Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 57 Tang Hao: It hurts, it hurts too much!

Chapter 57 Tang Hao: It hurts, it hurts too much!

A piece of blue-gold right leg bone with a gray surface and no luster at all, a blue grass seed with golden stripes, a book with the word "Big Sumeru Hammer" on the cover, and a gold and silver storage box. ring.

Just looking at the four things Bibi Dong gave him before leaving, he thought deeply. These are all quite good things, at least they have a great reputation.

The first two were the soul bones obtained from the 10-year-old soul beast sacrifice and the grass seeds that seemed to be preserved due to the blood of the soul beast.

The 10-year-old soul bone is a good thing, and the soul beast transformation is even more delicious. After all, the production of the magic book is like the compression of the entire process of condensing the soul ring of the 10-year-old soul beast transformation.

But the bad news is that all they got were the severely shrunk monkey versions. This 10-year-old soul bone just felt like sugarcane bagasse that had been chewed over, but it was lighter than Bibi Dongxiakou, and it was still intact now.

If this is refined by someone, there should be two possibilities. One is that the soul bone is downgraded to the ten thousand year level, leaving only one soul skill.

The other is to still retain two soul skills, but the level of these two soul skills is very likely to be less than ten thousand years.

Let's talk about this young grass. It is obvious that this should be the core talent of the top-level plant-like soul beast with life attributes. It is like leaving an egg behind when a phoenix rises from the ashes, giving it a chance to come back again.

If you take care of it carefully and raise it for two months, you will be able to harvest a 10-year-old soul beast again!

This is purely a dream. Let alone 10 years, it is estimated that [-] years would be enough. If this were the case, it would be necessary to build a mass production assembly line for soul bones and soul rings.

This grass species is not without its advantages. If viewed as a human soul master, it is innately full of soul power, extremely talented and has access to all eight meridians. It does not even have any bottlenecks. As long as it has time and resources, it will definitely be able to cultivate to the level of a titled Douluo. of.

However, planting it next to the Eye of Ice and Fire, ripening like crazy, and harvesting a fairy grass ten years later is not the greatest value of this grass.

The light is like a torch. Since it is a miracle of life attributes, the soul consciousness should be reserved. As long as we can get first-hand information on the soul beast's transformation, even if it is not as valuable as catching a 10-year-old soul beast's transformation for dissection and study, the value It is also immeasurable.

But you can stop thinking about the future. The first thing Guang needs to do is to determine the type of grass.

You must know that 10-year-old soul beasts are undoubtedly the top bloodline, the source bloodline of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, because theoretically they can be transformed into a nine-page magic book.

Moreover, he had never seen this type of grass before, so its value was even higher.

Blue Silver Grass? !

Well, Guang rubbed his eyes and picked up the freshly baked life map and looked at it. Is this the most common roadside weed in Douluo Continent?

The basic structure is the same. Is this 10-year-old soul beast the source of Blue Silver Grass?What's the name of a tooth-flowered flower with a bit of light?The emperor of Lan Yin Cao, Lan Yin Huang, was given a name just as usual.


Not easy to do.

Black iron, iron essence, iron mother.

Iron Arm Bear, Dark Gold Bear, Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.

Blue silver grass,? , Blue Silver Emperor.

On the surface, it seems that a new artificial martial spirit is available, and it is of the control type, but the problem is that Blue Silver Grass is a useless martial spirit!

I just scratched my head, but I haven't heard about the evolved form of Bluesilver Grass. Of course, there is also a method of diluting and cultivating it with the blood of the source, and the effect is even better.

But how do you divide the palm-sized grass seeds? What if there is a problem with the soul consciousness inside if you divide it too much?

Forget it, just waving his hand, the direction of the life attribute of this blue silver grass is obviously not suitable for the control system, nor is it suitable for the soul master.

The biggest advantage of Blue Silver Grass is its vitality. It is the most abundant plant in the entire continent, so its other attributes are very average.

But if he can go one step further and become an evolved or even ultimate Blue Silver Emperor, then he can use the control of the superior bloodline to control the Blue Silver Grass at will and even mobilize the life energy in it. The Blue Silver Grass in the entire Douluo Continent will be It's his backup hidden energy.

Guang's eyes flashed, and this was the biggest advantage of the Blue Silver Emperor. The blue silver grass at the bottom was just a miserable worker who absorbed the vitality of the world and converted it into life food reserves. The one in the middle?It belongs to a good middle level, and the Blue Silver Emperor at the top is the big boss.

Well, the research on grass seeds has not yielded any results, but the idea of ​​soul bones seems to be there. Guang smiled and said, it seems that Bibi Dong is the most suitable soul bone.

What her destiny found was naturally the most suitable for her. This is the truth.

As for the conflict between the determined form of this soul bone and Bibi Dong, he just gritted his teeth and took out the property of a fairy grass and cooperated with the ritual to transform the form. As long as he could get the soul skill he wanted, that would be fine. The trunk bone is a perfect match for Bibi Dong.

As for the big Sumeru hammer, I won’t comment on the content because he doesn’t use a hammer. Instead, he can sort out some techniques for exerting force and give them to Silong’s group of blacksmiths. They should also prepare some rewards for their hard work.

The ring-exploding technique is the core of the Great Sumeru Hammer, and the knowledge of soul rings is also needed.

"Ah, so sleepy, Guang, don't be in a daze, we are back from Wuhun City." Qingyuan yawned, was it easy for her to fly without sleep for three days?If you don't sleep, your skin will be damaged.


An unknown jungle,


A roar with extremely high decibels startled the birds in the entire jungle. The carnivorous beasts heard the powerful aura in the sound and consciously chose to stay away.


The thick old tree flew into the sky with its roots and moist soil. The soil below was flying, and a naked man was literally digging three feet into the ground.

"Ah Yin, my love!"

"Where did he go? How could he not find it?"

Tang Hao's eyes were red, and phantoms appeared in his thick arms. He transformed into a humanoid excavator and was frantically rummaging through his package. Other things were not important. The key was that there were A Yin's grass seeds and soul bones inside.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

"Asshole, that bitch who deserves to be cut into pieces, have no descendants, and be hammered into a pulp, give me back my Ah Yin!" Tang Hao cursed at the last voice in his memory, and then suddenly remembered where the package was. .

At that time, it seemed that he was about to be instantly killed by Bibi Dong's killing move. As a result, unknown power emerged from the Clear Sky Hammer to protect his body, but his clothes were not within the protection range, let alone the package.

That means things could be in their original places?

Tang Hao's eyes lit up and he rushed out of the forest. He wanted to find Ah Yin as quickly as possible!

Star Luo Empire, Feiyu City,

This place was the final meeting place planned by Tang Hao and others. Tai Tan, who had the most money on hand, had already purchased a second-hand courtyard in a side street here.

After Niu Gao led his own engineering team to hammer it away, a reliable stronghold was built.

At this moment, people from the Li, Min, and Yu clans were all gathered here. Among them, the team escorting the young master Tang San was the first team to arrive successfully.

Because this team is the elite of the Force Clan, with a streamlined manpower, and is personally led by Titan's son Taino, the safety is guaranteed. With the carefully prepared carriages and horses, the speed is the fastest on the ground.

But the three tribes attracted attention and the ordinary team sharing the firepower was not so lucky.

Although Chihiro Ji could only see the 10-year-old soul beast in its form, the members of the Spirit Hall in the nearby area would not be so stupid as to actually stand by.

The men who hunted down Tang Hao also made a good income, and secondly, the captured prisoners could be handed over to their superiors, not seeking merit but seeking no faults.

There are many soul masters in Wuhun Palace and their actual combat abilities are not weak. There are few soul masters in single-attribute clans and the opposite in actual combat abilities. The most important reason is that the withdrawal of the Broken Clan has caused the team to lack the fangs and claws to attack.

Of the remaining three clans of soul masters, one is fast, one has strong defense, and one has great strength. Not only do they lack long-range, but they also have no actual counter-attack ability at all. They are typical targets.

Only Tylenol's team set out the earliest and was the fastest, escaping the encirclement first.

Many members of the Min clan managed to escape, but the situation was worse for the Force clan and the Yu clan. Only a small number of the clan's elites reached their destinations, and most of them were injured.

The mood among the clan members is low, and the clan elders above are also worried. Tai Tan is missing, Bai He is seriously injured and is still not out of danger, and only Niu Gao is left as a Soul Douluo.

"Sir, how is the situation?" Niu Gao, an honest man guarding the door, asked expectantly as he watched the doctor in white coat come out of the room.

This is the healing soul emperor that he spent a lot of money to find. The fee is not low but the reputation is excellent.

"It's very troublesome. Let's talk in another place." The doctor's face turned pale, he looked back at the room and sighed. It looked like he knew that things were not optimistic.

Niu Gao had no intention of venting his anger and directly asked the doctor to go to an unoccupied side hall for discussion.

<divclass="contentadv">"This is an injury caused by soul skills. It contains soul power and can penetrate the muscles and bones. Fortunately, if the treatment is delayed for two or three days, my life may not be saved." Seeing that there was no one around, the doctor carefully told Niu Gao Bai He is sad.

"The level of soul power in the wound is so high that I have never seen before. If it is not removed, all my soul skills will be completely useless to the wound. More importantly, the patient's own soul power is close to exhaustion. If that soul power breaks out, I’m afraid my death will be miserable.”

The doctor also acted cautiously. As a Contra with deep soul power, Bai He was tortured to this point. It is conceivable that the person who took action was a titled Douluo!This place is not a good place, and the right way is to try your best to leave as soon as possible.

Moreover, the whole room over there is full of people from the Min clan. If a slight accident causes a medical incident, he will be the unlucky one.

Niu Gao is the patriarch of the Yu clan. Although he is a family friend of the Min clan, he has always had a reputation for being generous and benevolent, so it was only appropriate to inform him of his illness.

"So, sir, is there any legal treatment?"

Niu Gao took a long breath. He had a lot of things to do right now. If he could cure Old White Bird, someone would help him share the pressure.

"I asked the Niu Patriarch to come here. He has his own treatment, but it's just." The doctor stopped here, his voice hesitant.

"Sir, Brother Bai He's life is in danger. Please tell me how to handle the situation, sir. But it doesn't matter."

"Yes." Seeing Niu Gao's sincere attitude, the doctor also nodded. He might as well get away if he was treated early. Even if the other party didn't use it, he could use the steps to claim that he had no other choice and ask Niu Gao to hire someone else.

"First set up an iron chair in a quiet place, with a large ring nailed to the bottom. Ask the patient to put the injured leg through the ring and tie it with a rope. Then a thick quilt is placed over the patient's head and face, and a strong man is quietly asked to hold a sharp knife. When you raise and lower the knife with your hand, you must be quick to cut the injured leg in two, and then I will use healing soul skills to restore the injury and save your life."

"Broken leg!?" Niu Gao's eyes widened. The treatment method was simple and clear. The elder of the Hercules clan could do it, but cutting off one of Bai He's legs would be too much.

"This is the only way to survive by cutting off the gecko's tail." The doctor cupped his hands and lowered his head.

"The damage caused by the soul power is very serious. I have tried all my methods to remove it, but it is getting worse. If you want non-destructive treatment, I am afraid that the Niu Clan leader will have to ask a higher-level soul master to remove the soul power. Is it a healing system?" it is not important."

Seeing Niu Gao walking out of the side hall with a sad face, Niu Gao's son Niu Dali hurried over with a troubled look on his face.

"What's the matter?"

Niu Gao's expression softened a little. Bai He's injury finally had a feasible treatment plan. It was better to break his leg than to lose his life. He didn't intend to hide it. He would tell Bai He the truth later and let him make his own decision.

"Father, it's still a matter with the Force Clan. The Titan Clan Leader hasn't come back yet. Taino wants us to organize an elite team to search for the whereabouts of the Titan Clan Leader and Lord Tang Hao."

"anything else?"

"In addition, many clan members are panic-stricken. Most of them are worried about the follow-up investigation by Wuhun Palace and the betrayal of the Po clan by reviling them for withdrawing early."

"Po Zhi Clan." Niu Gao's eyes were complicated. Their Yu Zhi Clan and Po Zhi Clan had the best personal relationship because they had a tacit understanding of both offense and defense.

This time, Yang Wudi led his clan members to leave early. Although they suffered infamy, they also escaped the difficulties faced by the three clans.

Originally, he planned to ask Yang Wudi to treat the old white bird's injury, but the people of the Min clan were scolding and speaking unpleasantly, so he left the matter alone.

"Dali, how do you see the Po clan's withdrawal this time, and what do our clan members think?" Niu Gao turned his head and had a gentle attitude.

"To be honest, Dad, I and the people below are still mostly envious. We suffered the most heavy losses this time because we ran the slowest. The birdmen of the Min clan ran faster one by one, and now they have the loudest voice."

There was obvious complaint in Niu Dali's voice, "Dad, if you cure the Baihe clan leader, you should stop being the steward here. Let's take the remaining clan members back to Longxing City."

Niu Gao also had a heavy look on his face. He hesitated for a moment and then shook his head, "We have to confirm the news about Lord Tang Hao first."

The Royal Clan has invested so much money in this gamble, so there is no shortage of time to confirm the information.

"My lord is back!"

Bai He, who was lying on the hospital bed, listened to Niu Gao's treatment plan with a gloomy expression. He had to break his leg to survive, which would have reduced most of his speed and ability in melee combat. Moreover, he was missing a leg and had incomplete limbs. He could not accept such a shameful thing.

But without treatment, his life would be gone. As for erasing the soul power, even a Contra could not do it. He was afraid that only Titled Douluo could do this.

"The Lord has returned safely!"

Niu Gao and Bai He looked at each other in shock, and then reacted with surprise. The master had probably broken through the ban, and Bai He's injured leg could be saved.

"Stop talking nonsense and prepare a detailed map for me to return the same way. I want to go back as soon as possible!"

In the courtyard, Tang Hao's face was full of urgency and gloom. He originally wanted to go back to find A Yin, but he found that there was nothing in his body and he couldn't find the way at all.

The brocade clothes on his body were tight, and there were obvious cracks at the joints. It was unknown which unlucky person Tang Hao had ripped them off from.

"My lord, have you broken through to the title Douluo?!" The elder of the Min clan was the first to run over in a hurry. Bai He's injury didn't last long.


Tang Hao's gaze didn't stop at all, he pushed the obstructive old man away irritably, and hurriedly urged the familiar Tylenol to quickly prepare a map for him. He was now anxious, feeling that every minute he was slow, Ah Yin was getting further away from him.

"My lord, Bai He, the leader of our Min clan, suffered a leg injury. He needs your help to remove the soul power in order to save the injured leg. Please give me a favor."

"I'm busy!"

Before the old man could finish speaking, the irritable Tang Hao glared, and the fierce soul pressure made him speechless.

"Lord, here is the map, clothes, dry food, packages, etc. are all in the storage ring. Our clan leader, Titan, went there to look for you and disappeared. Please look for it after you are done."

As soon as he heard that the lord Tang Hao was going back, Tylenol's speed was extremely fast. His biological father disappeared there.

If Tang Hao goes there 1 minute earlier, the hope will be earlier!Their force clan cannot afford to lose the only Contra clan leader and divine craftsman.

As for the leader of the White Crane clan, not to mention that the master is not a doctor, but even if he can help, the time spent is as precious as gold.

Their Min clan had the least casualties to begin with, and now Bai He is missing only one of his legs, and their clan leader Tai Tan's life or death is uncertain.

The elder of the Min clan glared angrily, Damn it, the clan leader of our Li clan is going to die. Don't you know how much hope is left after missing for such a long time?

Their agile clan has poor actual combat capabilities. If the clan leader loses a leg, his combat power will be greatly reduced. If he encounters those powerful fighting spirit saints, he probably has no chance of winning.

At this moment, Niu Gao and Niu Dali had just arrived and saw the old man of the Min clan and Tai Nuo, the temporary head of the Li clan, glaring angrily, their eyes red as if they were looking at enemies.

But Tang Hao in the middle didn't care at all. He opened the map and carefully searched for the best route.


Niu Gao saluted Tang Hao respectfully, but Tang Hao still ignored him. Niu Gao turned around and looked at Tainuo and the others, who were getting more and more noisy. There were even people from their respective tribes gathering behind them, and there was a faint tendency to fall out.

He spoke again, hoping that the map-obsessed lord would raise his head and notice something strange, and say something to maintain harmony.

"My lord, do you see Bai He's leg injury?"

"Fix it yourself!"

Tang Hao closed the map, stepped on the spot, and flew into the sky, Ah Yin, he is here, waiting for him!

Seeing the lord disappear from sight in the blink of an eye, everyone present was stunned. No one expected that Tang Hao would disappear again within 10 minutes.

Go back, why does my lord want to go back?

No one present knew the problem.

It's just that the people of the Force Clan had joy and new hope on their faces, and the people of the Min Clan were livid, and their mouths were almost out of breath. Lord Tang Hao and the others didn't dare to question, but the Force Clan, hum!

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