Douluo: Gou Zai Shrek silently upgrades

Chapter 2 The roommate next door is Huo Hang

Chapter 2 The roommate next door is Huo Gua

The wind in Sea God Lake is not strong, but it is full of refreshing cool air.

According to the original book, Sea God Island and the inner courtyard are in the center of this lake.

It's a pity that with Zhou Huan's eyesight, he still can't see that far.

As for the mental detection, just kidding, Zhou Huan still wanted to live well, and he didn't dare to do it if he wanted to die.

Naturally, he came to Shrek to get the best educational resources.

Even though Shrek, which has gone through thousands of years, has many rules and ideas that Zhou Huan can't see, it is undeniable that in the entire Douluo Continent, there is no place that can compare with Shrek Academy's understanding of martial arts. Yes, it can even be said that it is beyond reach.

Therefore, Zhou Huan doesn't care about Shrek's rules and ideas.

To him, it was just a place to study, an elite school.

You may not agree with certain ideas of a school, but this does not prevent you from learning the most comprehensive knowledge here.

And most importantly, Shrek Academy and Shrek City are safe!

If Zhou Huan was killed in the legendary era of the Dragon King ten thousand years later, he would not have entered Shrek City. After all, he couldn't resist the twelfth-level custom-installed soul guide shells.

Don't you see that Yun Ming, the peerless celestial arrogance of a generation and the owner of the Sea God Pavilion, fell because of this.

As for now, in the Peerless Tang Sect era, there is no place that is safer than Shrek City.

If it is floating outside, who knows that if one is not careful one day, one will bump into the evil soul master who kills without batting an eyelid. Zhou Huan is very clear about the terrifying teachings of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, due to various reasons, Zhou Huan decided to come to Shrek Academy a long time ago for the safety of his dog's life.

Therefore, for the next six years, he will definitely have to live in the outer courtyard in peace.

As for the inner courtyard, it doesn't matter if you don't enter it.

Of course, if the strength is sufficient and the situation permits, it is not impossible to consider it at all...

stop stop stop!

Zhou Huan immediately interrupted his thoughts and said silently in his heart: "The way of Gou is to be steady and not to wander, only then can you win!"

The first step of the Long March, enrolling in Shrek is considered complete.

Looking at the sparkling Sea God Lake in the setting sun, Zhou Huan suddenly had a feeling that the years have been peaceful, but he wondered if Zhang Lexuan was on Sea God Island at this moment.

In fact, Zhou Huan came here because he wanted to meet that woman as gentle as moonlight.

I haven't seen her for two years, and I don't know if she is doing well.

However, according to the time of the original work, she should have become Contra.

Twenty-something Contra, Zhang Lexuan's aptitude is simply against the sky, even better than the seven first-generation Shrek Seven Monsters who became gods.

You know, Zhang Lexuan doesn't have fairy grass, nor does she have any cheat-style improvement in the divine test.

Just relying on his own practice, he can break through to the level of Contra in his twenties, and his aptitude can be ranked in the top five in ten thousand years.

Zhou Huan thought about himself. In six years, his soul power increased to nineteen levels, with an average increase of three or so levels every year.

For most people, it is considered a genius, but compared with Zhang Lexuan, uh, there is no comparison at all.

What's more, he only made such a fast progress in cultivation when he was at a low level, and the further he went, the slower his progress would be.

Sighing slightly, Zhou Huan stopped thinking about it, turned and walked towards the cafeteria.

Based on his understanding of the original work, Zhou Huan knew that Shrek's cafeteria was the biggest gold swallowing beast.

If you want to eat well, you have to spend a lot of money.

If you eat poorly, of course there are cheap ones, but it is definitely not enough to meet the nutritional needs of a soul master. This is undoubtedly a waste of your time in Shrek.

For Zhou Huan now, he has a little money, but it is definitely not rich.

Three years ago, after his parents passed away, Zhou Huan started his journey of hunting soul beasts.

Not for anything else, just to make money.

Of course, Zhou Huan couldn't be stupid enough to go to the Star Dou Forest to do such a thing, he didn't want to be killed by Di Tian's claws.

Therefore, Zhou Huan just went to some ordinary valleys and deep forests to hunt and kill some low-level soul beasts that were about 200 years old.

Although ten hundred-year-old soul beasts are worth less than one thousand-year-old soul beast, Zhou Huan has never been in danger. Even after he became a great soul master, he found a thousand-year-old soul beast from afar and ran away immediately.

Regarding the matter of hunting soul beasts for money, he has always used quantity to balance quality.

After all, there are tens of thousands of roads, and safety comes first!

As for what you said about protecting soul beasts and maintaining the ecology, it's not that Zhou Huan doesn't care, but that Zhou Huan, who doesn't have enough to eat and is weak, doesn't care.

People have to survive before they are qualified to talk about future issues.

Zhou Huan never enjoyed hunting soul beasts, he just regarded himself as a hunter.

It is natural for hunters to make money by hunting.

If in the process of hunting, he was unfortunately killed by a soul beast, Zhou Huan can also say that he died without complaint.

Therefore, in the past three years, Zhou Huan's actual combat ability has also been continuously improved, especially his sneak attack ability is almost impossible to guard against.

At the same time, the number of his golden soul coins is constantly increasing.

Before coming to Shrek, Zhou Huan also saved about [-] gold soul coins.

For ordinary people, this is already a huge sum of money.

But for a great soul master who is under 12 years old and waiting to be fed, it is really nothing, especially when you still want to buy some natural treasures.

For example, Zhou Huan didn't want Huo Guang to miss out on the Wannian Whale Glue in Jubao Pavilion.

However, it was the first time to set foot in the canteen of Shrek Academy, so Zhou Huan ordered a set meal worth ten gold soul coins.

I have to say that the No. [-] Academy of Douluo Continent is the No. [-] Academy. As long as the price is enough, the food is not only delicious, but also full of nutrition.

Zhou Huan felt that this meal was worth five days of meditation practice.

It's a pity that you can't eat like this every day.

Ten gold soul coins for a meal is really too expensive, not something a poor family like him deserves to enjoy.

Therefore, this meal should be regarded as a celebration of successfully enrolling in Shrek.

With tears in his eyes, he ate ten gold soul coins.

After leaving the cafeteria, it was getting dark.

Zhou Huan didn't wander around anymore, but walked directly to the white dormitory building.

From a distance, he saw the hunched figure lying on the bench in front of the dormitory building.

To be honest, Zhou Huan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated at this moment.

Ninety-nine percent of that old man is the Dragon God Douluo Mu En, the current Sea God Pavilion Master, a Level 99 Limit Douluo, one of the pinnacles in the world.

It would be a joke to say that Zhou Huan was not nervous at all.

However, he is not the mind of a teenager after all, and the nervousness was quickly suppressed by him.

The whole process only took a few seconds, and even his face didn't change from the beginning to the end, and even his eyes just drifted casually over the old man, just like other freshmen.

The only change was that my heartbeat accelerated in those few seconds.

I believe that Tangtang Limit Douluo will not check whether a newborn's heartbeat is normal anytime and anywhere.

The reason for this is not that Zhou Huan has any guilty conscience, after all, he didn't intend to make trouble in Shrek.

Nervousness is just the awe of the weak for such a peerless powerhouse.

Zhou Huan's idea is very simple, he just wants to keep a low profile and not be discovered by anyone, including this Limit Douluo of course.

Therefore, Zhou Huan, like other freshmen, ignored the old man's presence and walked to Room 109 unhurriedly.

He is not Huo Gu, give Mu En a polite greeting.

Zhou Huan didn't want to attract attention, especially Mu En's attention.

Of course, that's not to say Moon is a bad guy.

On the contrary, in the entire Peerless Tang Sect, Mu En is a kind old man, a master of the Sea God Pavilion who deserves the respect of all Shrek teachers and students.

It can be said that Mu En devoted his whole life to Shrek.

However, a book is a book, and when the book becomes a reality, Zhou Huan will not show off due to his stubbornness.

When passing Room 108, Zhou Huan paused, because through the window he saw a thin figure sitting cross-legged on the bed, meditating and practicing.

If he remembered the dormitory number correctly, it should be Huo Gua and Huo Yuhao. I guess the second generation Wang Dong hadn't come yet, otherwise he wouldn't have even closed the curtains.

Actually, why is Zhou Huan so sure that the roommate next door is Huo Gua?

The reason, of course, is that he knew a long time ago that the last All-Continent Soul Master Competition was three years ago, which means that the next Soul Master Competition will be next year, which happens to be when Huo Hang is in his second year.

Therefore, he and Huo Gua were in the same class.

Alas, I am tired.

It's not a good thing to be in the same class as Huo Gua, the son of luck.

Of course, Zhou Huan didn't worry too much.

Well, it's better to stay away from Huo Gua and the second generation of gods in the future, so as not to hurt Chi Yu.

He, Zhou Huan, just be the son of luck, a roommate next door who doesn't deserve a name.

New book set sail, please recommend, please collect.

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