color.

The wind is invisible.

Moreover, Guang used his mind to accurately control this power and shared it with Hu Liena and Qian Renxue.

The next moment, the two of them, who had been holding their necks and talking stiffly, but their heartbeats had soared to 180, suddenly felt relaxed, and the source of their fear disappeared.

Obviously they were still high in the sky, and the speed of light was obviously faster than before, but their mentality was as stress-free as if they were running, jumping and playing on the ground.

The two people who were originally born on the earth seem to have a young, beautiful and loving little mother at this moment. Her name is wind, which is also the sky.

. . . . . .

"The experience is over. Next is the test for you." Guang put Miga down, released the transformation, took the magic book, and loosened his belt. "There is still 96% of the energy reserve, but the authority must be sealed first."

"General permission settings, sealing of the third, fourth, and fifth soul skills." Guang shook his head. In theory, everything he could do could be done by the little guy in front of him.

If he really let fly, the altitude of 5000 meters was just the basis. Even with the full firepower of the pure agility-type sharp-tailed swifts, he couldn't ensure their safety.

"You must follow the instructions and be careful. If the test passes and there are no flaws, I can put this magic book in the laboratory for you to borrow."

Xieyue and Duolong, who rushed to the front, nodded wildly like pounding garlic pestles. It was finally their turn. They were so excited after hearing Nana and the others' descriptions before.

"Then let's start the test from the oldest to the youngest. Xie Yue, you come first. You will only transform. You are not allowed to use soul skills without my order."


"Even if it is an externally attached soul armor, there are requirements for the main body. Complete the test first, and then you can fly as you please." Guang waved his hand and said that the magic book theoretically has three thresholds: physical strength, mental strength and soul power.

But the specific extent of the consumption of one's own soul power, physical strength and mental power still needs to be tested in detail. After all, he and Qing Yuan are strictly special cases.

"The first step to lock in the identity requires a little blood, a little soul power and a little mental power." Guang opened the title page of the magic book and faced Xie Yue to confirm the identity authority.

The general identity can only use the first and second soul skills. After half a year, these little guys can pass the test and get the pilot's license, and Guang will upgrade them to fully open high-level permissions.

"Okay, let's give it a try." Guang looked at Xie Yue who was eager to put on her belt and handed him the magic book. "Just inject a small amount of soul power into the magic book. After the transformation, the spirit will automatically connect to the magic book."

"Five-page magic book, Xie Yue, universal identity confirmation!"


"With soul armor attached, sharp-tailed swift."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't talk about the transformation." Guang watched Xie Yue's changes with interest. Her appearance looked the same as his, and there were no obvious changes in her body, but Xie Yue seemed to have feathers on her body.

"how do you feel?"

"I feel that my physical fitness has increased a bit." Xie Yue shook her hands, "My body is much lighter, and my speed should be greatly improved."

"Is there any pressure or discomfort?" Guang observed Xie Yue carefully, "Try walking two steps and running two steps. Pay special attention to the general loss of physical strength, soul power and mental power. Don't load soul skills yet."

The reason why he started testing with older people first was to find out who the magic book was suitable for. Ordinary people without soul power could not even think about it.

There is no problem for soul masters of the same level or even higher, but the range below the fifth ring and above level 0 still needs to be carefully locked.


The strong wind was howling, and Xie Yue, who ran around the testing ground for two times and threw a set of punches at the same time, was very satisfied. "Senior brother, I feel that the physical and soul power consumption is much less than usual. If the mental power is not loaded with soul power, it seems that there is no consumption."

"Well, it seems that the first step of the experiment was successful, but to be on the safe side, you exit the transformation first, and I will give you a check. If there is no problem, you can then transform again and conduct the second step of the soul flying experiment."

"The soul power and physical strength consumption are indeed ideal, but there is some foreign soul power remaining on your body, but it is far from the warning level." Guang carefully inspected Xie Yue's whole body and nodded after sorting out the results.

"Try flying for a while, remember to do it little by little, don't be in a hurry, first take off, then glide, and then feel the feeling of lifting off the ground."


Feiyu City, Wuhunzi Palace.

Qian Daoliu looked at the information on the table thoughtfully. Bibi Dong's ruthlessness in this matter was somewhat beyond his expectation. He arrested all the Li and Su clans and sent them to Wuhun City, and confiscated their property.

All the millions of gold soul coins obtained were used to track down Tang Hao's whereabouts. With such a reward, Qian Daoliu knew that his own actions would probably be weaker than Bibi Dong's.

Although the doubts lingered in his heart, he was still satisfied with Bibi Dong's resolute actions.

As for Bibi Dong's final proposal, he threatened the Haotian Sect's sect. If Tang Hao's whereabouts could not be revealed within half a year, then he would summon a double-digit number of titled Douluo to destroy the mountain and conquer the temple.

"Alas." Qian Daoliu shook his head. He had also thought about this matter, but two reasons stopped him.

First, he was worried about Tang Chen. The Haotian Sect was an agreement between him and Tang Chen. If he slaughtered the Haotian Sect and broke the agreement, betrayal would not be in line with the teachings of the Angel God. In the future, Tang Chen would retaliate against Wuhun with blood for blood and tooth for tooth. What to do with the city?

The second is that he is worried that other first-rate forces will join forces because of Wuhun Palace's big move, and the huge external pressure will make them abandon their past grievances. This is not a good thing for Wuhun Palace.

<divclass="contentadv">At least, one Haotian Sect doesn’t have enough meat!

The plan of the living cannot be ruined because of the dead. This sentence makes Qian Daoliu particularly heartbroken, but considering his granddaughter Qian Renxue, he still puts it into practice.

In another 20 years at most, Wuhun Palace's many preparations will come to fruition. . .

Ji'er, for Xue'er, I can only aggrieve you.

Qian Daoliu continued to look at the information. Tang Hao was indeed as Bai He and others had said. He could not find his whereabouts at all, and there were not many traces of third-party forces.

However, the full force of the Intelligence Department has exposed many secrets of other forces. For example, on the Xingluo side, there seems to be signs of disharmony within the Dai family and the Zhu family.

Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, had just come to power and was known as a good dancer in Tiandou City.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was not very honest, saying that the mountain was closed, but intelligence showed that a team of five or six people secretly descended from Tianlei Mountain, and the target direction seemed to be Tiandou City.

On the other side of Wuhun City, Wuhun Academy's poor record in the friendly matches made him frown, and Qianfeng's report on the characteristics of Dongzhu Academy also made him nod slightly.

Bibi Dong indeed has a big secret, which is also a sign of a trend-setter in every era. He will naturally not do stupid things as he matures.

Dongzhu Academy is also a part of Wuhun Palace, and the more than 100 students trained by Bibi Dong are also the future of Wuhun Palace, so Qian Daoliu does not covet him, he is a qualified leader.

Paying attention to education and cultivating a large number of new talents may seem a bit redundant, but 20 years from now Wuhun Palace may still be short of manpower.

Finally, Bibi Dong planned to send his elder Dugubo to Tiandou City to open the lower courtyard of the East Spider Academy.

Tiandou City?Qian Daoliu thought about it. The Tiandou Royal Family, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, the Qibao Glazed Sect, and the demons and ghosts all gathered there. Salas, the platinum bishop, was indeed a bit unsatisfied.

Although I don’t know what kind of medicine is sold in Bibi Dong Gourd?But Qian Daoliu had no objection at all.

There are many titled Douluo in our family, but most of them like to practice in seclusion. Bibi Dong's faction is not nestled in Wuhun City, which can be regarded as a way to neutralize and improve this dull atmosphere.


Looking at Miga landing gracefully, Guang can basically confirm that the difference in soul power should not exceed 30 levels when using the magic book.

However, the influencing factors of soul power are relatively small, mainly physical and mental, so there is no pressure for people with extraordinary talents like Miga to use it.

The inferior Duolong can also be used, but you must pay attention to the time and frequency, and remember to meditate and practice all night after using the magic book. It is best to come to him for a simple soul power check.

As for the energy of the Grimoire, it is an independent energy source, and the user's consumption is mainly in control.

Among the five little guys, the one who loves the magic book the most is Xie Yue, because the sharp-tailed swift magic book can run simultaneously with his own Moon Blade martial spirit.

This actual combat effect is much more terrifying than the twin martial souls. You must know that the twin martial souls cannot be used at the same time, not to mention that the magic book is at the fifth-ring level.

After a brief test in actual combat, the bald man's eyes flashed with golden light during the fight, and he even used the golden field to reduce Xie Yue's speed.

"Although this attack is a bit inferior, in terms of speed, it can already crush the average agility attack type soul emperor." Guang nodded and praised, the sharp-tailed swift, which represents the extreme speed, is indeed a perfect match for Xie Yue.

At this moment, Xie Yue's actual combat ability even exceeds that of You Mei. There are two reasons. First, the spiritual attribute and Xie Yue's weapon, the Soul Moon Blade, are not in the same development direction.

Youmei is a path of balanced development, which can better cope with many environmental changes, and has strengths in strength, speed, spirit, and fields.

The Sharp-tailed Swift and the Moon Blade both have a single path with the ultimate agility and attack, 1+1>2. Unless they encounter a particularly restrained opponent in the arena, the suppressive power is difficult for ordinary soul masters to contend with.

The second point is pure numerical value. The power of the five-ring soul king is definitely much stronger than the power of the three-ring soul master!

"From this point of view, it is no exaggeration to say that the magic book of pure strength and speed is even more powerful for a weapon soul master." Guang was quite satisfied.

The speed type is suitable for weapon soul masters with light weapons like Xie Yue, while the power type is more suitable for weapon soul masters with heavy weapons. Think about it, if those weapon soul masters with sledgehammers and giant axes are matched with the huge strength of the powerful gorilla, think about it. It's very exciting just thinking about it.

This makes the Li and Min clans even more precious. In addition to the extermination demon chief, the Soul Saint-level seven-page magic book must also be prepared. Guang thought about it, but it was a pity that the leader of the Li clan, Titan, needed more money. These resources should be cultivated and supplemented.

It's not that Guang doesn't want to write the final nine-page magic book, but the Li and Min clans don't have titles, and his current technical reserves are insufficient, so he won't daydream about it.

Moreover, it is theoretically speculated that the seven-page magic book will be significantly different from the six-page magic book and below due to the relationship between the martial soul's true form. More research is needed on this point to avoid accidental waste of materials.

One more thing, the current magic book is so suitable for weapon soul soul masters, so to change the idea, for the soul master with beast soul, the best weapon is the weapon soul transformation weapon that imitates the principle of the magic book.

Think about it, a magic weapon with a bunch of soul ring-enhanced weapon attributes, what ordinary weapons can compare with it?

This is a completely new direction. Guang nodded. This direction will not cause the rejection problem of the Beast Soul Demonic Book. I have a knife in my left hand and a sword in my right hand. There is nothing wrong with it.

"By the way, brother, under normal circumstances the beast spirits will repel each other." Qian Renxue scratched her head, "But what if the two beast spirits are very compatible?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, is it possible to activate a martial soul fusion skill between one's own martial soul and the martial soul from the magic book?" Qian Renxue, who has had no friends since she was a child and likes to read more books, threw a bomb.

"For example, the white tiger spirit of the Dai family of the Star Luo Empire and the ghost cat spirit of the Zhu family are innately compatible. There is a high probability that people of the same age can perform spirit fusion skills."

"So, brother, if you make a magic book about the White Tiger Martial Spirit, or a magic book about the Netherland Cat Martial Spirit, and give it to the right person, will he be able to activate the martial soul fusion skills on his own?"

After Qian Renxue finished speaking, the whole place was silent.

If Xie Yue's moon blade is compatible with the pure agility sharp-tailed swift, then the martial soul fusion skill is the pinnacle of the fit.

Take Hu Liena as an example. If the magic book of Sharp-tailed Swift is also three rings, then the overall quality of the demon will definitely crush it, except that its speed is slightly inferior and it cannot fly.

"Theoretically, it is completely feasible." Guang, with his mind open, took a long breath and confirmed, "In addition, I can estimate the compatibility of the martial soul fusion skills in advance, and it is even possible for two martial arts to be made into the same magic book. "

"It can only be said that I am not from Xingluo, otherwise there must be someone unlucky in the Dai family and the Zhu family." Guang sighed, no matter how close a family friend is, it is not as trustworthy as the power that is completely in his hands.

"You five remember to keep your mouth shut about this matter, and don't mention the magic book to outsiders. This technology is just a seed now, and it is far from the time to bloom and bear fruit. It needs time to settle."

Guang directly brought up a new topic to divert the attention of the five little guys. He was really one-sided at the beginning. Why didn't he expect that the magic book technology could create so many tricks.

Today, these five ignorant little guys are just witnesses and are not very clear about the terrifying meaning behind this technology. However, as time goes by and the soul master world undergoes earth-shaking changes, they will be the biggest beneficiaries.

"There are three ways to charge the magic book. The first is to let it absorb the vitality of heaven and earth on its own. Remember not to put it into the storage soul guide. It will take about a week to fully charge."

"A week? It's so slow." Several little guys shook their heads, especially Xie Yue, who couldn't help but play once a week.

"The second is to soak it in the vitality liquid I prepared. It can be fully charged in three days. It can also be placed in a storage soul guide to recharge, which is more convenient."

"The last option is to come to the lab to find me and charge it all in one day."

"You guys have to pay attention. Although the magic book is good, it is not your own strength. You can play with it, but if I find out that someone's practice progress is delayed because of this, huh."

Guang carefully warned the three little guys that they couldn't do anything at the expense of others.

As for charging, Guang doesn't plan to continue research. Three days is neither long nor short. Even if these little guys go out to practice, the vitality liquid will be enough for them. After all, they are not out to pick troubles and fights.

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