Chapter 74 The day Xiao Wu returns——

Tang San suddenly felt a pain in his heart without any warning!

Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable feeling of loss.

It was as if something important had been ripped away from his life.

However, everyone was rushing hard at this time, chasing Zhang Tianyu in the direction where he was flying away.

So no one noticed anything strange about him.

"What's wrong with me?" Tang San was full of doubts, "Why do I suddenly have this inexplicable feeling?"

At this time he recalled,

When he saw Xiao Wu and Zhang Tianyu together before, he seemed to have had similar feelings.

At that time, he was still sad for a long time, thinking that maybe it was because Xiao Wu took away Zhang Tianyu, which made him feel unhappy. . .

Hiss, wait a minute,

If so,

So this time, who stole what?

After a few seconds, Tang San roughly figured it out.

. . .may be,

Maybe it was because I saw Zhang Tianyu so desperate for Xiao Wu,

So he was a little jealous and felt unhappy.

Apart from this, there is no other explanation.

think of this,

Tang San sighed in his heart,


Why am I a man?

Why didn't my parents conceive me as a girl?

If I were a woman, I could legitimately be with Tianyu,

well!uncomfortable ah!

"I seem to have noticed the aura of that boy Tianyu, over here!" Zhao Wuji said in a deep voice, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

It also brought Tang San's thoughts back to reality, and his whole body was refreshed.

I hope Tianyu is okay!

Tianyu better be fine!

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also kept repeating this sentence in their hearts——

I hope Tianyu is okay!Tianyu better be fine!Otherwise, when I become a Titled Douluo in the future, I will definitely come back and tear up that bullshit Titan Ape with my own hands!

Meng Yiran let go of Zhang Tianyu in a panic, his face flushed to the base of his neck.

Her little hands were tangled together, and her delicate water snake waist twisted, looking very embarrassed.

"Well, don't get me wrong, I was just too happy, so I couldn't hold it back for a moment. This is my way of expressing my gratitude to you. Don't think about it." Meng Yiran pouted and said,

Looking at her little cherry mouth,

Zhang Tianyu really wanted to cough, cough, cough.

But forget it, my grandparents are outside, and making a little noise can attract them both.

It would be bad to label Zhang Tianyu a gangster then.


Hold it!Zhang Tianyu!You are the best!

If you are too impatient to eat hot tofu, don’t rush this moment!

When they return to Soto City, these three old girls will be dealt with one by one!

Thinking of this, he said: "I'm not imagining it, as long as you like it."

Meng Yiran smiled shyly: "You are quite good at talking."

Looking at Zhang Tianyu's handsome face, thinking back to the manly aura that he felt when he got closer to Zhang Tianyu,

Meng Yiran couldn't help but be a little intoxicated!

ah!This little brother is so good!

I'm dying!

"Well, since you can use it now, let's go out," Zhang Tianyu said, "so that senior can find a suitable soul beast for you."

Upon hearing this, Meng Yiran quickly put an end to the random thoughts in his mind, pouted his little mouth again, and said: "Humph, I tell you, if this happens again, I will not comply. You must answer me then." Family, even if this soul guide is returned to you, you must follow me back to the family!"

"Okay, okay, there won't be a next time, really." Zhang Tianyu said with a smile.

As soon as the two of them walked out from behind the bushes, they happened to see Zhao Wuji and his people coming here.

<divclass="contentadv">Both parties meet,

Seeing that Zhang Tianyu was intact, Zhao Wuji and others breathed a sigh of relief, and their worries were finally relieved.

Just seeing the Duke Long and the Snake Lady were there, Zhao Wuji's heart sank.

But after listening to Zhang Tianyu explain the ins and outs of the matter and knowing that the matter had been resolved, Zhao Wuji felt relieved again.

However, Xiao Wu's life or death was uncertain, which made Zhao Wuji feel heavy again.

Hey ~ the ups and downs of life are so fun.

Since there is no conflict now, Duke Long and Snake Lady are too lazy to argue with Zhao Wuji anymore.

The two parties exchanged a few friendly words and then went about their own business.

After seeing off the Unparalleled Dragon and Snake, it’s time to continue the plot and find Xiao Wu.

Now that I think about it, Tang San's heart was really big in the original plot.

He didn't know that the Titan Ape would not actually harm Xiao Wu.

Therefore, Xiao Wu being captured by the Titan Giant Ape, in the eyes of these people, was actually very dangerous and could lead to a narrow escape from death.

So in the case of Xiao Wu narrowly escaping death,

Tang San was actually in the mood to absorb the spirit ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and exchanged secret weapon experiences with Meng Yiran for this spirit ring. Wow, I have to say it was really interesting.

Even if he absorbed the soul ring, he would still be dead against the Titan Ape.

So why did he wait until he absorbed the soul ring before looking for Xiao Wu?

Tsk tsk tsk, no wonder others hate Tang San.

After thinking about these things, anyone would hate Tang San.

"Have you found Xiao Wu?" Zhao Wuji asked Zhang Tianyu.

Zhang Tianyu shook his head: "I will continue to look for it."

"We'll look for it with you!" Tang San said quickly,

"No, Ah San, you have to concentrate on finding the soul beast and getting the soul ring now. Teacher Zhao, you don't have to help me find it, you can just help Tang San get the soul ring."

Everyone was taken aback,

Tang San quickly said: "No! There is no need to worry about my spirit ring, I should first..."

Zhang Tianyu interrupted him: "I am very fast with my sword. If I find the Titan Giant Ape and Xiao Wu, I am confident that I can use the high speed of my sword to rescue Xiao Wu without the Titan Giant Ape paying attention. If you and Xiao Wu are found, I can’t take so many people with me.”

Zhao Wuji wanted to speak, but after hearing these words, he understood what Zhang Tianyu meant,

I think they are a burden!

But there's nothing wrong with Zhang Tianyu's words. They can't fly. Even if they eat flying mushroom sausages, they can't be as fast as Zhang Tianyu.

I think back when Zhang Tianyu was still Soul Master, his speed was already comparable to Flanders, and he was also very easy!

"Can you really do it alone?" Zhao Wuji asked,

"I am a Soul Sect now, so I can do it." Zhang Tianyu replied,

Zao Wuji thought for a while and didn't say much. He just asked Oscar to make a little more sausage and gave it to Zhang Tianyu, and then said: "Hey, it would be great if Flanders came out with you this time... You must pay attention. Be safe! I want you and Xiao Wu to come back safely!"

Zhang Tianyu nodded silently but firmly, flew into the sky riding the underworld, and disappeared from everyone's sight like a black lightning.

"Let's go, Tang San, go find you a soul ring!" Zhao Wuji said.

Looking at the map, a group of people left the place, Zhang Tianyu chuckled,

Tang San, wait!

When Xiao Wu and I come back, you will be bald!

No need to thank me, hehe!

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