Chapter 34 The woman in the jar

Xiao Yunxi felt suspicious about completing the task so easily.

Xiao Yunxi is not good at water battles, but he has experienced water battles in his previous life. Qin Ruofei and the five hundred soldiers have no experience in water battles. How could they defeat the enemy so easily, unless Qin Ruofei is familiar with the terrain and enemies of Nanyang? .

She vaguely remembered that the leader of the fraud organization in Nanyang was named Zhou Jiapo. Zhou Jiaping had three major hobbies: counting gold, smoking cigarettes, and playing with women.I haven't heard that he is interested in children. Princess Longyue is not famous enough for Zhou Jiapo to kidnap her. So there is only one possibility. The person who kidnapped Princess Longyue is most likely Qin Ruofei!

After thinking about it, the boat stopped. Yun Xi quickly pretended to have fainted. Fortunately, Xuelu was always there, holding Xuelu in her arms. Someone came in and blew her the scent of ecstasy again. This time she I held my breath in advance, so I didn't inhale it, but I was still groggy.

She felt like she was being carried to another big ship, entered into a room and thrown into a dark corner.

"This dog is such a nuisance, should I throw it into the sea?" Yun Xi heard a thief say.

"Forget it, let's kill him and eat the dog meat. It's more important to do business first."

They lit a kerosene lamp, and Yun Xi discovered that there were many one-meter-high jars in the room.

There were two thieves, one fat and one thin. The fatter thieves kicked the jars one by one.

After a while, there was movement in the jar, and then a head stuck out from the mouth of the jar. Yunxi was surprised to see that those were women's heads. The eyes, nose, ears, and tongue had all been gouged out. It was difficult to distinguish the facial features. She vaguely saw a woman. It's the tofu seller on their street, her name is A-Lian.

She was also surprised for a time as to why A-Lian suddenly disappeared and then appeared here.

At this time, a woman in coarse linen clothes came to these women with a bucket of things, and used a spoon to feed the women one by one with a spoonful of greenish-yellow liquid. The women wolfed down the drink, and Yun Xi could vaguely smell it. Smell sour.

There are 13 jars, and those women who drink the liquid will retract their heads.But on the 13th jar, no woman stuck her head out, and the fat thief kicked her many times but nothing happened.

He directly placed the jar and pulled the woman out, only to find that the woman inside was dead.

"Bah, what a bad luck, throw it into the river to feed the fish."

Yun Xi also discovered that the hands and feet of the woman who was pulled out had been chopped off, like a pig placed in a jar.

"Fat brother, what should I do with this woman?"

The thin thief pointed at Yun Xi.

"We'll wait for the boss to take care of this. Don't hold still for now. The time is coming. Move these jars out first. Don't keep the guests waiting."

The old woman walked up to Yun Xi and spooned a spoonful of liquid for Yun Xi to drink. However, Yun Xi kept pretending to be asleep, but Xue Rong looked at the old woman with a fierce look and her pupils turned red, scaring her away.

Fat and thin asked a few more people to move the jars out one by one, and then locked the door of the room. Yun Xi quietly moved to the crack of the door to take a look. There was a stage below, and the people surrounding the stage were, to be precise. There were men gathered around, looking at those dressed up as Nanyang people.

The thief tipped the jar over, then kicked her. The woman in the jar slowly crawled out. Her hands and feet were chopped off, and she was completely disfigured. Her private parts were completely exposed in front of everyone. Rather than crawling, she looked like a woman. It squirms like a bug.

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