Chapter 24 Miles and Litty

One of them is called Miles, with a hooked nose, small eyes, and a big mouth. The skin on his face is like dried orange peel. He looks ordinary, but judging from his respectful words and Harveys' gentle attitude, , Qingyuan and Guang knew that this person should be quite popular.

The other man was named Li Ti. He had short hair, simple clothes, a square face and an expressionless face. His eyes were full of hostility when he looked at Miles and the noble deacons behind him.

"Guang, you come and choose." Qingyuan raised her hand, knowing that this selection may affect the two's chances of being promoted to bishop in the future. Harveys had no other thoughts, but devoutly wanted the elders above him to Help him to look at his heir.

Guang walked forward without refusing and looked at the upright and handsome young lady. Miles's face was obviously flattering but he did not speak rashly. Li Ti remained expressionless.

"We need a guide who can lead us to visit Gengxin City and help us purchase rare metals at reasonable prices. Therefore, we hope that this person is very familiar with Gengxin City and is well-connected. It is best to be concise when he should speak and be silent when he should not. , you can come forward if you are interested.”

"Sir, I think I am fully qualified." Miles took a step forward without hesitation. He was well-informed and naturally knew the identities of the two people in front of him.

Li Ti stepped forward and handed over his hand. If he didn't fight for it, he wouldn't be able to sit in the position of officiant.

"Li Ti, when it comes to interpersonal relationships, I am better than you. People need to be self-aware, so you should be responsible for recruiting candidates."

"Myers, your relationship with the top brass of the Blacksmiths Association is not very good."

"So what! I am from a noble noble family, and you are just a lucky blacksmith's son."

Guang turned to look at Bishop Harveys, "Bishop, the competition for your successor is quite fierce. How about you name one?"

"No, His Highness is young and smart, so the candidate he pointed out is naturally more reliable than an old man like me." Harveys smiled and shook his head. To be honest, he also had a headache over the two heirs.

He didn't care about people's shortcomings. The key was that the two of them had very stubborn class concepts, and the people in the entire Wuhun Palace tended to be divided into civilians and aristocrats.

But the purpose of Wuhun Palace is exactly the opposite. It emphasizes being open to all rivers. The narrow labels of aristocrats and commoners do not apply in most Wuhun Palaces. In other places, the view of "the most capable prevails" is adopted. As long as you have the strength and the ability, If you have the ability, you can sit in the corresponding position. Regardless of nobles or commoners, everyone is a member of Wuhun Palace.

It was obvious that whether Miles or Li Ti took over, their personalities would definitely suppress talents from the civilian or aristocratic side. This was something Bishop Harveys did not want to see.

However, he didn't have a better choice, because there were mostly noble soul masters in the Wuhun Palace, and Miles was more filial, so he still preferred Miles in his heart.

"Then let's see what they say." After looking at the two of them, Guang had an idea in his mind. Under normal circumstances, these two people are the people in charge of Wuhun Palace in Gengxin City. Understanding their personalities will influence his future arrangements. There are benefits.

If both of them dissatisfied him, it would not be difficult to remove both of them and replace them with one of his own in a flash of light.

There are three parties in Gengxin City. One is the City Lord's Mansion affiliated with the Star Luo Empire, the other is the dozens of soul masters from the Wuhun Main Palace, and the last is the private power Blacksmiths Association.

That's right, in this metal capital, the blacksmiths who deal with the most metals also have a good status here. It even handles most of the metal raw material transactions and blacksmith finished product transactions in the entire Gengxin City.

If you just want to purchase a large amount of metal raw materials and find someone to simply process them, you can't avoid the Blacksmiths Association. Talking to the top brass of the Blacksmiths Association is the most appropriate channel, so Li Ti's accusation against Miles goes straight to the point. of.

"Elder, Your Highness, Miles has been domineering in the Blacksmith Association, buying and selling by force, which has really ruined the reputation of our Spirit Hall. Now the Blacksmith Association has a very bad impression of him. I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete this list."

Miles, who is good at figuring out the thoughts of those in power, knows very well that those in power must put his own needs first. He can only benefit by allowing those in power to successfully meet their needs.

Therefore, in response to Li Ti's accusation against him, he could only grit his teeth and remain silent with a pale face. He and the old-fashioned men in the Blacksmith Association had already blushed, so what could be done.

After all, he is just a chief priest, not a bishop. The strength of his subordinates is much lower than that of the senior officials of the Blacksmiths Association. He can do whatever he wants to ordinary blacksmiths, but he is unable to deal with the senior officials of the Blacksmiths Association.

As for trying to pull off the elder's title Douluo's skin?Are you kidding? He is not a brainless idiot. The elder can do whatever he wants you to do.

"So you have channels to complete the transactions on the list. I heard that you are the son of a blacksmith and have something to do with the blacksmiths' association?"

"My father is an excellent blacksmith." Li Ti's words were full of pride and he told Guang and Qingyuan about the classification of the blacksmith association. There are seven levels from bottom to top, namely junior blacksmith, intermediate blacksmith, and senior blacksmith. Blacksmith, Master Blacksmith, Master Blacksmith, Master Blacksmith and Master Blacksmith.

"Blacksmith?" Qingyuan frowned. Although he was stronger than ordinary blacksmiths, he was only in the middle of the blacksmith association. Can his words be of any use? “Can you complete the transaction on your list?”

"Of course!" There was obvious excitement in Li Ti's voice. If he could get such a large order for his father Li Yuan, his father's attitude towards Wuhun Palace would change a lot. "My father can find a higher-level blacksmith Grand Master Si Kai, who is one of the four direct disciples of Master Lou Gao, the president of the Blacksmith Association."

"The price? The time cannot exceed a week." Guang and Qingyuan looked at each other and nodded. They directly approached the president of the Blacksmith Association, which sounded good.

"As for the time, it depends on the specific situation." Li Ti touched his head. There was something he didn't say. In fact, his father Li Yuan was a blacksmith who reluctantly relied on his ancestral skills. He was not familiar with the senior officials of the Blacksmith Association and was not familiar with Si. Grandmaster Kai's blacksmith's friendship is only a casual one, but with such a large order and such huge profits, wouldn't the father and son become acquainted with the top brass of the Blacksmith Association?

"The price also depends on the market, but I think it shouldn't be much higher than the market price."

Higher than market price?Qingyuan raised her eyebrows but said nothing, while Jin's voice remained the same.

"How tall?"

"It shouldn't be higher than [-]%. If my father and I are looking for a relationship, it should be about [-]%." Li Ti was calculating, and Miles next to him had a cold look and spoke without hesitation.

"Elder, Your Highness, Li Ti's price is undoubtedly very high. Those chambers of commerce and blacksmith associations will never exceed the market price. There should even be discounts for large transactions. As far as I know, although the profit of metal raw materials It’s not much, but the price offered by the Blacksmiths Association to the Xingluo Chamber of Commerce is 95% off.”

The Star Luo Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the Star Luo Empire. Its background is the Dai family of the Star Luo royal family. The discounts obtained from the Blacksmith Association are almost the highest for long-term cooperation.

"Isn't it true that His Highness is in a hurry to get the goods? It's normal for the price to rise." Li Ti didn't care. "Our Wuhun Palace family has a great cause. Giving profits to the Blacksmith Association can build a good relationship."

"Build a good relationship? Do we have a bad relationship with the Blacksmiths Association?" Guang still had a gentle smile on his face.

"Yes, it's partly because of Miles, but more importantly because of the other two master craftsmen." Li Ti saw Guang's easy-to-talk appearance and no longer concealed what was in his heart.

He is a native of Gengxin City and the son of a blacksmith. Unlike nobles like Miles, his recognition of the profession of blacksmith comes from the heart. In Gengxin City, the divine craftsman is comparable to a titled Douluo. of the highest honor.

"There are three master craftsmen in the world. In addition to the president, master craftsman Lou Gao, the other two are master craftsman Tang Hao and master craftsman Tai Tai. Both of them are concurrently serving as vice presidents of the Blacksmiths Association."

<divclass="contentadv">"But I don’t know why a few years ago? The upper level seemed to have a conflict with the two divine craftsmen. Since then, the relationship between the Blacksmith Association and our Wuhun Lord Hall has been very cold. I don’t know why the upper level didn’t contact us. The two master craftsmen have reconciled. They are two master craftsmen who represent the highest craftsmanship in the entire continent."

These two idiots, Guang rubbed his temples and explained to Sister Yuan next to him, "Tang Hao is the successor of the sect leader of the Haotian Sect. Now he is about to be titled Douluo. The reason for the conflict is very simple. He has a A 10-year-old soul beast takes form, and its value is immeasurable. A common man is innocent of the crime of harboring a jade."

"As for Tai Tan, he is the leader of the Force Clan, one of the four affiliated clans of the Haotian Sect, and he is also a Contra-level practitioner."

"The Haotian Sect closed the mountain. Their four single-attribute clans were abandoned because they followed Tang Hao. As a result, Tang Hao's people could not be found. Now the Li clan is in Tiandou City, and the other three single-attribute clans are in Longxing City. .”

"So he's an enemy." Qingyuan's eyes were cold, and Li Ti shivered subconsciously, feeling a coldness on his back.

"Elder, Your Highness, those are two master craftsmen after all."

"Even if you are a divine craftsman, you are still the enemy of Wuhun Palace." Miles quickly stood up, "You should use all possible means to treat your enemies."

"Miles, you fake Gengxin City person, don't you know the symbol of the Divine Craftsman in Gengxin City?" Li Ti subconsciously retorted, "If you offend the Divine Craftsman, many of our work in Gengxin City cannot be done at all. Expand it!”

"Oh, do most people in Gengxin City think like you?" Guang looked at Li Ti and continued to ask.

"I can't say that the entire Gengxin City thinks this way, but the blacksmiths of the Blacksmiths Association will definitely not approve of our behavior towards the master craftsmen." Li Ti gritted his teeth. He had also done his homework. He heard that the Saints' sect and the Pope The relationship between Yipai and Yipai has been very average in recent years, and he wanted to give it a try.

"Therefore, Elders and His Highness, I implore you to withdraw your arrest and suppression of the two master craftsmen. Continuing the confrontation will not be worth the gain."

"I believe that multiple enemies are worse than multiple friends. On the one hand, we will give the profits to the Blacksmiths Association this time, and on the other hand, you two will return."

"That's enough." Qingyuan coldly interrupted the excited Li Ti, looked at Guang and asked, "How long are you going to let him talk nonsense? This guy's ass is already completely sitting on the Blacksmiths Association and the so-called divine craftsman. Over there.”

"Do I still want to hear about Gengxin City's Spirit Master Hall and who else has the same idea as him, but that's about it."

Guang put away his gentle fake smile and looked at Harveys, who looked helpless, "Bishop Harveys, you know what to do, right?"

"I have done something wrong, please forgive me the elder and your highness." Harveys looked at Li Ti who was still scratching his neck and shook his head. He wanted to smooth things over, but the elder sent a message from the beginning to tell him not to. He talks a lot, but it turns out that Li Ti is also a talented person, and Harveys is also frightened by his many ideas.

"Li Ti's crime is unforgivable and he will be left to your own devices."

"Elder, Your Highness, Bishop, what do you mean by this?" Li Ti's heart tightened when he noticed something was obviously wrong, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans slowly seeped out from his forehead.

"Li Ti, what kind of martial spirit are you, how old are you, and what is your spirit power level?"

"Martial Soul Wujin Hammer, he is 38 years old this year, and his soul power level is level 54."

"Joined the Spirit Hall since childhood?"


"Well, then there is no psychological burden." Guang nodded, "A Soul King officiant is enough as an excuse."

"What excuse?" Before Li Ti could reply, Guang turned to look at Qing Yuan. Qing Yuan understood that he was possessed by a martial soul, and his unreserved soul power made Li Ti quiet.

"Put him in the dungeon, Bishop Harveys, don't be idle, clean the deacons under Li Ti. Miles, you are the guide now, take us to the Blacksmith Guild."


The architecture of Gengxin City is very different from that of the Tiandou Empire. In addition to the difference in architectural styles between the north and the south, it is more of the characteristics of this metal city. The overall tone is mainly iron gray, and the architectural style is also rough and practical. host.

There are many blacksmith shops along the street, and there are even blacksmiths selling things along the street. There are also people handing out flyers. I just picked up one and saw that it was a promotion for the Blacksmith Association's auction.

"What other good things can't be found in the Blacksmith Association's auction?" Qingyuan shook her head with disdain. The divine craftsman is just a compliment, but it does not mean that it can actually create a divine weapon. For a titled Douluo, it is a metal work made by a divine craftsman. It has no practical value either.

"Let's go take a look first!" Guang was very interested, "Those carriages in Yueguan are very good. Even if they are not used in actual combat, they are good for convenience."

"Where is the Blacksmith Association? Go directly!" Qingyuan also became interested and asked Miles to lead the way.

The Blacksmith Association is located in the city center of Gengxin City. It covers a very large area and is more than 30 meters high. It has no decoration and is very simple. A wordless black iron plaque hangs above it, engraved with the pattern of a hammer and a chisel.

Under the plaque, three doors were open, and dense crowds of people were flowing in and out.

"Sir, the Blacksmiths Association is divided into five floors. The first floor is the trading area. Blacksmiths will bring their proud works or some metals here to trade. Of course, there are also vendors who specialize in selling various metals. The second floor is the high-end The trading area is similar to the first floor, but more advanced. The third floor is the blacksmith registration and assessment area. It is dedicated to the blacksmith level assessment. The fourth floor is the VIP area and the auction area. The fifth floor is the office area of ​​the blacksmith association. "

The three of them walked into the lobby on the first floor. It was a completely open hall, very noisy. Except for the huge pillars supporting the building, it was an empty space. There was only a large circle of counters on the outermost circle next to the wall.Behind the counter are various finished products cast by blacksmiths.

"The left side here is for finished product trading, and the right side is for metal trading. Everything here has been authenticated by the Blacksmiths Association. The quality may vary, but there are very few fakes." Miles introduced carefully.

"Then let's go to the auction first?" Qingyuan looked at Guang.

"There's no rush, there's still a lot of time in the auction. Let's go shopping on the first and second floors first. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to find something missing."

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