Chapter 86

Xiaolongyue made Yunxi laugh. She squatted down and rubbed her fleshy little hands: "Little baby, do you also know about adults?"

Haoyue put her hands on her hips and stamped her feet, acting like an adult: "Huh, my mother sometimes ignores my father and has to rely on me to pass on the message. What my father sometimes passes to my mother is shame! Shame! Shame!"

Hearing this, Yun Xi squatted on the ground and laughed.

In the study room of Yushi Mansion, Xiao Yushi listened to Mu Yihan's story and finally fully understood everything that happened in Nanyang.

As long as he is not facing matters in the inner house, he can think about problems calmly.

Combined with what Yun Xi said before, he can connect many clues together.

"But the current evidence is not enough to bring down Qin Ruofei." He said to Mu Yihan: "Qin Ruofei can't move at the moment. If he pulls his hair, his whole body will be moved, and the court will be bloody again."

Mu Yihan gave a fist-cup salute: "The censor and I want to go together. Then we will investigate slowly in secret and let them play around for a while."

"The general is smart and like his father." Xiao Yushi said with a smile.

Xiao Wenyu is a man whose career as an official and his dedication to thinking about the future of Daqing are admirable, and he himself admires this type of person.

"Your Excellency, this is a compliment." Mu Yihan held his hand.

"Come, General, drink tea!" Xiao Yushi raised his tea cup and greeted him. He was very optimistic about this young general. No matter how many rumors he had outside, Xiao Wenyu didn't believe it. Because after coming into contact with Mu Yihan, he He felt that this person was practical, reliable, and capable, so he only believed what he saw with his own eyes.

Mu Yihan returned the favor with a cup.

The two of them were drinking tea in the study and planning the future of Daqing together.

Xiao Yushi suddenly thought of something, put down his tea cup and asked: "I want to ask the general a question."

"Why don't you ask for advice? Sir Yushi, please tell me. I will definitely tell you everything I know."

"May I ask the general if you know... who Mr. Yanhua is?"

Mu Yihan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "Why did the Censor ask him what he was doing?"

<divclass="contentadv">"I heard that he was my daughter's master in the royal study that day, so I paid close attention to it and wanted to know more about it so that I could visit him later to thank him for teaching my daughter kung fu."

Yi Han laughed loudly: "Don't, don't, don't, he can't stand this."

After laughing, he straightened up and said, "Master Yushi, why don't you just ask Fifth Miss?"

Xiao Yushi showed an embarrassed expression: "General, to tell you the truth, there are some things I cannot say to Yun Xi."

"Then if I meet you in the future, I will recommend you to the next generation."

"Thank you!" Mu Yihan didn't explain directly, and Xiao Yushi didn't ask too many questions. Maybe he wasn't a big shot.

Li Dui came in and brought two cups of new tea soup and some snacks.This tea had a faint scent of glutinous rice and coconut. Mu Yihan took a sip and his eyes lit up. He couldn't help but drink a few more sips. Seeing that Mu Yihan liked it, Xiao Yushi smiled and said, "This tea is from an old friend of mine. After traveling to the southern country, I brought it back from the southern country. If the general likes it, I will bring back a bag of tea later."

"That's okay, no, no, no."

"General, you're welcome. You saved my little girl and you're so kind to me. I never know how to thank you. If this tea can please the general, it's a blessing."

After Xiao Yushi finished speaking, Li Dui had wrapped the tea leaves and handed them to Mu Yihan.

Yi Han didn't refuse, and accepted it easily. Xiao Yushi was also a military commander before, and military commanders didn't have so many twists and turns. It would be pretentious to always refuse.

The two of them had tea and snacks, and after they had finished eating, the conversation returned to official business.

The main reason is that Si Lichang also participated this time, which shows that the emperor and the empress dowager attach great importance to this matter. Xiao Yushi is happy and ready to make a big move, and he is worthy of the title given by the emperor.

"I hope Master Nanxuan will return to Beijing as soon as possible, so that we can suppress the recent evil trend in Kyoto, which Master Nanxuan and others are somewhat afraid of..." Xiao Yushi sighed as he spoke.

"Don't worry, Master Yushi, Master Nanxuan is ready to come back." Mu Yihan said with a smile.

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