Douluo: Gou Zai Shrek silently upgrades

Chapter 95 Seeing Ma Xiaotao Again

Chapter 95 Meet Ma Xiaotao again

In the morning of the next day, Zhou Huan stood by the Sea God Lake for a long time, and finally stepped on the lake, heading for Sea God Island.

There was no way, Zhou Huan's superficial cultivation was just that of a level 46 soul sect, but he couldn't fly.

As for the flying soul tool, Zhou Huan felt that he didn't need to waste that money.

Fortunately, he is an ice attribute soul master, and he can walk across the mere lake with ice steps, otherwise he would have to go to Wang Qingya's girl early in the morning to get a flying bun.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhou Huan thought that it was still possible to go to that flaming underground palace.

Although he has become a habit in Shrek these few years, if there is an opportunity to win, Zhou Huan feels that he should make a move.

Furthermore, with Zhang Lexuan, the Snow Emperor, and the Ice Bear King, my own cultivation level could probably compete with an ordinary junior titled Douluo, so the risk index was still relatively low.

Not to fight for opportunities, not to lose a copy, this is not the mentality that a strong person should have.

So, just a few days later, Zhou Huan set foot on Poseidon Island again.

In fact, there were not many people wandering around on Poseidon Island, and Zhou Huan didn't even see a single passerby.

Think about it carefully, and it's easy to understand.

Firstly, there are not many disciples in the inner courtyard; secondly, the disciples in the inner courtyard often go out on missions, and if they don't go out, they will most likely stay in the dormitory to practice.

The last time I came with Zhang Lexuan, I didn't meet anyone else. This time I came alone, and I didn't see anyone.

Zhou Huan naturally had no intention of visiting Poseidon Island now, so he went directly to Zhang Lexuan's house.

It can be regarded as familiar once and twice.

"Clap clap clap."

Zhou Huan knocked gently on the door.

Soon, the door was opened from the inside, but the person standing inside was not Zhang Lexuan, but Ma Xiaotao in red.

Seeing the person in front of him, Zhou Huan was stunned, what the hell?Am I knocking on the wrong door?It shouldn't be, I'm not a road addict, and there is a house near here from Zhang Lexuan's house.

But why was Ma Xiaotao the one who opened the door?

Ma Xiaotao, who was also in a daze, couldn't figure out why Zhou Huan came here.

In the past, she had a very bad impression of this junior because Zhou Huan refused to help her suppress the evil fire.

But later, she got Liehuo Xingjiao's Fiery Glue from Senior Sister, which not only successfully solved the problem of martial arts, but also possessed the ultimate fire.

And all of this was brought about by her disliked junior.

Over the past year, she has spent most of her time in retreat.

After leaving seclusion, I took on another mission, so I never went to say thank you to Zhou Huan.

Moreover, Ma Xiaotao's character was originally very strong, but now she has received such a great favor from Zhou Huan, which made her feel mixed for a while.

Therefore, seeing Zhou Huan suddenly at this moment, Ma Xiaotao was even more embarrassed, but he still said hello first: "Xiaodi Zhou."

Zhou Huan also came to his senses and said, "Hello, senior sister."

Immediately afterwards, Ma Xiaotao finally said, "Junior Zhou, thank you for the Chijiao matter. If you need help in the future, just ask, and I will definitely help."

Ma Xiaotao is still Ma Xiaotao after all. Although she has a fiery personality and a strong personality, she has never been an ungrateful person.

After receiving favors from others, it is natural to repay them, and she, Ma Xiaotao, is not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do.

Moreover, since the evil fire problem was solved, Ma Xiaotao's temper gradually became less irritable than before.

However, regarding Ma Xiaotao's words, Zhou Huan just smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a coincidence."

Zhou Huan actually never thought about asking Ma Xiaotao for anything in return, because rather than giving the hot glue to Ma Xiaotao, it would be better to say that he gave the hot glue to Shrek.

Chijiao is actually a kind of tacit agreement between Zhou Huan and Shrek's top management.

Zhou Huan used this to show that he was Shrek's man and would not harm Shrek, because no hostile force was stupid enough to train an ultimate fire soul master for the other party.

As for Shrek's senior officials, they followed Zhou Huan's wishes and did not bother him or explore him. They just treated him as an ordinary Shrek student.

Obviously, both sides are doing a great job so far.

"What are you doing standing at the door? Come in." At this moment, Zhang Lexuan's voice finally came.

"Sister Le Xuan." Zhou Huan responded, and then walked in.

He just said, how could he go the wrong way, this place is obviously Zhang Lexuan's house, it seems that he happened to meet Ma Xiaotao and come to visit.

Zhou Huan crossed the screen and came to the living room in a familiar way, and then sat on a large wooden chair as if he were at home.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Ma Xiaotao's mouth opened slightly, she was a little stunned, thinking, this kid must not be the first time to come to the elder sister's house.

Zhang Lexuan also sat across from Zhou Huan at this time, and asked: "Here, have you made a decision?"

Hearing this, Zhou Huan nodded: "Well, let's go, with Sister Lexuan here, she will definitely protect me."

Zhang Lexuan listened, and just smiled lightly: "It's not necessary to flatter, we all have to be cautious about unknown places, but knowing that there may be great opportunities, as soul masters, we can't stand still, so I'm very happy You came."

On the other side, Xiao Tao, the discoverer of the Ma Flame Underground Palace, was a little confused when he saw the two singing and playing riddles in unison.

What are these two talking about?

Hate the Riddler the most!

At this time, Zhang Lexuan looked at Ma Xiaotao: "Two days ago, didn't you tell me that the last time you went out on a mission, you encountered a flaming dungeon? Don't wait for Huo Yuhao, now there is a soul master of extreme ice in front of you .”

Hearing this, Ma Xiaotao's beautiful eyes widened. When did Zhou Huan possess the ultimate ice?Has his frost spirit evolved?Are ultimate attributes so easy to obtain?

Just when Ma Xiaotao was shocked, Zhang Lexuan continued: "Why are you so surprised? He can find Li Huo Xing's delicate Chi Jiao, which can transform your evil fire into an ultimate fire. Of course, he can also find treasures, so that you can get a lot of money." His Frost Martial Soul has the ultimate ice."

In fact, even if Zhang Lexuan didn't say anything about Zhou Huan's ice attribute, after he brought back the celestial grass, the Shrek executives would probably have guessed a thing or two.

It doesn't make sense to bring suitable fairy grass for others, but I don't have it?

What's more, Zhou Huan's ice control ability is obvious to all.

Although Zhou Huan has never exposed the extremely terrifying world of ice and snow in front of others like Huo Yuhao, in terms of pure ice control, Zhou Huan's ability is definitely not inferior to Huo Yuhao's, and even the tricks he plays with the ice are all kinds of weird.

For many reasons, in fact, it is no surprise to Shrek's senior management that Zhou Huan possesses the ultimate ice.

It's just that both parties have a tacit agreement not to say anything or ask anything.

And Ma Xiaotao obviously didn't have that IQ, and she couldn't think of such a winding thing.

That's why she was so shocked when she heard Zhang Lexuan say that Zhou Huan had the ultimate ice.

But now after Zhang Lexuan's explanation, Ma Xiaotao has understood, it seems that this is not unacceptable.

Therefore, Ma Xiaotao looked at Zhou Huan and said, "That's fine too. If you can really open the stone door of the underground palace and there are good things inside, you will be the first to choose. I will pay you back a part of the favor."

Of course Zhou Huan was not pretentious, but said frankly: "Thank you very much, Senior Ma."

But at this time, Ma Xiaotao suddenly smiled brightly: "You called me Senior Sister Ma, but as soon as I arrived at Senior Sister's place, I immediately became Sister Lexuan. Don't forget, Senior Sister is now the vice president of the Wuhun Department , that is, you, the principal of the disciples of the outer court, you must know how to respect your master."

Zhou Huan: "..." This hot glue is for nothing, why not use it to make a warm baby.

He, Zhou Huan, didn't like to be a rebellious apprentice. Besides, no matter how he counted, Zhang Lexuan couldn't be regarded as his teacher.

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