Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 65 The root of Ren Xue’s sadness is that she was born by mistake

Chapter 65 The root of Qian Renxue’s sadness is that she was born by mistake

"What are you talking about? His Royal Highness the Pope is suspected of death, and the Grand Priest ordered His Royal Highness the Saint to temporarily take over the duties of the Pope?!"

Xu Rong, who felt like he was struck by lightning, couldn't hold back anymore and jumped up directly from the table. The two clear fingerprints on his desk could tell that he was completely out of his mind.

Huo Wuxian beside him also felt dizzy, his eyes went dark, and he almost lay down on the ground.

Wan Changsheng spread his hands with embarrassment on his face, "They said that the blockade will be lifted tomorrow morning. You can let me know in advance but don't talk nonsense."

"I heard that it was because the great minister personally took action to find the murderer. In order to prevent leaks, even the elders of the Elder Hall were blocked from information."

"As for Her Royal Highness the Saint's taking over the papal affairs, it is normal for Qingyuan, as her direct subordinate, to have known for some time."

"What's the use of an early night? Now Dongzhi Academy knows everything about what we did." Xu Rongluo returned to the chair and let out a long breath. Now no one has credited the credit, but it has become a bomb that cannot be shaken off.

You know, just now, he was still thinking about whether to personally sponsor Zhou Chenchen with a thousand-year soul bone to increase his chances of winning. Now, hey, just lie down.

"Then us?"

"Stop and take back all the things you did, and try to clean up the traces as much as possible. Do you still want to go all the way to the dark side?"

Xu Rong shook his head. The current situation in Wuhun Palace was very obvious. Apart from Bibi Dong's faction, the only one left was the Great Priest.

However, the Grand Enshrinement Master in charge of the Enshrinement Hall looked down upon weak titled Douluo like them, so the only way was to shrink his head and reduce his presence. In this way, even if Bibi Dong took over as the Pope, he probably wouldn't spend too much effort on him.

The good thing is that you can't count on it. Now you can only work hard to reduce losses.

"By the way, you will be responsible for tomorrow's game. My head seems to be a little hot, and I will have a fever in the next half month."

"Ah?" Huo Wuxian's eyes widened and he was startled subconsciously. As a Contra, he has been disease-free for decades. As a Titled Douluo, Xu Rong will get sick?And this sounds so weird. What does it mean that you are going to have a fever and you can still determine the time for half a month?

"Hey, my stomach doesn't seem to be feeling well. I'll probably have diarrhea in the next week. I'm going to take some time off. I'll be working hard for Lao Huo." Wan Changsheng rolled his eyes and covered his stomach, showing discomfort.

"What are you two doing?"

"It's okay. I'm not feeling very well so I'll go back first. I'll leave the affairs of the academy to you, Lao Huo*2."


"Where is Xu Rong?" Qing Yuan looked at Huo Wuwu in the middle and frowned, why did the Wuhun Academy replace two people?

"They both took sick leave and went home." Huo Wuwu said in a sullen voice. Even if he was straight-tempered, one night was enough for him to react. Damn it, if something happens, they'd all hide, right? Just leave him alone. Top bag.

But he was the only Contra left in the academy, and he couldn't find a replacement even if he wanted to take the blame.

Contra and Titled Douluo were sick and asked for leave at the same time. Everyone in the VIP table looked strange, but they didn't say anything. A piece of news spread quickly this morning, and everyone who heard it was dumbfounded.

The level 95 Pope and his three elders were defeated by a level 90 quasi-titled person. It didn't matter that the three elders were seriously injured. The Pope Qian Xunji was gone as soon as he came out of seclusion.

This shocking turn of events nearly broke the backs of many big figures in the Wuhun Palace. They thought they had sharp intelligence and immediately lined up after receiving the news of Qianxunji's release. Unexpectedly, it took only a short time for the wind to turn in the opposite direction. .

Bibi Dong ascended to the position of pope at least 10 years early. Well, that’s right. Although Bibi Dong was only temporarily acting as pope, she didn’t even have a decent competitor. Even Qian Daoliu couldn’t propose a candidate for the position of pope. Two suitable people, right?

MMP, but this news is only a surprise to a few people, and a shock to most people.

If there will be a return on investment in 10 years, why should we spend ten years in advance? Isn’t it better to take advantage of the current Pope Qian Xunji’s dividends first?

This is what most smart people think.

As a result, Pope Qianxunji, undoubtedly the top quality stock, immediately dived and delisted. The smart people lost all their money, did not eat the mutton, and even made a fuss.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong, a potential stock that few people care about that still has 10 years to take off, has suddenly soared. It is so popular that if you want to pursue investment, you have lost a good opportunity.

"Then let's continue the game." Qingyuan waved her hand. Her words were completely different from yesterday. There was no noise after she spoke, and everyone agreed.

First of all, Qingyuan is the only titled Douluo present, and he is also the most powerful among the elders. Not only did he defeat Xu Rong yesterday, but he also has a bad reputation in the soul master world.

It is said that she burned the entire mountain of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Sect. More than a dozen soul saints joined forces and failed to stop her. In the end, everyone was injured. The direct members suffered heavy losses, and most of the losses of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Sect were taken into account. on her.

Secondly, Qingyuan is Bibi Dong's direct subordinate, and the gap between him and Bibi Dong is too big to build a relationship. Qingyuan can try one or two, at least the relationship can't be too blunt.

The intensity of the competition was even more exciting than yesterday, but only the students and grassroots teachers cared about it, and most of the big shots in the VIP seats were absent-minded.

After all, the fact that Wuhun Palace, the leading force in the world, changes its helm has a huge impact. It is foreseeable that not only the top and bottom of Wuhun Palace itself, but also the entire soul master world will be in turmoil due to this.

Thanks to Yu Luo Mian, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect's wrong example made all the high-level soul masters in the continent know: Although Bibi Dong is female, her personality is completely opposite, strong and domineering.

Whether Bibi Dong has restrained himself after coming to power, remains the same, or becomes more unscrupulous is what everyone is paying close attention to.


Dongzhu Academy selected Dongzhu Team 2 to have a bye, locking in No. 3.

Wuhun Team 1 faced Dongzhu Team 5, and Wuhun Team 1 advanced.

Wuhun Team 2 faced Dongzhu Team 1, and Dongzhu Team 1 advanced.

Tomorrow will start the finals and the match between Huangji Team and Dongzhu Team. The additional event was rejected by both academies.


In the evening, Dongzhu Academy,

"Since Wuhun Academy has given in and the Pope is about to change, there is no need to fight too much." Guang shook his head towards Qingyuan. If he wanted to fight Qianxunji in the ring, he would naturally fight to the end and slap him in the face. swell.

Now, there is no need to give up second place to them to save some face.

Although this little bit of face can only be used to cover up shame, other people in Wuhun Hall expressed complete understanding of the current situation, and even unknowingly suspected that Wuhun Academy was deliberately cracking down on counterfeiting to sell things to Bibi Dong.

"His Highness heard that he will be back the day after tomorrow, and I have to go to the office to sort out the materials." Qingyuan sighed helplessly. She was a little lazy before, but she had to work overtime for the rest of her life.

"Yes, if Bibi Dong comes back, I will definitely have a lot of work to do." Thinking of this, Guang cherished his rare vacation even more. He had already finished the things in his pocket that needed to be dealt with in advance yesterday.

"No more talking, I'm going back to the laboratory to watch the sunset."

The entrance to the laboratory halfway up the mountain,

"Why are you three here?" Guang scratched his head and looked at the three little ones. At this time, Hu Liena and Xie Yue should have returned to the Green Bamboo Garden, and Qian Renxue should have returned to the Enshrinement Hall.

"Hey, senior brother, you always don't go back, and the teacher is not here. It's so boring for me to be alone in the Green Bamboo Garden." The little fox Hu Liena took Qian Renxue's hand and walked forward.

Xie Yue, who was next to her, looked at the plastic sister with disgust. He was not a human being, right? However, it was true that the communication between him and his sister was not on the same channel.

"No, Axue will be alone when she goes back. I'm thinking of joining you to have fun together."

Guang glanced at the low-pressure Qian Renxue. He had seen the poor little girl in the past two days, but knowing the cause of the matter, he subconsciously avoided it. After all, ahem, this was his laboratory. . .

"Then come in. Anyway, my place is big enough. You can choose the guest room or sofa at your choice." Just spread his hands, that's it. He said softly for once, "Have you finished your meal?"

"No." The little fox shook her head. She deliberately didn't go to the canteen and dragged Qian Renxue straight to the experimental area.

"Do you want to have barbecue?"

Food can make people feel happy, especially sweets. Although it cannot wash away the original sadness, it can dilute the bitterness with sweetness.

So Guang specially brought out sweet pudding and kefir for them first, then quickly cut the meat and marinated it, baked four bunches of extremely sweet bread slices and handed them to the three little guys.

Looking at Qian Renxue's slightly accelerated eating speed, Guang nodded slightly.

"If your condition is not very good, I can ask for leave for tomorrow's game. It's just a small matter. After all, you need time to accept some things."

<divclass="contentadv">"You got it, captain." Qian Renxue raised her head. She didn't know why, but the dam that had been closed was now like opening a gate to release water, and crystal tears flowed like a stream. Dull sad face bag.

Guang sighed, walked over and caressed her back, feeling her body trembling slightly, and winked at Hu Liena.

Seeing Hu Liena's confused look, Guang shook his head, where had all the cleverness of this little fox gone, and helplessly opened his arms to take Qian Renxue into his arms and continued to caress her back.

Nothing can be said now. All that can be done is to give the little angel a little external warmth and comfort, so that she can pour out the sadness in her heart into tears.

After that, he could fill it with some warm and sweet beauty.

At the same time, Guang winked at Xie Yue and Hu Liena again. Following the direction of Guang's eyes, the two little guys did not disappoint him this time. They ran to the iron basin where the meat was marinated and started threading the meat skewers.

He couldn't think of anything good about Qian Renxue for a while?So it’s most reliable to make something delicious quickly.

This child, whose father has been in seclusion for five years, has completely disappeared without even seeing him. His mother doesn’t want him, and his grandpa is not here, so he should make up something exciting.

"I'm sorry." Qian Renxue, who felt empty but also felt much better, looked at the wet patch on Guang's chest with a blushing face.

"It's okay." He took a towel and wiped the little angel's face carefully, "The white coat needs to be changed every day."

"My father is gone. Although I only have memories from before I was five years old, there are only two people who have been good to me since I was a child. One is my grandfather and the other is my father."

"You still have Nana and the others." Hikaru scratched his face in embarrassment, feeling Chihiroji in a sense. . .

"Xie Yue, the skewers are ready, bring them over quickly!"

"Oh." Xie Yue hurriedly put the kebabs on the dinner plate, while Hu Liena brought ice juice from the freezer.

"Let's eat some skewers first." Guang gently stroked Qian Renxue's back, and the warm sunlight poured into her body, making her sad body and spirit feel better.

"This is your craft."

"That's right, these are the kebabs made by myself, Hu Liena." The little fox put the kebabs in front of his nostrils and inhaled, "Yeah, it tastes twice as good."

"My senior brother cut and marinated the meat, and I made the skewers. What else did you do besides skewering the meat? There are so many skewers, and it's hard to control the heat."

"Asshole Xie Yue, you don't know how to say something nice to your sister."


"You brother and sister have such a good relationship." Qian Renxue finally had a smile on her gloomy face.

"Who cares about him? He only takes a shower once every five days."

"Aren't you looking for trouble? Doesn't taking a shower count as taking a shower? And you stole the teacher's lipstick and applied it so weirdly that you look pretty in front of the mirror."

"Ah, Xie Yue, I will fight with you." Hu Liena waved the iron stick at Xie Yue, and Xie Yue showed no sign of weakness. The two iron sticks clicked against each other but always kept a safe distance.

There was obvious hesitation on the little angel's face, and his hands subconsciously rubbed the corners of his clothes. His bright eyes were closed for a moment with worry and then he mustered up the courage to open them.

"I know my mother is your teacher Bibi Dong, but she never has me in her eyes. Grandpa told me not to blame her. She also has her reasons, but I can't help but be jealous of you, especially when I see She cares about you so much.”

Well, this little angel is still sincere, Guang's face was just covered up with a silly smile, especially when he saw the confused looks of Hu Liena and Xie Yue, he knew this better than Qian Daoliu.

"I came to East Spider Academy. In addition to Grandpa's request, I also have a little desire in my heart. Although she is still unwilling to give me a look, you three are indeed my only friends."

"Hey, I apologize for my jealousy. Can we be friends, Nana, Xie Yue and brother?"

"Friend?" Hu Liena looked around and looked at Senior Brother Xie Yue.

The little angel looked nervous and clutched her little hands, feeling that her heart was about to jump out of her chest. Just as Guang thought, after pouring out the sadness in her heart, what she subconsciously did was to pursue warmth.

Ten years from birth to now, she has been a lonely child.

"Aren't we friends a long time ago?" The little fox stepped forward and held the little angel's hand. "Otherwise, why would Xie Yue and I bring you to find your senior brother? Although we can't change your misfortune, at least we can Give you a hug."

The little fox who was looking at the gourd and the gourd opened his hands and held the little angel in his arms.

Xie Yue coughed lightly. He rarely spoke in a cold and indifferent manner, "We are friends. If you need anything, if I can help, you can come to me."

"Would you like to be your brother? That's okay. I remember that your birthday on the file is on the 11th next day. Then remember to come to my laboratory with them at noon to celebrate with a cake and gifts."

Guang nodded lightly and mentally recognized the little angel in front of him. He stretched out his hand to gently straighten Qian Renxue's messy blond hair.

. . . . . .

Guang sent Qian Renxue, who was dozing, to the guest room for an early rest. Seeing her loosening her brows, she quickly snored slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

After walking out of the room, Guang turned around and looked at Hu Liena and Xieyue who were following him, with big curiosity written on their faces.

"Senior brother, Ashue, she and the teacher?" Hu Liena, who was the first to be unable to hold back, asked, and Xie Yue next to her also nodded.

"Come here." Guang waved to the two of them and led them to a soundproof empty laboratory. After closing the door, he turned around with an expressionless expression.

Seeing senior brothers Hu Liena and Xie Yue look at each other like this, they subconsciously felt uncertain. They were familiar with their senior brother, even much more familiar with them than their teacher Bibi Dong.

Because they grew up with their senior brother, the teacher was very nice but also very busy, so they often didn’t see anyone.

"Don't tell or communicate about teachers Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, especially in front of teachers. It's best to pretend you don't know about it."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand, senior brother*2."

Seeing the two little guys nodding like quails, he still couldn't hide the curiosity on their faces. He just waved his hands and added a few words to prevent them from falling asleep or even talking in their sleep.

"You and Qian Renxue are friends, that doesn't matter."

"I can recognize her as my sister, just like I have a similar relationship with you, and that doesn't matter."

"But Bibi Dong has no obligation to get close to Qian Renxue, and she also has the right to freely choose her own path."

"I can only tell you that Qian Renxue was born from an error. Although this error has been corrected, the accompanying result of this error, Qian Renxue, has not been eliminated."

"Not eliminating the mistake, choosing to ignore her existence is Bibi Dong's greatest kindness. If it were me, I would wipe everything clean, starting from time and space, from cause and effect, from the original root, leaving nothing in my heart The second half is flawless.”

Speaking of this, Guang's face was expressionless, his eyes glowed with pale gold, and a vague triangle appeared faintly between his eyebrows. The aura on his body was still familiar to Xie Yue and Hu Liena, but a majesty that made people palpitate and suffocate flashed out. Pass.

But it only took a moment for the light to return to its original state, as if everything just now was an illusion.

But Hu Liena and Xie Yue subconsciously engraved this incident in their hearts, including the senior brother's words, and also the senior brother who only existed for a moment. It was difficult to describe in words, but it was more impressive than a knife or an axe.

"The root of Qian Renxue's sadness is that she was born from a mistake. What she wants to pursue is destined to be fruitless, but you can guide her to pursue other beauties in life and let her ignore this doomed thing that is meaningless."

Guang waved his hand and said, "Qian Renxue won't participate in tomorrow's competition. This competition is not important. It's up to you two to prepare well."

"At that time, I will only supervise the work behind you two. If you lose, haha, I just need a few volunteers to test something here."

The brother and sister, who felt a chill on their backs, subconsciously wound up the clockwork. They would be sure to be as safe as possible tomorrow, and they would not lose anything.

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