Chapter 78 Don’t follow this trick

But because he hated Yunxi for taking away Yuyao when he was born, he turned a deaf ear to Yunxi for many years, and was not even willing to face her. He sent her back to Cangzhou from the moment she was born.

"In the account books you showed me before, there was an expense each month for buying clothes for Yun Xi, but I asked Li Dui to look at Yun Xi's wardrobe. She doesn't have many decent clothes. You and I Tell me what's going on?"

Qin staggered a few steps, and her words were trembling. Maybe she felt guilty, and she screamed: "Old... Master, you don't believe me! Ask Li Dui to check Yun Xi's wardrobe!"

"It's not that I want Li Dui to check. It's because Sheng Yunxi doesn't have decent clothes for the meeting tomorrow. I didn't believe it, so I asked Li Dui to check what's going on. It turned out that he didn't even have any decent clothes. This 100 per month Where did the two pieces of silver go?"

He didn't plan to ask about this at first. The inner house is dominated by women, and he and his fellow men only have to make money to support their families. If there is nothing else to do, he rushes here.

Besides, Mrs. Qin's words tonight are better than what he has read about the sages for ten years. Yuyao will never be as selfish as her. After all, she is not the woman she chose.

Mrs. Qin refused to give up. She knew where all the money had been spent. He had never asked him in so many years. So when he asked her now, she panicked and said, "Can't you trust me? Can't you trust me?"

She could only repeat this. It was impossible for her to tell Xiao Yushi that over the years she had been in charge of the Yushi Mansion's property, most of the money had gone into her pocket and flowed to the Qin Mansion, including the so-called 100 taels of silver used to buy clothes for Yun Xi. .

"Yes, I just can't trust you now. You should hand over Yuyao's dowry to Yun Xi as soon as possible. I'm afraid that you will leave nothing left. Yuyao will blame me for not being able to keep the dowry for my daughter. I will have no face to face Yuyao after I die. .”

Qin fell to the ground. Even though she was mentally prepared, she was still shocked and couldn't stand hearing what he said. In the past, when Lin Yuyao was here, he never gave him a look. All she could see was a bitch.

Later, when Lin Yuyao died, he still didn't look at her, or even take the initiative to touch her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get into his eyes. He would rather look at Lin Yuyao's portrait all night long, and not leave anything behind. Give her the sight.

However, he left part of Yuyao's dowry and the financial power of the Yushi Mansion to her to take care of. He never asked her about it in so many years. She thought that as time went by, he had some feelings for her, but it turned out...

"Xiao Wenyu, do you know how much I have sacrificed for this family over the years? Now you deny my sacrifice with just one sentence. How deeply you beat Yun Xi with the whip that day makes my heart hurt now!" Mrs. Qin! She felt guilty when she said this. She had sacrificed all these years, but all of her sacrifices were with the Qin Mansion.But the atmosphere has reached this point, and this drama must go on no matter what.

I still feel pity for Mrs. Qin, with her accusing look, any normal man will feel soft-hearted and distressed when he sees it, but Xiao Yushi is the only one who won't do it. , after Yuyao left, the softness in his heart disappeared.He has never been soft-hearted when facing Yun Xi for so many years, let alone Qin, the concubine his mother forced on him, and he has never been moved from the beginning to the end.

"No matter what you say, you must return Yuyao's dowry to Yun Xi. I only give you two days to see it. Otherwise, you don't have to worry about the affairs of the inner house."

After Xiao Yushi finished speaking, he left. The direction he walked was the place where Yuyao lived during his lifetime: Yaoyu Pavilion. After Yuyao's death, this place became a forbidden area. No one was allowed to approach or touch the things inside.

With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Qin gritted her teeth and stopped pretending: "You are heartless, don't blame me for being unrighteous. You can go wherever you like. Never come to my place. I will not give things to a little bitch. Not only will I refuse, but 5000 I will also come over for two gold coins, everything in the Yushi Mansion belongs to Xuan'er!"

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